BG Ban wave. Blizzard needs to address this

In addition to all that. The EU punishments are only 7 days…

I’m not getting drug back into a stupid conversation where I simply point out I know my friends and their habits, because I play with them and pay attention.

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By the time a GM actually reviews our appeal tickets it will have already been 7 days. Sounds in line with the current EU suspension times imho. Either way it still sucks for the wrongfully accused, but WAY less excessive than this 30 day BS we got currently.

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Look, I know you just want to get a point across. But today, I went on my other account. Was 10 second out of the cave late or later than everyone else most of the time. As soon as I get to either the tower or Balinda or whatever … everything is dead. Even if you rush north with everyone else, it’s very easy to get 0 damage in. I literally started attacking rams and what not just because. It’s beyond stupid.

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Drop the attitude, I’m not attacking you or anyone else. You’re also using a scenario where you were semi-afk at the start. Not what the other gentleman and I were discussing.

Let’s play this scenario out though.

You’re one of the 4-5 people that go directly to SHB as fast as possible. You don’t stop to attack an archer but you still run past at least 2. Unless you’re a Warrior or Rogue, you have a button to do damage while moving. Also I’ve never once had it (although I do cap maybe ~10’ish seconds faster than people who don’t have Cat Jump) all the mobs dead. I typically have time to cap, and kill at least two archers, normally more.

Let’s say you ignore everything and go directly North. There are two sets of mobs defending each GY. There are two Bunkers of mobs defending those. There are maybe four elites waddling around that always end up being tagged by someone and the one defending the bridge.

I gotta say, it seems super unlikely if you’re “actively playing” in Blizzard’s definition of the phrase, that you do zero damage.

Just to be SUPER clear, I’m not one of the people saying anyway should be banned if they do zero damage once in a blue moon.

bro i literally got a comp and paid my sub to play tuesday again and fell ill and have been in the hospital since monday and i got banned, no even joking i did not log in once and got banned (although i just got it reversed) i wouldnt even of known because i have been in the hospital ever since

Sorry to hear that, hope you fully recovered. Glad you got it reversed so quickly too.

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Finally got unbanned myself, I wasn’t even able to post on the forums. I got caught up in I guess both AV and some sort of spam automation. Hoping to hear everyone elses case gets resolved sooner rather than later.

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they could ban you and you will not ask anything to them

yeah i was literally just checking emails and saw it, was shocked, and thank you man

And what happens if you’re not chomping at the bit and not at a full gallop as the gate opens? If you’re what 10 seconds or 20 seconds late out of the gate, then there is some issue there? I played 10 games. If I didn’t purposely dismount just to get some damage in, it’s possible that i could have done 0 in all 10.

If I see 1 alliance, I’m not one of those stupid horde where all 30 of them dismount to kill 1 person. If mobs are about to die, when on earth would just zug on over?

And that’s the big problem. If you want to play efficient and properly, you get penalized. However, if you want to be a road fighter you get rewarded. I’ll give you another scenario. In AB, you have X go to farm, Y go to BS, and Z go to LM. Someone calls INC Farm 2. If you already have 1 person defending you don’t need to send 10 people to defend. You need 2 tops.

Back in the day, we blacklisted the entire population of these Zug players from our premade only to find out that now, Zug is the only way.

I completely agree with you. The people who got banned doing objectives were victims.

I also agree common sense is gone now in AB/WSG/EotS too.

My only stance that has some people agitated is that, because we see them in-game, too many people are going to a bunker only to AFK and stay even after it’s gone. Knowing completely they are choosing to do it because they don’t want to actively play.

Looks like we have something of a response.

I wanted to take a minute to comment on the recent action, and clarify our policies a bit.

We recently discovered a bug in our analytics data that called into question some of these suspensions, and in those cases we will reverse the suspension. Some others were so egregious that we’re still confident in the lack of participation, and those actions will remain in effect, though some will have reduced penalty duration if it was a first-offense.

On the larger point about how these suspensions are triggered, we have data analysts poring over a variety of metrics that we collect, to look for a lack of participation. There is no single metric that gives a clear picture, so we look at a variety of metrics to make sure we allow a variety of valid play styles. “AFK” reports from other players are just one of these metrics. We certainly look at them, and they can be a good clue for validating our other metrics, but we do NOT issue suspensions based solely on these reports.

When lots of players report a player AFK in Alterac Valley, the only automatic behavior is the application of a debuff that prevents you from gaining honor until you engage in PvP combat, which can be seen in-game.

We do periodically review the metrics we use for determining whether somebody is participating or not, and we are conducting one of these reviews right now as we look forward to new battlegrounds being introduced with Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Our review is not limited to the new battlegrounds, but they provide a good opportunity to make sure we’re looking at the right criteria. I don’t want to list all the criteria we look at, because doing so would help bad actors avoid detection, but it is absolutely more than afk-reports.

I can’t comment on your specific case, of course, but thank you for appealing it through the normal channels!


We all kinda figured that was the case. At least people are getting their acknowledgement of a mistake.

This gives me a lot of relief, even though I’m still one of the ones affected. Glad they finally commented on it.

I believe the bugged bans have been reversed. At least they are going to reduce the length of some other bans too.


Im still caught up in this because of the bug trash. Once they get to my ticket ill be sending them the 50+ hours of me streaming my pvp sessions. This is dented.

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You think they’re done completely with the bugged bans?

Not by a long shot.

Hard to say but I personally don’t think so. I’m sure there’s a threshold they applied to everyone who was unbanned last night, but there are probably a lot of other cases they want to manually review “just in case”.