BFD impossible to get into as a hunter?

Im on WG as well and have 0 problems getting in as a dps warrior. Problem with WG is like 1/3 of our class population at 25 is hunters. We put together a bfd tonight and out of 24 people pming us for a dps spot, 20 of them were hunters, no joke. We already had 2 hunters. Its not that nobody wants hunters, its that on WG (and probably other servers) theyre just too populated atm.

Join a guild and be likeable. As a pumper this is important. I joined my guild early and I built rapport with my guildies since I was level 5. I help with comsumables, quests, counter ganks, i help guildies farm their pre bis gear and help them with rune quests. I helped almost everyone in my raid group farm a piece of pre bis gear. As a result I always have a raid spot reserved and my guild has decked me out. I get asked to run pugs regularly.

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It’s almost like there are 200 other hunters that could fill the same spot at any given time…

Because hunters are a dime in a dozen, the raid probably has 3 already. Tip for playing the really popular DPS class, join a guild, min/max hard AF in that guild, make yourself stand out among the 1000 other hunters in the server, in your faction. And when people start recognize you, you’ll get pug invites. Also you have theifs mantle and trollsbane leggings? Those are prebis. I doubt, because that’s 600g in boes, because half the literal server is hunters.

A lot of the gold sellers play Hunter and Mage and they are notoriously garbage at actually playing the game, raids in particular, so a lot of players inviting for raids are going to scrutinize and be less inclined to invite any Hunter/Mage whispering them more than the other classes

Do a little test. Type /4 LFM BFD need DPS. Now read your whispers and count the hunters vs other classes. You’ll have your answer

Maybe it’s your name.

One of the reasons I stopped playing my Hunter.

I enjoyed it and the game felt easy, but everyone and their mother is a Hunter right now and you are pigeonholed into being a DPS.

Lies 3 chars… ran that place near 20 times now… Never had a group that didnt have 1-2 hunters in it

it doesnt take much to raid lead in classic.

Just remember these things.
Mage healers are trash, and only used for speed runs.
Rog tanks suck, warlocks tanks also suck.

Fire warlocks, Rogs for kicks, Hunters, feral druids, and warriors are your go to DPS for pugging

Healers: priests/druids/shamans. Thats it, everything else underperform.

Tanks: most fights can be solo tanked, only 2 fights require tanks, so get another dps that can taunt when the MT needs it. If the dps is really good, you only need 1 tank for the entire instance.

Can you clear BFD with any class? yes you can. Is it harder to do it that way? absolutely.
(2 kicks, and 1 dispel) is all you need to complete the instance.

WTF are you talking about? At least one hunter is almost mandatory.

They are one of the strongest DPS. They are absolutely the strongest range DPS.

They offer kings which is a huge buff to literally every role

The group may already have leather classes or even a hunter who don’t want to roll against another leather class on drops.

Hunters alone nearly outnumbers Paladins and Warriors combined, then you throw in feral, shaman and rogue wanting leather and it’s basically 3:1 competing for the same drops.

If I’m on a leather class, and we already have 2 or 3, we’re definitely not taking another one even if it means waiting longer to start the raid.

This is pretty much it.

Way too many people playing Hunters + a bunch of classes all looking for Leather Gear = Overcrowded Job Market

I find groups all the time… in fact, I leave most of them because they’re usually leather heavy.


The raids that have a RL hunter main and doesnt want competition.

“omg I applied to one group and they turned me down. No one wants a hunter.” bro try being an enh shaman right now idc about anything you complain out

Sucks to be you then, I have 0 problem getting in as a huntard. Or be smart and join a GUILD. stop trying to get into pugs. ya you might have to wipe a few times with some new people but you’re guaranteed a spot.

Aspect of the lion and people will take you just for that.

Unfortunately there’s too much loot competition at the leather level. Wait until phase 2 when the shamans/hunters/warriors/paladins can upgrade their armor proficiency. Also they should implement that +5% stat buff when you’re wearing your class’s intended armor proficiency, it’s so dumb seeing Warriors wearing leather and Druids/Shamans wearing cloth.

Hahahaha no way this is legit. Three days and no one took you? That is what is impossible here…