BFD P1 raiding requirements are getting ridiculous

This is how it’s always been in Classic in LFG pugs. Over the top requirements in LFG is just part of the noise in pugland.

It’s amazing what happens when you join a good guild with an active community and hosted raids/events. That noise from pugland fades away almost entirely and you’re left hopefully having fun with friends.

I like checking logs, and don’t exclude people with green parses across the board. I mostly use the log to check their gear preview or otherwise I check it in TB. It may sound toxic to some, but I won’t take an unprepared white geared player and possibly waste my time and several other peoples.

I used to like checking logs and my parses until people started massively cheesing them. After that anything over an 80 I figure is good enough, hell green will still easily down most content. The “good player” benchmark is hard to see because of the number of people playing the parsing system rather than playing WoW.

Wrath was super bad with the cheesing… I mean over the top bad.

True, cheese is real, my main look at logsin this phase is to check the gear without havimg them come to tb

Cheesing parses, besides the recent Greench event, is not really a big issue in the lower brackets. I don’t think anyone is using :cheese: tactics to graduate from a green parser to a blue parser. They’re just playing the game

There’s a reason that I haven’t stepped foot in BFD yet. Well, apart from the fact that I’m not a big fan of instanced PvE content… I would still like to do it, but literally no one will invite me to a PUG when they ask me a million questions that I don’t have the right answers to. I am a casual player, and again not a big fan of instanced PvE so no, I am not “parsing”, I do not have full BiS, I do not have prior raiding experience, blah blah blah. I just don’t get invited, so I just don’t do it.

And yes, to the “join a guild” crowd, I am in a guild and I do want to signup for their raids, but I am almost never able to play when they raid. I am working on finding a time that I can sign up for in the next week or so though, so I can at least get the quests done for it.

My point is just that I am largely a solo pvp player. Tbh, the only reason I even joined the guild I’m in is because I got a mass invite and I liked the name for my rogue aesthetic. It just sucks that people being overly sweaty in a 20 year old game with a few changes to it prevent most of us casual/not as social players from experiencing a large part of the game.

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Oh definitely not. But anything above 70-75% starts getting weird. Like there’s a tactic for mages atm to bring a second fire mage to keep scorch up while the other one does optimal rotation.

I also saw a video of a fire mage being focused healed on Kelris and never getting out of the bad so he could just spam cast fireball. Dude stayed in the purple the whole fight just to get his 99 parse, and the guild had one healer doing nothing but healing HIM.

You have valid issues, and a lot of players share those I’m sure.

There really isn’t a better practical answer than to find a guild. You’re already in one that doesn’t quite fit, and it might take some effort to find one that fits.

The good thing now, is that the servers we’re on are bigger than ever. Every server is a megasever, and chances are there’s a chill home for you that puts groups together on off peak times. I know this because I host mine at 10-11am cause I work nights. In my case I had to make it happen in the guild I’m in and organize myself, but the spots are out there.

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So you want the people who have little to no raid experience starting groups? Yeah I could see me trying that now and how many people would just abandon me when they realize I have no clue what I’m doing because I’m not a raider and I’ve never once stepped foot in the place… I can literally hear the insults already… I’m good on that.

Man I join pugs all the time and the only pushback I’ve ever received was “is your gear bad?”

Well, that’s exactly my point with the “gatekeeping” rhetoric. Everybody wants others to take a chance on them but nobody wants to step up and assume any risk/responsibility themselves.

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Honestly maybe the devs will make the next raid even easier LMAOO

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Well as it stands the reason the hardest boss, Kelris, is hard for a lot of pugs is because in his second phase he casts his shadow chains that do high DOT damage to 3 to 4 players, almost half the raid sometimes if they arent spread out because they arent coordinated and the only class in the game at level 25 that can dispell magic effects are priests.

