BFD P1 raiding requirements are getting ridiculous

It’s definitely over the top.

We went 5/7 first raid and then full cleared every lockout since. Our fastest run was 30 minutes or so (without greench).

After a few raids we swapped to solo heal, solo tank. Done it a few times with 9 people. We have had multiple guild runs where we’ve needed/decided to pug. I never make those whacky requirements or ask, and yet the people who whisper me link their gear, pots, buffs etc.

Then we get in and the pug feral or hunter will do sub 60 dps. Had a warrior last night in mostly BIS with hydra do exactly HALF the overall dps of our guild warrior. Our warrior never uses pots. None of us do.

Tried to join a pug last night on my alt rogue and had to provide a literal resume. People asking me if I knew “kicks”, if I had pots, was enchanted and that they were going to check logs lol. I get begrudgingly invited to one group, and pull second highest overall dps and damage (beat by 1 dps) with prebis gear vs multiple geared out people.

I’m mainly a pvper and it reminds me a lot of the PvP scene in retail. Many people suck terribly or are decidedly average. I can count on two hands the number of players that I’ve genuinely been impressed by in 20 years of wow.

And yet, every RBG or arena is lead by a gladiator (supposedly). They all want 2.4k+ xp. Then you play with them and they’re all 1400 players at best. Either bought titles or put in a thousand games playing a meme comp to slowly hit 2k w/ a 51% win rate.

It’s OK to want good players in your group, but to think that a laundry list of requirements will achieve that is silly. I suppose logs can give you an indication, but last night was my rogue’s first BFD. Better to play with people and if they ARE good, add them to your friends list.


thanks for the feedback!

Lists 20 personal reasons he doesn’t raid, blaims everyone else for him not raiding.

All of this is why people gatekeep. Literally no reason for any of that, regardless of how easy something is. It’s either inconsiderate or lazy, take your pick.

The issue is, a lot of pugs get stuck at Kelris, so they’re trying to avoid that. I agree their expectations and requirements are insane, it doesn’t take that much to kill Kelris. Kind of like the WSG counter argument to premade, make your own BFD group with your own requirements.

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Find a guild or make your own group. People that have been running this for weeks want to run with similar people.

One reason why people dont wanna play with fresh maxes in pugs is gear drops are rare as heck and taking in somebody with half BIS makes it easier to win rolls because other people might already have it.

Also asking for basic requirements filters out people that are not willing to invest time into the raid and those people normally greif the group by leaving or not doing mechanics on the last 2 bosses.

Its not rocket science. Stop trying to be carried, if you cant even prepare pots and a bit of gear.

I made a newb group a couple of days ago and it took like 15 mins to fill.

Players can’t gatekeep you from content, only Blizzard can do that.

Agree its getting worse now. Still looking for BFD group on my horde troll priest on my server is mad hard now due to work and family commitments

Join a guild and raid with them, how can you not do this? Pugs tend to be braindead, or honestly bots, and require rigorous filtering with the lockout system.

heh. stop being lazy and entitled and actually make your own group and do some work.

But that requires me to socialize! I have extreme autism! Don’t you understand?

People have the right to choose not to carry others. I work during the week. When I play WoW, I want to play with similarly skilled players and not suffer by being with bad players. I am sorry, you cannot force me to carry you.

The point is being missed again and again though. Simply having gear and pots doesn’t assure that the player isn’t terrible and/or that your run will be smooth. I have found at least half of the geared (50%+ BIS) pug players we sub in our guild runs are TERRIBLE and do 30-50% less damage than equally geared guildies.

The only way to prevent that is checking logs before hand, which I guess is a viable strategy. The cons are it presents difficulties for fresh, unguilded alts and adds a level of elitism to a 20 year old game that’s never really been an esport.

And it still doesn’t address the fact that the people checking the logs are often not good themselves. I have no dog in this fight but that’s probably my biggest problem tbh; the hypocrisy of bad players demanding that other players be top tier. It’s cringeworthy.

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Yea…you are not alone. Contrary to the posts in this thread, I think there are way more people who are eyerolling at these requirements than those who are requiring them.

I personally don’t impose any requirements or inspections on the raids I run and I don’t join any raids that require them myself - even if I have my buffs booned and pots bought. I do ask (post invite) that they bring at least one shadow prot pot and FAP if they can. I also have a few stacks to hand out if for some reason we actually need them.

As a result, we do run into some odd situations - a tank warrior who never really hit tank buttons/stances beyond heroic strike. A healer who apparently hardly healed. Quite a few DPS that are clearly carried. Still cleared the raid.

That being said, where is the line for “hard”? I don’t find the raid to be hard, but to say it is easy? Why would there be gate keeping going on then? I’d prefer that it be a little harder than it is, but I’d have to say the raid difficulty is “just right.”

I’m more inclined to believe that the people requiring every buff under the sun are the bad players whom need the crutch.

The guild I just left, we were clearing BFD easily in new record times every week but now even the elitist mindset has spread into a once fun guild. Now they are excluding guild members from future BFD raids if they don’t hit a certain parse limit every week even though we cleared BFD easily every week. I don’t think there are any guilds left in this game without the elitist mindset.

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