BFD impossible to get into as a hunter?

I was going to level one next!

They are ok for dungeons, but they really struggle with raid healing from what I read.

It’s mostly a mana issue.

The problem here is you can’t gatekeep with a tool that’s available to everybody. Accessibility is the opposite of gatekeeping.

I don’t see how pugging could ever become the meta over pre-making. Premades will always be less risky and a more efficient use of time. I can’t say that your post makes much sense.

Idk if you’re actually this dense or intentionally misreading my post.

Let me put a situation forward to try and make you understand more easily since you’re so smooth.

I’m a fresh 25, I want to do bfd.
Raid finder was added so most players are using it. I don’t want to use it cuz I don’t like it.

I try to find a group, but the only people not using it are almost full bis people looking to push high parses/speed. Therefore gatekeeping for people like me in LFG is SIGNIFICANTLY higher.

I am now FORCED into using the raid finder because the existence of raid finder has increased the gatekeeping in LFG.

So what you’re saying is that most people would prefer to use a raid finder over LFG? Yes I agree. Mandating most people play in a way they’d rather not play is not good design. Thank you for illuminating that most people want a raid finder since it eliminates the cumbersome LFG channel nonsense most people don’t want.

I also guarantee you don’t use LFG, and simply just want to gatekeep keeping accessibility away from most players. It’s pretty clear.

:man_facepalming: Again, not “want to” but “forced to”.

If you asked anyone in my guild they would tell you I argue against gatekeeping, some of them want to gatekeep and I force them not to.

We have a mage in our guild that was there since before the bfd nerfs that I personally advocated for every run and forced my guild to take even though casters were at like 20-30 dps. We even 7/7 pre-nerf with a mage and warlock both doing under 40dps.

Been raiding since the first lockout, only got 5/7. Majority of the group were pugs as we only started with 4 friends. Recruited pugs into the guild as we pug’d. We now have a full guild run and a secondary run for alts+few extra guild members+pug friends that we still play with but aren’t in the guild. This would never have happened with a raid finder in the game.

Yha it sucks how selfish some are

If I knew how to handle and distribute loot i would definitely make my own groups. Like send the gear to the highest roller, I would hate to mess that up for someone.

Very odd, there are a lot of hunters around. Maybe they already have hunters in the group? And want feral for the WS buff or a priest healer.

Sorry you are experiencing that Brother. What server are you on?

play on a west coast server, easier to find times that work for you

I have a cheat code to getting into any pug I’ve ever seen.

Link them any raid item you have; tell them you are 7/7 and link a free action potion and you will invited

My team has done the raid every lockout and yet to see the purple staff sword or bow so its not like people who clear every week all have good gear either tbf LOL

I have healed, tanked and dps this raid multiple times in my guild, and I have yet to find one reason to use FAP in there.

Is it so hard to dispel shadow chains?

I think it’s just a signal to pugs you know what you are doing and are some what invested.

I normally forget to use it anyways

Its a common class because its super easy to play and it does good DPS at low gear levels. So you will have trouble people dont wanna class stack

Welcome to flavor of the month dps. :confused:

Folks heard that hunters were easy mode OP and rolled hunter because durp.

I always play a tank or healer class. Why? So i can always, always get into a group or run my own groups.

I dont want to be sitting around waiting for a tank and as a healer i am always welcomed in any group.

Sucks hunters are flavor of the month for you. Your odd play time seems to also be a contributing factor. Unfortunate, but you will get in there soon, just keep trying.

I’m also on wild growth, no issues pugging any of my classes the past two weeks. Guild did the holiday thing so I decided to try. Turns out most pugs are just fine. Make a macro for LFG. Push macro button once every few minutes (don’t spam the heck outta it) and you’ll be in shortly. Msg people asking for DPS, they get so many dms if you’re first you’re usually in. Good luck friend.