BFD P1 raiding requirements are getting ridiculous

It adds plenty to the conversation though and offers a solution… if you can’t get invited then make your own… whats even more funny is if you had the choice between two people of the same class/skill, one with full buffs and the one without, guess which one you are going to pick lol…

We brought a hunter wearing literal WHITES.
We brought a shadow priest wearing level 14 greens.
We brought a guy with all broken gear.

Still cleared the raid. Gate keepers are dumb.


There’s so much wrong with what you just said that I don’t know where to start. Pugs sound awful.

I don’t know about the lockouts but yeah, a raid/group finder is the anti-perspirant the WoW Classic experience needs. I’m pretty pleased with SoD overall but leaving out the obvious QoL stuff from later xpacs…I’m pretty surprised has all been left out, especially in the context of SoD basically being Classic+. Step forward though I guess.

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Yes, a chance of losing is the worst thing a bad player can imagine.

I don’t pug. These are guild runs. We just make sure at least 8 of us are properly geared, and bring 2 garbo alts to gear up.

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That’s a different story entirely, you’re saying 8/10 of your members are geared enough to take your 2 scrub alts. You made a recipe for success.

In pugland, organizers are trying to make a group good enough to succeed, with having no knowledge of the players. Could easily end up with 7/10 underperforming players. This group could spend 30+mins at kelris and possibly even disband.

A simple gear inspect is enough to prevent this.

I joined a pug on my hunter alt. 4 of the other DPS were all doing <30dps. The raid leader and myself were topping at about 90-100dps each (thanks pet).

We wiped at kelris and one of the other dps said he was just looking for a group, he didn’t realise that BFD was a 10m raid now and he’s sorry that he sucks and is underperforming, doesn’t know the mechanics etc. The warlock DPS was afk half the raid…some people are just less invested in the game…like way below average…

So, having some requirements for the raid is necessary if you want to clear and don’t want to sit in there for 2 hours. Boon and DMF are the easiest buffs to get, there’s buffs dropping all night, some prep is so easy.

Asking for the fights to be explained is also easy and most people would be happy to type it out.

Gear score and GDKP are cringe, though.


your toxic and bring nothing to this conversation. Like i said im full bis on 3 toons im looking out for new players who hit 25 and dont get carried through content and given gear. Most players like to work hard to earn gear unlike your petty self.

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Is that not gatekeeping? what’s the line for acceptance full Pre-Raid or just a couple grns here and there?

It’s a personal standard every organizer makes, sometimes they just copy what other people are posting and soon every LFG message is requiring WB’s consumes + 300 GS.

For me, I ask for logs OR a gear check in TB. Either way I look at their gear and decide if accepting this guy is detrimental to raid chance to succeed

my guild wanted me to go so I went, and we full cleared with half pugs and 3 people who turned 25 that day. It’s not a hard raid

Depends on the class. Hunter? Just have BM rune and a pet, for example.

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That’s not the same thing at all, and you’re being disingenuous in the way you stated it to begin with. Yea every decent guild gears out the boys fresh 25’s. Not the same god damn thing dude and you know it.

Exactly, and in a well developed and open game where customer’s are able to participate and succeed in all facets of the basic content, it shouldn’t.

Should everyone be able to parse a 99? No.
Should everyone be speed clearing the place in 15-20 minutes? No.

Should everyone be able to complete it with some level of minimal effort? Yes.

The question is what difficulty is that, what does it look like, and what minimal effort should be? We don’t get these answers from the developer. (Who should be giving us a bit of a hint at least), so we as the player base er on the higher end. Just to be safe.

Notice I’m putting a lot of the blame on Blizzard here. Because they could easily come out and say, we intended XYZ, but haven’t done that. So the player base with the information we have came up with 123, ABC, Xenon, and Quartz. When all we needed was more guidance to get us to XYZ.

Yea, just having that and you’re going to out DPS the casters regardless of what they’re wearing.

‘Hey bro you need to have BM rune or not coming to the raid’

Seems like you have your own metrics for raid requirements yet you’re here saying gatekeepers are dumb.

Yeah i think its extremely pathetic how the community is treating this level 25 raid like some kind of e-sport. Then you got a bunch of clueless people in the thread “oh its not so bad!” “Oh form your own group!”

Trust me i form my own group and have cleared 7/7 all but the first raid, 5/7. Thats not the issue, the issue is the community dumpstering this game with retail perfect parse mentality. I promise you the level 25 content will never be that serious that you need to check logs or require discord. It makes me not want to play this game.

It is a legitimate response, because if what you’re saying is true then there should be a mass of players who are being unfairly gatekept from participating in content which they are otherwise capable of completing. Therefore if you made your own group advertising “LFM BFD, inexperienced and undergeared welcome, no WBs or consumes required” I’m sure you’d be barraged with invite requests.

Really, if you’re not doing this it sounds like you or others are no better than the “gatekeepers”. But do you want to assume that risk - of spending two-three hours floundering and not clear the entire dungeon?

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and while there’s always runs who want the smoothest and easiest clears and expects more from players in order to ensure that, there are always last minute before raid reset demon runs. Always.

Oh, totally. But it’s the tuning of that one boss that’s driving the behavior. It’s a player generated problem that was created by Blizzard.

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