They made the ‘climactic cinematic’ unlisted on Youtube now. I’m amazed, honestly. Here I thought these developers didn’t know what shame or embarrassment was.
The biggest thing with me, and it is more of a “me problem” is that I do read things too fast to the point where I misread, and then all of a sudden, things seem to go in a little of a different direction.
Like, I do agree one thing about BfA to most people, there is something to do, but all what there is to do, it just doesn’t feel worth it to do.
Though BfA artwork is really good, but the art seems to get better with every expansion.
I disagree BFA is better then some expansions for me. I’d say it’s better then WoD and Cata.
WoD > BfA. PvP required a brain and classes were very well designed in WoD.
I sometimes have that issue too, I do my best to not let it get the better of me.
Personally I prefer having things I could be doing, rather than paying $15 a month to do absolutely nothing.
Logging in daily to collect Garrison Resources, Gather my herb garden and mine, and assign follower missions, then be done for the rest of the day was not a compelling use of my Expansion money, or game time.
The dungeons were pointless very quickly, and if you didn’t have any interest in PvP (Which many people don’t) nor are you interested in doing Raiding full time. Once you finished all the zones, and ran all the dungeons a few dozen times, there was nothing left to do. And it was like this for two entire patches, until Tannan. (Which required you building into the annoying garrison system to even access) and even then. The dailies there were not numerous, and some of them were weeklies, not dailies.
So again, unless you wanted to PvP or Raid. You were still stuck there, doing nothing, paying $15 a month to do nothing.
The game could have all the best class design in the world, but if there was nothing to do with it. What was the point?
I didn’t really enjoy any of the Raids enough to get drawn into them. The moment I got to the BRF and the moving floor that literally gave me motion sickness, and there was no way around it, I basically was done with raiding as a whole the rest of the expansion.
Came back in the last patch to get my Magic moose mount by going through heroic HFC, but that was still not very enjoyable.
So, in the end. Islands and Warfronts aren’t amazing, (I say these two because they are the most often cited in this regard) But collecting warfront appearances was an okay past time, and they at one point gave good enough gear to catch up and get started into other things.
Islands were a nice distraction, especially when you ran it with friends whom goofed off a bunch while frolicing through the island. Some of the Islands look absolutely amazing, and I still wish we could get the islands in a “Clean Slate” style without the whole Azerite Racing.
The cosmetics of lots of pets, chances at mounts, and other cosmetic items and toys were also a nice little addition that you could slowly farm.
My biggest issues with WOD was the plot-hole filed storyline which completely ignored the fact the Bronze Dragonflight exists, and it’s just recycled characters shoehorned in to fit with the movie that came out, and the fact there was nothing to do, garrisons were pushed so hard, and their idea of a “Content patch” was a Twitter integration, selfie camera and Blood elf model updates.
Some aspects might have been better in WOD than BFA, sure, but I don’t personally think it’s nearly enough to out balance all the negative of WOD, to set it above BFA.
BFA is still mediocre… but not WOD levels of boring and bad.
You could just not do the new content.
I haven’t bothered with anything but unlocking the Vulpera.
Oh and I did Mechadon last night on Heroic. That was fun. Super easy too. Our group was 1 healer and 4 tanks, 3 of which were trying to pawn themselves off as dps (myself included) after the first boss we realized it didn’t matter, switched back to our primary specs and stomped everything.
Anyway, I figure they will work the kinks out in the next few weeks and then I will take a peak at invasions and try to feed those alpacas.
WoD was a really bad expansion, but I enjoyed playing it way more than I enjoy playing BFA nowdays. Know why?
WoD was garbage, but it knew it was garbage. I wasn’t forced to play the garbage and could focus only on what I enjoyed and that was raiding. I didn’t have to grind random nonsense and didn’t even need to farm mats for food and flasks, my garrison had everything I needed to raid.
Now blizzard is constantly forcing me to play the bad so I can enjoy the good, and that is why BFA sucks so badly when compared to WoD.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Lots of content doesn’t automatically equal good/fun. BfA has loads of content in some of the most beautiful zones this game has ever seen. Yet little of it felt rewarding or fun.
“I’d rather there be no content at all, then there be content others may enjoy!”
I’ve been saying BFA was worse than WoD since the start of the expansion but even so I wouldn’t want them to revert it to WoD lol. I think the thing that made WoD more enjoyable for me were the raids were more fun and class design was more fun. So even though we have a whole lot of fluff PvE content to choose from in BFA, none of it’s fun for me because most of the specs feel garbage to play and the systems just aren’t very good.
Heck even the Tanaan dailies were more enjoyable to do than these BFA ones.
Even if WoD was lacking in terms of content, I still think the content we did get was fun. But that’s just me, everyone has their own opinion.
Also please don’t take this as me saying WoD was a good expansion. Both BFA and WoD are hands down the worst but if I had to pick one, I’d 100% go with WoD over BFA. ETA: Oh and I’m not a fan of M+ but I know a lot of people enjoy it so I wouldn’t want to take that from anyone.
I love 8.3 completely.
Love the invasions.
Love the wpvp.
Love the visions.
Love the corrupted gear.
Keep it coming blizz.
I really can’t believe people want to go back to WoD. Times sure have changed in the past few months.
It’s been long enough that they have forgot how truly bad that xpac was. Give it 4 years and people will say how great BfA was.
Oh I don’t want to go back to WoD but I won’t deny that I enjoyed it more than BFA.
At least WoD classes were fun to play, had good raids/dungeons, and the story was okay, not terrible, but nowhere near BfA levels of bad. The only thing I disliked about WoD was garrisons and flight being removed/Pathfinder.
There is absolutely nothing I liked about BfA but the art and music, that’s it. It has 0 redeeming qualities but that. It’s not even worth playing for me.
In comparison I’d rather have WoD again. Was a trash expansion but at least the gameplay was decent.
I wasn’t saying WoD was a good expansion either. But between WoD and BfA, I prefer WoD over BfA any time.
At least in WoD the raids were very enjoyable, the classes were fun to play, it was alt friendly the pvp didn’t suck. But in BFA the raids are…okay imo the pvp is god awful we haven’t had any pvp tuning for over a year. Class design isn’t very good. BFA isn’t alt friendly.