BFD impossible to get into as a hunter?

I’m really not. Don’t make something out to be harder than it is

I didn’t even know we had a server discord. LFG is popping so you don’t need it.

I droped my hunter alt because of the same reason… If you play horde you wont get invited as a 2nd hunter, because of the leather factor, you are competing against druid, rogue, hunters and shamans on gear.

LFR is needed, or personal loot could also be a great solution.

maybe for your server on living flame all my best runs are from hunters and their busted pets doing the same amount of damage or more

LFR isn’t needed and personal loot is a retail feature that will get a lot of hate if it’s ever implemented.

This is how I try to set up my pugs for BFD:

The last spot can be any dps. A second hunter is always nice. Lots of wiggle room for your 3 melee spots.

Your support healer is always a healer that will dps most of the time, like a resto druid who uses wild growth and goes back to spamming wrath. Or a priest that wands and void plagues then presses circle of healing sometimes.

The caster dps spot isn’t needed if your support healer is a resto druid shaman or paladin. The cloth caster spot isn’t needed if your support healer is a mage or a priest.

Depending on what you get there is room to make 3 hunters work for this raid. So much wiggle room to make sure loot doesn’t go to waste. Anybody hard-locking only 1 hunter is either wrong or doing it because they overstacked something else.

Heres a macro you can use to look for more people

/4 LFM fresh BFD. MS:need OS:greed. bring mana oil/sharp stones. Need: MainTank, 2melee, 1warrior, 1hunter, 2casters:(1cloth&1leather,) main healer, support healer, 1 of any dps

Leading is super easy I promise.

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Who is gatekeeping you and what are you being gatekept from?

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We all know it is more fun to ignore the obvious solution and come to the forums and complain.

Most likely because they already have a hunter or 2 and don’t want more competing for the same gear. Hunter is the best class to have for Kelris.

I just ran a pug with 3 hunters in it. Majority of whispers I get for bfd are hunters. Most people are flavor of the month playing hunter rn it seems.

The problem with fotm is you have a lot of competition for spots and loot.

Gatekeeping isn’t real in this context. No one is stopping you from running something. You just want to force yourself on people who don’t want you

Thats not proof of anything. Its left over from classic running an altered version of the retail api. That code is still sitting on era hardcore and wrath. Where is their LFR?

Your last statement is exactly why the pre BiS is harmful. It gatekeeps on some level especially when we got maybe a month or 2 left before next phase any alts or new players wont get tge chance. Everyone says is mandatory and parse requirements lots groups are requiring or players who avoid or bail because those things are missing. Its not required to get through. All you need is the resist and appropriate gear, and the consumes. Its 100% doable without pre BiS if you understand your class

I forget sometimes there are people like you who can’t understand words. When someone says they are the top of something, that doesn’t automatically mean they are number 1. I suppose that might be hard to grasp for someone who hasn’t been on top of anything though.

No one is gatekeeping me. This is a general sociological observation. This isn’t a personal problem; I care about more than myself – I want to address problems for the game in general and other players. People are against more accessibility for other people because they don’t want their own gear devalued. And that is the gatekeeping dynamic.

True so true

As said above there’s just way too many people playing Hunter, which I don’t blame them it’s a fun chill class to play and can solo almost anything.

But when it comes to raid and group spots you need to accept it’s a massively bloated market.

EDIT: This is also compounded by the fact Hunter is the only class that’s Pigeonholed into only being a DPS and doesn’t have a Tank or Heal spec option.

join a guild

I take at least 2 hunters every bfd run. They are top prio for any pug I start. Maybe you just have to advertise yourself better.

Something like:


Just project sweat and confidence and someone will pick you up pretty quick

Theres a group going every 10 min. And each one wants at least 1 hunter. Try harder