BFA < WOD. Heres why

That doesn’t make it better, it makes it lazier.

Why do so many players compare expansions, and argue about “which is better” or “which is worse”? You can only play the current one. So it’s a 100% theoretical discussion. There is no correct answer. And of course it is 100% personal opinion. “Better” and “worse” usually are.

I suppose if you find debating entertaining, it’s entertainment. And of course it’s a way to dump on (criticize, attack, condemn, blame) Blizzard, which many players seem to enjoy. That’s why it is usually “which is worse” and not “which is better”.

WoD was fine.

WoD’s problem was that it was supposed to be the start of 1 year expansion cycles but Blizzard totally over hyped the expansion and had to cut a metric ton of stuff just to get something out as close to the Warcraft movie release as possible. And they attempted to get rid of Flight forever.

Instead of patching in some of the cut content like Farahlon, more Ogre homeland and Botani stuff, or Karabor/Bladespire, they just phoned it in and went full bore with Legion with the only major content update being the last patch.

But hey, at least I played during WoD.

BFA sucks because a) the story is a rehash of MoP except without actual meaningful in game faction conflict b) classes suck c) everything is about the Azerite and d) all the Azerite stuff sucks.

But hey, only took a year to get the hyped AR’s from the pre-orders!

Yeah, but the ability to really comprehend that different players have differing opinions or a completely different set of metrics to measure the comparison just gets thrown by the wayside in favor of bagging on some specifics the poster might have a problem with. Hell, the game at large, it’s a big target… seems like the trend of late.

Look for validation, anyone who disagrees is wrong or stupid. Internet 101

Vanilla through Legion are now all included with any game time purchase. You can literally play everything except BFA and save the $20 sale price.


Me too. The problem with both is locking basic stuff behind a ton of rep farming.
They should rep farming for gear and mounts.
Requiring honored for races is good enough in my estimation. The flying requirements are far too much.
This is directly related to people leaving. We get tired of running the same content day after day on a grind and don’t even get upgrades at all.

so you have almost 40k gold just from the chests. you said almost, so i’ll say you got 9 chests in 2 weeks at 4kg per chest. it takes 10,000 rep to get a chest. thats 90,000 rep earned just for the chests. add another 20,000 earned rep for the chests in progress. that’s 110,000 or 8000 rep a day. wow, that’s A LOT of rep per day. how do you do it?

I don’t get it.

I meant the extra emissary chests. I’ve gotten a lot of them and each awards about 4k gold.
My point was that making gold isn’t hard.


are you debating people debating?

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I don’t know. Lore wise I think BFA > WoD but BFA < Legion. Gameplay yeah BFA < WoD < Legion. Graphics have never been better though. So there is that.

I didn’t like WOD at first and was away from the game for much of it (more due to RL stuff than the game), but when I finally did all the pathfinder reqs on one of my 120s, I found the zones and storylines actually really enjoyable. I also like garrisons and the other neat extras every time I level my way through Draenor. Honestly, I try not to add to the anti-BFA stuff, but yeah, Draenor is more fun every playthrough tbh.