BFA < WOD. Heres why

Yeh i don’t see scenarios as a success tbh, im sure they looked good on the time played metric though.

It’s not but even if it was, that’s not sayin much.

I hated legion. I played for about 2 months and quit. Never looked back either

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BFA have better content that WOD, however classes suck badly wich doesnt let you enjoy the content. BFA<WOD.

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I’m not sure how but I found more things that were fun to do in WoD than BfA. I had just come back after a few years so maybe that was it. I enjoyed the leveling and figuring out what class I liked. Maybe with BfA its just worn out. Outside of farming alchemy mats,a few m+ and raids I don’t play nearly as much as I did in either WoD or Legion.

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Since when is 3 to 4 patches on a 2year expansion acceptable? Should we as a community expect more from a triple A company?

BFA is literraly the worst part of legion with worse “artifact” weapons/traits and allied races.

Since… pretty much forever? Wrath had 3, Legion had 3, MoP had 4. This isn’t something new.

WOD was better because every expansion has been getting progressively worse since the wintergrasp patch dropped in wotlk.

How exactly are allied races bad? Also i never said i liked BFA lol. I just like it more than Legion

Allied races are “fine” the ones i have a issue with. Are the “reskin” models, the ones we could of just had a skin option in the barber and called it gg.

It wouldnt be that bad if you didnt have to give your arm and a leg for a “reskin”. That doesn’t even come with its own starting zone… i would of rather seen some lore with the arm and leg i had given to get this. I do appreciate starting at lvl 20 but id rather start at lvl 1 and level through the lore of how they got to join us. At the end of that starting zone we could leave at lvl 20 like you do as a worgen or goblin.

TLDR: In short the allied races are just another resemblance of the lazy work put into them just as much as the expansion as a whole.


I would put WoD ahead of BfA in one single, crucial department, and it’s… probably the worst one in terms of things WoD can do better than something.

The Writing.

Yes, WoD was nonsensical, nostalgia engorged pablum, but that’s really benign compared to the gaping plot holes and leaps of unthinkable stupidity BfA demands to hold together for even one second. Yes, WoD was a doofy, B-grade comic-book plot, but BfA’s The Room of WoW Expansions. Spastic, jerky, mortifyingly awkward, and yet so absolutely hell bent on being taken seriously one can’t help but be perplexed.

The leaps in non-logic to make any of it work aren’t just kooky cartoon standard magic, but character subverting, fundamental failures of literary cohesion. Characters who were voices of reason turn into raving lunatics. Raving lunatics are given a megaphone. Glaring, obvious answers, solutions, and common sense are thrown out in a desperate attempt to spark some drama, but can’t overcome how soggy the plot is from all the drooling idiocy.

From characters acting completely contrary to their character, sudden personality changes so acute that brain washing has to be involved, cartoonish amplification of characters until all there’s left is noise and distortion, and just simple lobotomy strength idiocy (“omg, the Forsaken have BLIGHT!? Why didn’t anyone tell me!?”) - BfA’s a burning septic tank in terms of narrative and characterization.

WoD was bad. BfA? … leaps and bounds beyond that.


People complained that MoP had too much daily repeatable content, so Blizzard provided almost none in WoD. That’s why WoD sucked.

WoD had 50(+)% of it cut, especially after it was clear the expansion was tanking, and they farted out HFC in a rush.

BFA is complete.

So I’d call WoD objectively the worst expac ever, but BFA being on the same tier as it with this in mind is an absolute embarrassment. WoD should have been the lowest point in the game’s history that is never repeated ever. WoD would have killed any other game on the market, 100%.

And we’re hovering near that zone again, it’s ridiculous.

This isn’t true at all. Nobody knew in the first half of WoD that the weapons would be made account wide at the end. The Pandaria CM mounts weren’t even account wide at the beginning of WoD.

BFA is garbage. It’s not even an argument. We are giving it a pass and thinking the next xpac will be good. If not, we will make our final verdicts then.


Reading over the comments everyone teeter totters on which was good which was bad and all that in between. In the end, however, it boils down to preference and personal opinion. Some love the xpacs mentioned, some hate them, some…indifferent.

We do all seem to agree for the most part that there are issues that need to be worked on, and not just in the current expansion but as a whole, but just keep getting missed by Blizzard. Imho they seem to be trying to hard to please everyone, and as well all know(or should know) is you cannot please everyone. It just won’t work, and ends up with a “bad product” be it Cata, WoD, Legion or BFA. (and future expansions)

Opinions are like buttholes, we all have them. You can speak of statistics etc but WoW is still here, if just for now(putting that last part in for the "WoW is dead/dying crowd - idk personally until I try to log on one day and there’s nothing to log on to.)

Me personally, BFA so far is meh. It’s probably b/c most of the people I played with, that kept me coming back for the sheer enjoyment of playing with others are gone. I find myself doing more things alone than with anyone. In some cases, that’s fine with me, but it does get lonely since I was so used to having a partner or two to run about and get things done, and done faster.

