BG Blitz games are RIGGED

I reported it, I suppose others reported it too, I didn’t ask anyone to though.

And I know that the mods read each post that gets reported, even if they’re flagged once.

You did, you said that you were banned because you proved that I lied, when you knew, before you posted it, that you were banned for ‘calling people names’.

This entire post is a complaint about being called a liar:

You do know that the forums are open to customers, don’t you? It’s not stalking if we go to the same club.

Translation: Lying for your own enjoyment.

It sure does people just don’t say that directly. They call you a 2 year old or other things.

Ya the new ones lol if you are letting words on a website upset you you need to take a look at yourself.

Yet I got in trouble for proving his lie and he calls me a liar and a hypocrite… do you not see the problem?

No they don’t… they straight up say the look at posts that are flagged multiple times.

Yes I shortened it but I keep forgetting I need to use small words for you. They straight up said calling someone a liar is calling people names.

Incorrect like normal

Yes but you comment on 90% of my things. That’s weird bud… get a hobby.

Yes, unlike your “lying because you got proven wrong”. Again, I admitted to it, something you are incapable of doing.

Not true we did it a lot to test it beta

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Words have consequences. Don’t get upset over facing the consequences for your speech.
Remember, it’s not the fault of the people who reported you (assuming anyone did). It’s not the fault of the blizzard mods upholding the social contract. It’s your fault for violating it.

There’s places with no moderation where you can go and call others names without rules. These forums are not one of them.

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Never said they didn’t but truth shouldn’t be a bad thing. If you are punishing people for speaking the truth you are in the wrong.

Well, I didn’t call anyone names. I spoke the truth. It simply offended people.

It’s not my fault that you post 90% of your posts in the battlegrounds forums, which is my hobby, playing WoW battlegrounds.

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Well there’s nothing you can do about it now except to try to do better in the future to not repeat the same mistake.
I don’t know what was said, I’ve got no stake in this but I don’t like seeing people blaming everything else except themselves when they make a mistake. Maybe it’s a personal pet peeve of mine but that’s my opinion.

Take your suspension/deletion/whatever it was and move on.



No mistakes were made. I spoke fact and was punished for it. If you can’t see how that’s a problem idk what to tell you honestly.

Finding fifty or more non scum players to do scum behavior to achieve the 3 or more players in an instance to choose what teams win isnt riviting gameplay. We are not in queue sync communities so pooling the players needed to make it work would take longer than it does for queue syncers in communities.

Mhm whatever you need to say I suppose.

People just get annoyed when you question them, who they are and what they are doing.

They really think they are doing nothing wrong, they truly believe that. You see it more and more of it in society “woah me woah me” “im a victim, im a victim” “I was doing nothing wrong officer” etc etc

And anyone who tells it how it is, Eg you, you will be the bad guy because your telling it how it is to yourself.

People just have paper thin skin these days and think they are owed something.

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