BFA < WOD. Heres why

I see people say that BFA is almost worse then WOD and i have to say it is worse and there is one major reason why.

WOD gave you gold for being bored.


WoD sucked and barely had any content.

BFA on the other hand, while it hasn’t been all that fun, has far more content with WoD. Not to mention how WoD only had two patches, while it’s likely we’ll see 3 or 4 patches of BFA.


wod was better than legion, and bfa is better than legion

thats all


BFA actually has content, albiet not very good content but its still content. WoD had a content patch which was LITERALLY just the SELFIE cam.

BFA is not worse than WoD.


What rock where you living under? Or are you mad that you didn’t get the mage tower appearances in time and that’s why Legion automatically is terrible?


the rock where i dont really care about pve, and i pvp instead PS demons and green fire are super super cool

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OK that makes sense. But expansions as a whole not just pvp.


to be fair, thats my expansion nearly as a whole. and i liked wod leveling better. i just dont do raiding or dungeons.

but i dont raid so maybe legion was better from a pve perspective, but wod was superior in terms of pvp and in its theme imo


Right, so WoD was the first expansion where Blizzard decided that they were going to treat the open-world content like a sacred cow. It was the first expansion where they refused to implement flight in favor of repetitive grinds on foot. It was also the first expansion where the subscription numbers stopped being reported due to dropping so low (presumably due to a “lack of content” if you ask the deniers).

BfA and Legion were a refinement of WoD’s design philosophy.

Is BfA really “worse”? Seems about the same to me.


wod only sucked because they cut an entire raid tier


This argument always comes down to two side: WoD had no content but fun gameplay and the little content it had was enjoyable. BFA has a ton of content but none of it is fun and the gameplay is laughably bad. The fact that we are comparing the two expansion just proves Blizzard has screwed up on an epic level once again…


WoD had decent raids and good pvp ill give you that, but lacked everywhere else in content cutting story arcs and raid tier(s).

For me I’d rather have content than no content. And if 8.2 does a full 180 (or fixes alot of the major complaints) then BfA is salvageable and I’ll come back from FFXIV.

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WoD was a game that you wanted to play, but struggled to find things to do.

BfA is a game that even with loads of content to do, you don’t want any of it.

WoD > BfA


At least in wod class desgin was eons ahead of what it is now.

At least in wod we dident have to re farm traits.

At least in wod must need traits wernt tied to the loot table.

wod prolly also had the best loot system ever with pve and pvp gear scaleing differently in the other so one was never better in the other.

Wod > bfa by a county mile.


Any time I am lvling up Alt’s and I have to get thru the WoD section it’s like chewing glass mixed up in tar, a slow painful process…


Bad content and no content is the exact same to most players. As a raider, I actually preferred WoD because I could raid log without a penalty. Legion hit the perfect balance, but BFA has created chores for you to complete in order to play the content you want to play. But IMO BFA is far from salvageable, they can fix the HoA and that system, but that doesn’t affect the gameplay which was the biggest hit to BFA. When gameplay is bad, and you no longer enjoy your classes, it really doesn’t matter how great the content is. Ion has already said they wont be messing with gameplay until the next expansion. I hope I am wrong, but I think they need to put BFA to the sword the same way they did with WoD.


Totally agree OP. WoD in all its massive, glorious fail > BfA … imo. Some people love it and that is fantastic. I’m just confused as to how, but hey, we all have opinions and such.


Well said!

Yeah, can’t disagree it’s really bad now.

Yes, the main reason that I agree WOD > BFA.