BFD impossible to get into as a hunter?

I address this usually on a daily basis, but retail’s implementation of a raid finder is very bad – in fact it’s one of the reasons I don’t play retail. The raid finder in SoD should simply just be a tool that puts players together to do the raid. The normal raid with the normal loot table.

Giving people a tool to help find like-minded people to raid is only a good thing for the game. Especially a mode of the game that is geared towards those that do not have open schedules. I’m unwilling to cancel on people depending on me for scheduled raids. LFG is impossible for a DPS to make a raid. If I was a main tank it would be fine but I don’t feel I should have to play a main tank just to get a pug together for a raid.

It’s better to cut out all the nonsense and cumbersome dynamics in forming a group and just have a tool that automatically puts people together who want to use it.

Also, I only play classic. I just played retail for a month to see what it was like and saw how bad it was. Unfortunately your argument doesn’t hold any water since I’m not a retail player.

I see my position really upsets you, but instead of just getting angry and lashing out and insulting people, provide some substantive rebuttal to why you think raid finder, in the context I’ve provided, is a bad idea. Specific reasons.

My rebuttal is that, if you are incapable of being social in a game that is built on cooperation and community, you should find a different game.

Retail has only gotten worse the more they have removed community from the game. Blizzard knows that.

If you’re not able to play with others outside of antisocial and casual automated matchups, it may not be the game for you.

I’m way older now than I was when I started playing WoW so I know that it’s harder to make your schedule work with 10-20 other people when you’re a working professional. But, honestly, when I couldn’t make it work I stopped playing.

There are other WoW options that I’m pretty sure I can’t mention here that are much more catered to lone-Wolf style players that don’t want to invest time into community. I’d suggest you look up and play those.

But a raid finder is just as social as any other system. Do you think you’re playing with AI? No you’re playing with other players that also choose to use the raid finder.

Okay but this would bring the community together since so many more people would have access to the raid and meet each other through the raid finder.

The main problem with retail’s social problem is that too many people don’t have a sense of humor anymore and report you for virtually anything. The nerd humor that also inspired Tigole’s name isn’t allowed anymore. The culture has been squelched.

I’ve also been through several dungeons in SoD where no one said a word at all. This is not a symptom of retail, but of other factors that contribute to toxic community making. I could go into detail about that but it would tangent the thread.

But I assure you, providing a tool for players to meet each other and run raids is not that.

The rest of your post just relies on this invalid idea that playing with people that you were put together with through a raid finder is somehow not social. In fact it could be argued that such a thing is more social than the way you like playing. You simply play with the same people over and over again. Pugs play with hundreds and thousands of different people.

So why don’t you be more social and advocate for a raid finder?

Ok, you’re obviously trolling. I’m just going to leave off with the fact that raid finder in all it’s iterations has been and will always be the most antisocial thing that Blizzard ever implemented.

I remember in MOP, when hardcore raiders still had to do raid finder at the beginning of every phase, raid finder rejects would report people that parsed too high.

No one would say anything the entire raid and then you got punished for practicing your rotation during content that you didn’t want to be in.

Raid finder people suck on so many levels and they always will. It’s an infected limb that needs to be removed.

Well nobody is talking about mandated raid finder utility, so this is a strawman. I agree with you that Blizzard makes plenty of bad decisions in their implementations of pretty much anything. Their raid finder in retail is one of the main reasons I don’t play retail. It’s awful.

All that’s being discussed here is a tool that helps put players together to do the standard raid with the standard loot table. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

It would only be good for the game.

You already have that tool. It’s called general/trade chat. Also you could join a guild that has the same play schedule as you. I’m not the guy constructing a strawman here.

You want to benefit from the community without participating in it, that’s about as antisocial as it gets. Blizzard has given you every tool you need to participate in the community and you want them to give you one that allows you to bypass that.

I found it impossible to form a casual raid as DPS. It’s unlikely you’ll find a main tank. Just a very needlessly cumbersome process that should be streamlined in a raid finder.

I’m unwilling to risk letting a bunch of people down depending on me because I don’t have a set in stone schedule. A bunch of people without stable schedules getting together to try to make raids also doesn’t quite work because availability won’t happen at the same time.

So a raid finder would be prudent. Especially since this season is designed and geared towards people that don’t have completely open schedules. Not only that, but a valid reason to stand against it has yet to be presented.

If you like playing with your guild, simply keep doing it. This has no effect on you.


They said at BlizzCon that the season is being geared towards people that don’t have wide open schedules.

And no one has yet to offer a valid reason why a raid finder shouldn’t be implemented. Just telling people to play with a guild is not a reason.

Ok, I don’t attend/watch blizzcons. Never have. So you’ll have to excuse me for never hearing anything like that ever. I just want to know why you are so opposed to joining a guild?

I’m not opposed to joining a guild. I love my guild. But joining a guild isn’t a solution for somebody that doesn’t have a schedule set in stone. I’m unwilling to risk letting down a bunch of people depending on me because I am forced to cancel on them.

So a raid finder is optimal.

It’s not betraying you guild to find one that operates on your time.

I think there is more to it and if you would like me to help you with that part I would be willing to give up part of my day to help you for as long as you need.

But that’s the thing about having a schedule that isn’t set in stone. I don’t know what my time is. While I might be able to make a lot of the raids, I would have to cancel way too many for me to feel comfortable. I wouldn’t put others in that position.

A raid finder would be optimal.

What they said was the idea of level locked phases was to allow people with less time to not be left behind in the dust.

And it has effectively done that, the rest is up to you.

So you work in retail or food and beverage, there are literally guilds built around that. They’re easy to find and eager to add people.

No, and I’m also not asking for advice on this. I do not have a set in stone schedule. I might be needed at a moment’s notice. This is not conducive to scheduling events and being reliable.

But a raid finder would be perfect. And since there’s been no substantive reason to stand against it, there’s no reason to keep it from being implemented.

Im a solo casual dad that plays sporatically here and there. I am hunter. I have most raid gear nearly full bis.

If i have a window of time, i will make groups that require potions/boon/pre raid bis. Easy to lead because the raid is ez. Most times tanks will do everything for you. Make loot rules and your GTG.

If i join a group i make sure to tell them im a pumper with boon pots and gear. If you tell people pre raid bis they shpuld let you in as its not dramatically different to raid gear. Provided you actually have pre raid bis - pvp neck, 2x trinket, helm… and the rest of the gear.

It’s not a strawman because the utility existing will be more efficient so much so that the only people who won’t use it are people looking for extremely well geared and experienced players. Which will increase the gatekeeping for anyone not using it so much that even people who don’t want to use it to pug will be forced into using it.

It’s an extremely bad system that takes the mm out of mmo.

People will just log on, hit search and tab out until it pops and then do the raid and log out.

For the retail players who spend their entire playtime doing that on retail, they don’t see that as an issue.

For the people who actually enjoy classic, building a community is part of classic.

If you don’t like needing to actually talk to people go play retail.

Just an update: I did BFD earlier today with my hunter on Crusader Strike.

Took about 15 minutes and messaging 5 people but one let me in, and we did it quickly.

It’s doable, just be patient.