BG Ban wave. Blizzard needs to address this

after getting knocked down to 7 days I still dont believe this is right. 7 days for playing capture the flag in a capture the flag battleground is preposterous. In other games like Battlefield 1 if you DONT play the objective some servers will kick or ban you. I have re submitted my ticket. this is a BLIZZARD, GAME, THEM problem and they need to fix their games if capturing a flag is wrong.

AV needs a total rework, remove all tower/bunker flags, remove all NPCS, rams/harpies/mines, one instance 1 boss at each end, you race to kill boss first, you battle each other to slow their progress, maybe even make it so reinforcements lowers the MAX HP of the boss, maybe even remove graveyard flags make graveyards a set faction. all these changes would make it so u have to fight horde players

Here’s an interesting take on staysafe’s video:

I’m not sure I’m understanding the logic with that, can someone help me out here?

My guild is pretty 50/50 New players who never played WotLK and old players like myself who were basically children when the original came out and are back to give it a proper go.

I don’t think AV needs a rework. I think their systems or metrics that they collect when determining something is non participation or not needs to be made to understand the terms of not only playing the game but winning, or attempting to win, the game.

Just curious. How many games did you not do any damage?

A lot of people are trying to defend doing nothing other than sitting in a base and literally doing no damage/healing, but if I remember correctly you were one of the people capping then back capping/going north.

Just got the update on the Bnet as well, it’s been reduced to Sept 13. Looks like it wasn’t a double ban. 7 days for inactivity in an unranked pvp game is still harsh but acceptable compared to 31 days and missing 10 days of Wrath launch.

I’m not accusing one, just from my observations playing, a lot of people were actively not playing before the ban. A lot less now.

There are definitely people in this thread not being completely honest with their gameplay.

If all you did is sit in a base every BG, you’re not actively playing.

Yeah maybe one out of 10 Van/Drek get killed before you have time to do something else, but that’s so rare.

Not to mention you always had the option of leaving the base before it burned if a lot of people were there/back cap group was forming/or the BG decided to try a north rush strat

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There are two systems for chat mutes in play that people conflate with each other. There is the automatic mute after a threshold of player reports within a period of time is met, known colloquially as a “squelch”, and the Silence penalty. The squelch has been in game since May of 2007 and will either be overturned or upgraded into a Silence penalty by a GM. The Silence is the chat mute applied to an account by a GM that doubles in duration each time your account is hit with one. Blizzard is now also outright suspending accounts like they used to way back when, if your chat violations are severe.

Automatic chat mutes are not the same as automatic bans or suspension. Players can’t automatically ban other players with right-click reports, but they can automatically mute them.

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People need to be happy it takes as many people as it does now AND you only get silenced.

During the OW beta a lot of people got silenced. Which happened to include everyone on your bnet being removed, unable to speak in any bnet game, and not being able to use in-game functions.

The problem is the email received was a 7-day silence, not a squelch. Going by his game clock, reported at 12:25, got DC’ed. A few minutes later when he could get back in, found he couldn’t chat. Opened the email, which had a :26 on the timestamp for when the punishment ends. Email also stated “Account Silenced” and was for a 7-day duration.

That doesn’t sound like a squelch at all. This sounds like a straight-up automated silence. Do not pass go, do not collect a squelch.

Those are the same thing. And yes, a silence/squelch is most of the time automated

I’d say Vtm, out of like ~120 games on both my boosted Paladin and my DK, I got games with no damage or healing maybe 10-12 times. Capping a tower and then losing or not making it to Drek in time. I have always been very solid on the mentality that capping the towers is the difference between a win and a loss.

Vrakthris just posted this:

Maybe the squelch and silence are considered the same thing now that they’re back to actually suspending accounts for chat violations. Here’s the original announcement made for the introduction of the automatic squelch, back in 2007:

Here’s the article for the Silence Penalty system introduced in 2016:

And if that’s the case (or, if the squelch has simply been eliminated entirely), then people need to stop using that term and causing confusion for others, especially when we have actual video evidence that plainly shows otherwise.

I always found it silly how squelches had the same penalties as a silence, but they weren’t “official” until a GM supposedly reviewed it. It’s beyond rephrensible that a group of jerks can mass-report someone and kill the following features for their target:

  1. Group invites
  2. In-game chat
  3. LFG
  4. Mailbox

Leaving the community to self-police themselves was a terrible idea and it shows.

This is a “hot” post on reddit today, somewhat relevant to this thread:

So obviously there was some legit bans sprinkled in there with this ban wave, but a lot of innocent folks also got hit with these automated bans as evidenced by all the “oopsie! we made a mistake, ban lifted” emails people have reported getting after-the-fact

Yes the legit bans are being reduced to 7 days for first time offense.

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I still don’t understand what qualifies as a legit ban since they didn’t respond to the scenarios listed out by the community council member’s post.

They conveniently ignored their questions about the rules surround participation in battlegrounds.

My situation was as follows; I started doing AV on September 1st on my paladin at level 69. I would run to either IBT or TPT, wait for it to be destroyed, and then run to Drek (almost always dead before I got there so I would PvP backcappers on the way). I feel like most games didn’t have backcappers so the only action I saw was whatever damage I did to the NPCs at the towers or if I went into the captain room that game.

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They did say they are reviewing their ban criteria. Hopefully they will let everyone know but probably not.

You should not get banned in av for 0 dmg 0 healing. Ever.

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The irony of this statement coming from you in this thread is stunning.


Ohhhh okay, well, that explains a lot.

I have a feeling I had many games with 0 damage and 0 healing or very near 0 damage and 0 healing. My avenger’s shield was hitting for 2-3k on the NPCs which almost kills the archers on it’s own, and that would be the only damage I would see in a game unless backcappers came.

The only thing I think may have screwed me would be leaving a lot of games? I would right click and leave battleground if the game looked like it turned into a turtle at all since they last ~40 minutes and you only get around ~1500 honor. Its less effort to take deserter and hop into a different meta game for another 800 honor.

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