I don’t know what everyone else’s reasoning is for their standpoint. I quit towards the end of WoD. I thought I hated it (just like I think I hate BfA) It wasn’t the storyline or the lack of stuff to do, for me. I think it was a combination of my super high expectations of what the game should be and my being seriously burnt out and just feeling unrewarded. I hated the pruning. I despised the complete re-working of some of the specs. They ruined dk and hunter for me, so I decided to main my priest and played primarily shadow (still hadn’t messed around with healing too much at that time). I had a blast in Ashran and could always stay busy farming rares or working on rep or doing 15 million follower missions across all my chars. Shadow felt pretty solid but the disparity between PVE and PVE was too great. You go around destroying mobs and then get facerolled if the wrong class catches you off-guard. For whatever reason, Blizz saw fit to do away with resilience because fights were “too drawn out in MoP”. They suck at balance. And wherever there is fun, they find a way to eliminate it. I think every class should be able to hold their own if they play their cards right. There shouldn’t be such thing as “support classes”. I roll alone most of the time, and don’t want to feel dependent on group settings. I just finally had enough at that point. Way too much time put in and way too little payoff_. Oh and you know what they did after WoD? Completely changed shadow. I swear. I really do feel like the devs are way too liberal with the core changes to this game.

Now, I will admit that the overall storyline of the Warlords was pretty thin, but I don’t think it was as bad as people make it out to be. Like the storyline of BfA is better!? Alliance BAD! Horde BAD! Titan this… Old Gods that…

I keep hearing “lack of content” in WoD but there was really just as much stuff to do. Tons of followers to acquire, tons of missions to run (which where actually rewarding) cool armor sets to farm, they even did stuff to make fishing fun. It’s easy to be a critic. If you think about it, it’s always been the same anyway in the long run: daily chores (WQs or whatever you want to call them), rep grinds, power grinds, weekly world bosses, raid lockouts, blah blah blah. IMO, the problem is that the dev team has consistently bore down on the whole idea that everything has to be “fair”, time-gating, drawing everything out and making it increasingly easier for people to jump right into the game and go right to competing with veteran players. That and they frequently make too many drastic changes. I wanted all the work that I had put in since I started to count for something. On the other hand, without time-gating, people would blow through everything and then complain there’s no content… wait. :thinking:

WoD was only the 4th expansion I had been part of but I started to HATE how Blizz seemed to completely change the game drastically EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. It was like a complete reset back to Newbville every time. I had to just accept that that’s what WoW is. And they have to always add 10 levels and double the item level, ultimately leading to pruning and crunching. The whole concept sucks for longevity.

Back to the OP’s argument, I have to agree but not because of gold. I am not really a fan of BfA. More pruning and number crunching, and for all the so-called “content”, the majority of it (in my eyes) is re-skins and blatant use of old existing structure design which (imo) is pure laziness. “Scenarios” from MoP became “Island Expeditions”. “Warfronts” are just a scenario for a raid. I don’t like the whole “war mode” concept either (or sharding but that’s another story). I don’t like separate PVP only abilities (especially abilities that should be and were baseline). Seems like BfA is like a PVP expansion, whether you PVP or not, just not really good for pvp. With sharding, world pvp is a joke. Look for a raid in group finder and win.

I have to give credit where credit is due though, and some of the new allies, creatures, monsters, etc (art) are really well done. The new dungeons are really cool (specifically Waycrest Manor). They did a lot of great design work in WoD too that people fail to acknowledge (Ogron, Goren, Botani, Arrakoa, Saberon). People unfairly summarize WoD and seem to keep repeating talking points like “selfie patch” or “hanging out in garrisons” and maybe they did but I didn’t hang out in my garrison and not every patch has to be ground-breaking. I act like I don’t have anything to do sometimes but, as anyone can tell from my profiles, I haven’t really done much at all of the higher level end content. I think that goes for a lot of people and, in that regard, there’s not much room to talk about “lack of content”. What do they think should be available in the game that isn’t already? Dailes, rep grinds, bgs, arenas, dungeons, raids, professions, pet battles, etc… thats what mmogs boil down to. IMO, it’s all about the feels. BfA < WoD so far. I can’t believe I’m defending WoD because neither are anything to write home about. More pruning and more number crunching but add scaling to it and it feels really bad. That’s my biggest gripe. That and freaking globals. I’ve always been a proponent of fast gameplay. Every class just feels slow and boring. The devs over-simplification of things is ruining the game. BfA’s mission table and follower / mission choices are so insignificant that they could have been omitted. I was ready for this expansion to be over as soon as it began. Also, ready for my Vulpera… :wink::fox_face:

Well, thats my passive-aggressive post! I have hope for the end of BfA but we’ll see where it goes from here!

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This 100 percent!

What makes BFA so bad for me is that the content that it has had so much potential to be great but it feels like they just threw some stuff and the wall and kept what stuck.

Most of the raiders on my server have taken breaks, so even loggging on the spend time with friends raiding is not an option.

I’m sick of leveling alts in the same old empty zones with the same tired quests, The three alts I do have leveled get nothing from any of the WQ’s or WB’s and the paltry amount of gold or resources makes them uninteresting to me.

Hard to imagine how, but they actually made professions worse that ever.

IE’s are fun but I can only grind so many. There are so many things they could have done with these to make them fun.

M+ is meh to me but the rewards are = to what you could get out of raiding leaving raiders feeling meh

“Removing portals to make the world feel big” is probably when I realized they just don’t get it anymore. It seems they have no desire to make the game engaging and interesting.

Finished up a main story line quest in ESO last night and I’m tellin you the whole story, music, scenery, npc convos made it feel epic. I even walked slowly around corners and did that thing where you try to see around the corner IRL then feel stupid LOL. At times I even got chills or jumped when there was a noise.

It’s sad really but sometimes its time to move on.