At level 40 there’s very few mechanics that bosses can do that the entire raid will have no way of dealing with because they didn’t bring X class to the raid so it’s very likely that while the bosses in general will be more difficult than the bosses before Kelris in BFD there’s unlikely to be any boss in Gnomer that is as hard or harder on an uncoordinated group as Kelris in BFD is.

So i think Gnomer will actually be a lot more fun for everyone, as there won’t be an immovable wall for uncoordinated, often bad pugs while the average difficulty of the bosses will actually be higher…most likely.

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What changes are you talking about?

There are many people like yourself who can group up together and make your own groups and rules, otherwise what you are saying is, that you are in the minority of how people want to play and so you want Blizzard to force players to play your way. So essentially you are asking Blizzard to do to everyone else what you perceive is being done to you.

Be the change you wish to see, start making your own groups with zero requirements.

Gear means literally nothing except a minimum expectation.

I have seen fully bis players doing 70% of what they should in every version of the game since I started playing in 2005. Logs are the only way to prevent this.

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Lol some players are REALLY bad.

My brother had a run where the warlock was clueless, not only was his DPS low, but he said he knew every mechanic, and when Kelris put him to sleep he didn’t know wtf to do and the group wiped.

The group ultimately disbanded and let the lock know it was his fault, harsh but true.

I have two characters, one Hunter at 301 gearscore and a Priest at 297. Got pretty lucky with loot.

BFD is easy, didn’t sweat much even in full greens in my first few runs.

If it’s hard, people just aren’t pulling their weight. Nobody should be in whites, and green items should be lvl 20+ unless the stats are really good.

I wouldn’t know what it’s like not to get a group, because people are foaming at the mouth to invite someone that’s not only geared, but is knowledgeable and comes prepared.

Again, a LOT of bad WoW players out there that have never had to deal with real mechanics and it shows lol.

TLDR - If people are being gatekept, it’s probably because folks are frustrated going 5/7 because of unskilled goons.

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I exclusively pug BFD since launch and i have missed one full clear.

Since then i do make sure the group i am with have experience and some gear. I want to do 7/7.

So i gravitate to the groups who expect consumes and even world buffs to ensure a clear.

My only real concern, which ia really not a big deal, is getting screwed over on the epic staff, but thats the risk i accept for pugging and not joining a guild lol.

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I have pugged lots of BFD’s on alts, from decent preraid gear to several pieces BFD gear. Everyone has been really cool.

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there is a reason that people ask for those requirements – it is because if they meet those requirements then the members of the raid have at least prepared some for it.

i tanked a pug raid on my shaman last night and it was a nightrmare. healer with level 6 pants. hunter doing 20 dps (how???). warrior doing 35 dps. I was top dps on kelris as the shaman tank. we were pretty much solo healing it because the one healer had such terrible gear he was OOM 3 seconds into the fight and the other healer had to pick up the slack

needless to say, we did not down kelris.


Made a soft res grp last night required nothing except shadow pot/fap. Basically fully geared this ret and mage who did low dps all run. We still finished in 30min. Idk where you guys are finding these groups that have all these requirements and what not, but I think your stuck staring a /4 lfg chat and they just spam the most cause no one wants to join them or can, so you need to look elsewhere or start your own. It’s srsly not that difficult.


Based on my experience this is a bit of an exaggeration. Sure there are groups here and there advertising as “pumper” groups that have more stringent requirements, but the majority of groups just want to fill out the raid with roles that make sense and armor types that won’t waste drops.

The most common requirements are:

  1. Free Action Potion - Makes Kelris go more smoothly for pug groups that have mixed BFD experience

  2. Easy/free world buffs - BFD buff pops every couple minutes, so there’s no reason not to come with it. DMF buff is free/fast to get if DMF is near your city. Also no reason to not come with it.

  3. Ask if you don’t know - Most of the pug groups I’ve joined ask that you speak up if you don’t know the mechanics for a boss fight. That way they can spend 20 seconds explaining it.

That’s really it. Just ignore the “pumper” groups, and look for a regular group that needs your role/armor type.

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