BFD impossible to get into as a hunter?

That is not how gatekeeping works. This is an overused and incorrectly used word that people love to parrot. No one, I repeat no one is gatekeeping anyone from anything in this game.

Only Blizzard can gatekeep.

Try joining a guild that has made my life a lot easier with getting raids

I’m unwilling to risk letting people down often by scheduling raids I have to cancel when I don’t have a set in stone schedule. A LFR tool would be best.

Sounds like SoD is not your game. LFR is not coming to SoD anytime in the near future (if at all). Retail or WoTLK/Cata classic is where you’ll find those tools of choice for your busy schedule.

Im sure its been said but creat your own raid. This is always the best solution.

I’ve never been able to make one via LFG. Can’t find a MT. Everyone leaves before that happens. It’s just such a cumbersome needless hassle. Raid finder would be smooth and quick. In line with the demo SoD is supposed to target, which is those with limited schedules.

This is obviously a troll

Actually, it’s a Night Elf Hunter.

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40 won’t be as bad as hunters will no longer compete with rogue/druid as they can’t wear mail. Hopefully the warriors stay away from mail gear!

If you are having trouble getting in as your hunter try using eyes of the beast and then whisper the raid leader as your pet. Should be an auto invite

Pre bis is absolutely not required, I went 7/7 within an hour of hitting 25 on a warrior. Were other people carrying me? Of course, I was only doing like 60dps.

As long as you have someone else in the raid that can cover your missing dps, then its fine. I still had white bracers equipped when Aku’mai died.

But, expecting to get carried, “oh I don’t need to improve my gear outside of the raid because someone else will just carry me” is just as toxic of mindset as expecting everyone to be full pre-bis instantly upon hitting level cap.

There isn’t anything for me to do on my warrior outside of ashenvale events for rep, and to chase reasonably obtainable pre-bis (i.e. Trollbane leggings, not worth it). If you aren’t at least ATTEMPTING to get some pre-bis to improve your character, what are you even doing in the game??

Unfortunately that probably won’t happen in both cases. Lots of mail and leather still scale well at that level since its the entry of the armour class upgrade. At least outside the new raid. I d assume they will have better itemization for the armour upgrade

As long as you have the potions and good gear you dont need full pre BiS from anyone. As long as you understand your class, and the fights its 100% doable as many groups have proven that (they were guilds mind you) but even with a good group of pugs still can be done

Alot of raids are actually mostly leather and a couple warriors. Hunter, Rogue, Warrior are the top DPS in this bracket by a long shot. So most of the time a raid is going to take maybe 1 Hunter, 1 Rogue and 1 Warrior…maybe 2 Warriors if one is a tank. People want to put together raids where you have the best shot at getting everyone some gear and not letting other gear go to waste. That’s why people aren’t triple stacking hunters and rogues etc. And if they are triple stacking leather classes, then most of the leather wearers in that raid are literally just gonna join and leave because having 6 people in a raid all rolling on the same leather piece is lame af.

As a pug raid leader i get so so so many Hunters asking to come it like 60% of my replys and i only take at max 2 of a class + with 60% of classes being on the same ish loot table it is super lame, next phase will be better as shammy and hunter move up to mail, honestly im shocked at the lack of warriors i struggle to find a single one most raids that and healers

Exactly, even if I wanted to take two hunters, as soon as they see the other hunter in the raid, they leave because they aren’t guaranteed the bow lol.

I’m on the same server and nobody is gatekeeping Hunters, I have more problems getting into a raid that has no hunters already because most have one already, there’s too much hunters and DPS in general right now.

My guild ran 2 BFD’s last night. Neither group had a hunter sign up. Epic Xbow dropped… rip.

I’d have a lot more fun on my alts if we didn’t have to deal with oudated Classic pugging issues. Even if you’re on a desirable class it can take longer to get into a BFD group (or form you own even if you try that route) than it takes to clear the dungeon.

Haven’t even bothered to do BFD on all of my 25s, probably won’t bother on my hunter that’s now 24.

Ok, I logged into my account for the first time in ten years to ask you this question:

Why the f*** would you want a raid finder in SOD? It goes completely against the entire spirit of the effort.

I’ll never understand people that are complacent with raid finder being a thing in any form of the game. You’re not experiencing the content at all in raid finder. And when you do get raid finder you’re getting subpar gear.

If all you want is pretty purple pixels, go play retail where they’re a dime a dozen. Gear is not the point, it is a means to an end and that end is fighting harder bosses that make you use your character in New and challenging ways.

I’m so tired of people complaining about not being able to get the same character progression without making their character actually progress. You guys ruined WoW retail and now you’re trying to ruin SoD.

Go play Animal Crossing if you want your time spent to equal progression gained. Otherwise learn to play the game as it was meant to be played.