BG Blitz games are RIGGED

“If only saying it would make it so.” - Grand Moff Tarkin


Hey hey…. I was applying your logic, not mine.

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Incorrect. You did nothing of the sort.

“ why do we need to prove anything when people said they did it?”

Neither did you.

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proceeds to say stuff like this

and you want to talk about being childish :roll_eyes: :sob: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_monocle:

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How exactly is any of that being childish?.. If you didn’t have double standards, you wouldn’t have any standards at all.

if you have to ask … yikes :sob: :grimacing:


?? that doesn’t even make sense lol none of that is childish. If you think it is, that says much more about you then it does me. But you seem like the type so it’s no surprise.

it does make sense look at you proving my whole point lol

How exactly did I prove your whole point? If you make stuff up, you aren’t making a point. Try thinking with logic instead of your feelings. I know it’s hard but it’s how everyone should think.

oh classic theadreu dont you ever change

Do you really think people have gone 35-0 in Blitz by sheer luck and amazing contributions to win every game all by themselves? Come on man. People are doing it.

Just look at the leaderboards and some of these perfect win % or 97% etc.

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HAHA here we go. Say nonsense you can’t back up and then dodge and attack. Honestly, grow up already.

if thats the case then rip their accounts im not worried bout a thing tbh

So its the beginning of the season of a new expansion. You will end up with players worse/better than you as you climb. The season started a week and half ago. Stop being so dramatic.

It’s may be doable, but it isn’t this boogie man some people on the forums have turned it into. It’s an excuse for losing imo.

But have they shown evidence. They know people largely hate queue syncs, so they could also just say so to mess with us.

It’s not even debatable. Because no one really knows.

Nobody said this…

Where does it say it’s a frequent problem in EU? Blow outs happen without premades. No one is saying is couldn’t happen or has never happened. But this to me is largely to me an excuse for why people are losing.

One tank spec in RSS sure, because of how that tank spec works when queuing.

This applies to every PvP mode in the game though. This isn’t a Blitz issue.

There are differences for one. Epic BGs have a massive queue sync issue. It’s also easier to do because of no cross faction. But BG Blitz is the new mode, the mode they are promoting as the future (BGs at least) and it’s rated. They wouldn’t ignore it if it was an obvious issue.


Ya amazing.

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Like I said…bruh!

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If Blizz forced us to make RBG teams in order to do RBGs and brought back arena teams in order to do arenas, then yea all this boosting stuff would go down big time.

Go down? Boosting and paid carries were huge back in SL. If anything getting rid of blitz and solo shuffle would be a boon to the pay for carry industry. And then all you would see are posts on here about carry teams stomping everyone and win trading.

I feel terrible because i defended the introduction of this game mode, i regret it.