BFD impossible to get into as a hunter?

Easiest top dps in most raid groups with the least amount of gear required.
No clue what groups you have been trying to get in, but…


Its as simple as there are lots of hunters and its impossible if you’re coming up to start BFD in pre-bis, competing against applicants who have cleared it weekly and are geared. Its not that hard to figure out. It has nothing to do with me personally. It is the way the community structures pugging anymore.

You making a personal statement about attitude then saying its not personal is pretty wild ngl.


Have you heard of guilds?


Literally any pug, but get backburnered for people who are BFD geared already. Its not rocketscience, its just frustrating.

I literally said in replies that I can’t meet a guild schedule because I’ve found literally zero guilds who raid past midnight in the US. I can’t make daytime schedules, almost all of my playtime is overnight.

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I did notice that a lot of groups wanted pre-geared hunter.
Probably because they had their own hunter alt they wanted to boost?


What are you hoping to accomplish with posting on the forums about it?

I run several raids/week and fit multiple hunters into multiple groups. I literally asked which server you play on, but you ignored that to talk about something unconstructive and to criticize, from what I can tell.

I’m pretty sure any guild group would want to prioritize gearing guild-members over PuGs, but that’s such an incredibly easy problem to solve it’s not even worth discussing.

This obviously can make it more difficult than if you were available during standard hours, but at least on my server there are people playing from all over the world at all times of the day.

Could be. I’ve specifically looked for PuG hunters without the crossbow on several occasions, because I’d rather it go to a good home if it drops rather than go to DE or to pump some wrathboi prot warrior’s GS.


People surprised pikachu that they picked FotM and can’t understand basic supply and demand. Roll a priest if you want to drown in groups. Make a feral if you play alliance. They will always want windfury now that they have a taste.


Everyone here who is acting surprised is completely out of their mind. Hunters have the hardest time finding a group for BFD, and it’s not even close.

No, hunters are not in demand. Everyone and their grandma plays a hunter. As soon as you post “LFM BFD” you get bombarded with messages from hunters wanting in. Every single group has at least one hunter already. I also noticed that an abnormal amount of groups are started by hunters, probably because they couldn’t get a spot.

You all need to stop gaslighting. There’s such a giant supply of hunters that it’s become extremely difficult to get into any group. If you play a hunter, nobody really needs you, as there are dozens of others to replace you.


OP is right, I have half raid gear and do about 150-160 dps in BFD, have finished first or second in the the last 3 clears. For the life of me, I don’t understand why people don’t want hunters :man_shrugging:t3:

Sounds like people are just trying to avoid competition for loot.


There isn’t better options. Take a rogue, I do more dps, take a warrior, I do more dps etc etc. there are only a few skills that justify taking any other dps over a hunter, Ret Paly buffs for example. This is the first iteration of raiding I have seen where people where like “we only need one of the best dps in the game!!” Makes no sense.

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raid finder won’t save you. people will just /afk out if they don’t like what they see :expressionless:

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That’s fine, just go again in 5 minutes. Lockouts need to be reworked into simply being a limit of two BoP pieces a week. All of a sudden the game becomes fun instead of a toxic mess of gatekeeping parsers.

Too bad raid finder is never coming to sod.

Yeah this isn’t going to happen either, you’re full on delusional.

Go back to retail.

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I’ve only ever played classic. I played retail for a month. Retail isn’t good because, among many reasons, their raid finder only offers a gimped raid with gimped gear and limited bosses. That wouldn’t be acceptable here. It’s one of the many reasons retail is awful.

But it’s not awful because of a tool that helps players find each other. That’s just an invention of gatekeepers.

Hey, don’t talk about feral druids that way.

Wouldn’t know. :person_shrugging:

I’ve both a 25 Priest and 25 Hunter I’m juggling lockouts between right now, and I strictly do PuGs because my schedule is too crazy for guild runs.

All of my runs have been full 7/7s except for the first week, we went 5/7 and called it at Kelris, and that was pre-nerf, we had mostly casters in our group. It hasn’t happened since.

I have had no trouble getting into groups on either class, and I’m Horde on Living Flame.

Just bring your consumables, bring your buff, and they’ll take you.

Is there competition? Yes, but there is as well for getting into groups as a Priest.

I could start my own group at this point, I just don’t have a discord to use on my own lol.
Not that it’s even needed for folks that have experienced the raid, it only gets easier as you farm it.

However, there’s so many groups flying by at once, getting your foot in the door is easy enough.

I’ve only done the raid once and it was my friends who started the group.

The content is far too easy and straight forward for people to get shafted like that. What server are you on and what is your name? We are probably gonna raid against monday… i could try and get you in.

Just tell them you have Greench. You’ll get in.

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