BFD impossible to get into as a hunter?

Yup so many people made hunter’s since they are strong at this level.

Raid finder isnt coming to SoD.
Also the main reason hunters aren’t being taken or looks that way is well your the most popular and currently highest dps class. You’re a dime a dozen right now.

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They roll on everything? You do understand how that class fuctions right. They have a split kit. They need range and melee to function not to mention the fact those slots need to be filled or your at a stat disadvantage. You can say the exact same thing about wars and rogues. Rolling on every type of melee. Plus when it comes to ranged weapons they roll just for their stats. Its not necessary for either class really besides a range pull. Ive seen just as many “dumb” people cause the same issues through all classes.

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It is, tho.

only want priests? Huh… Someone forgot to tell my realm. I can’t get into a BFD to save my back-side. Everyone wants 7/7 “checking parses” blah blah, sees that I’ve none (because, duh, I’ve not been in BFD yet, idiots), and just moves on.

Every raid has specific needs. Sometimes those needs don’t jive with your offering. Stick it out. Soon or later it will happen. If you’re like me (not guilded) it becomes exponentially more difficult, but it is still possible; just being in the right place at the right time. Let’s face it; you can’t swing a dead cat in this game without hitting a hunter, so it may take longer.

Well since blizzard never announced or said anything about putting it in I doubt it

Yeah they are not gonna add LFR.

Must be based on realm, I have a disc priest and the first time I put “Disc Priest LFG BFD pst” I couldnt count how many whispers I got

The SoD patch came with the code that makes LFR happen. It’s just a matter of switching it on.

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Is the problem you can’t find a raid, or that you can’t find a raid that doesn’t already have a hunter in it?

Hunters are raiding shoe ins, due to being excellent dps while also bringing a very strong raid buff in the form of Kings. If you are trying to find a raid where you are the only hunter, well gl with that, that is exponentially harder to come across than just merely getting an invite.

…but yet tens of thousands of people manage to do just that every three days like clockwork…

Normally I’d agree, but its isn’t like there is an overwhelming amount of stuff to do in SoD currently, if you aren’t at least attempting to get your reasonably obtainable pre-bis, what are you even doing in the game? Besides, asking people to bring a 20 silver F.A.P. or SP pot is not asking the world. It’s not like they are needing gfpps and flasks, and 5 different world buffs. One buff that you can get by standing around in TB/Darn for two minutes, a SP pot if ranged, and a F.A.P. if melee. That is it for consumes.

BFD requires the least amount of sweat and has the lowest cost of entry out of any raid in the history of wow.

I have also found it hard to get into groups as a hunter…

I just think it more has to do with how many there are as the DPS is really good and they give everyone 10% stats which is huge. Hunters are in a good state atm with their PvE DPS and the buff they bring, you just don’t benefit from stacking them.

Try a doff server or horde lol we don’t have that issue on horde wild growth.

Or better yet huge idea. Make a group and invite people gets you in a group no issues lol.

Thats really surprising to me personally since i think having a hunter is really good for the lion buff. I usually get into them pretty easily, but I also make groups with a friend sometimes as well.

You’re crying about Hunters not being able to find a raid spot when they’re arguably one of the best dps in the game right now. I think we’re 100% okay to make those assumptions.

Sounds pretty surprising to me. Hunters are top dps

Hunter’s don’t drop off until like after BWL though, and who knows how scaling will be now that they added runes and pet scaling.


Rogue’s for life. :slight_smile:

Agi set has the lowest drop rate and people don’t want competition on loot is my guess.

Dude you trolling hard