BFA < WOD. Heres why

WoD was better designed and used better reward systems

however BfA definitely has more content

WoD was supposed to start a new yearly xpac cadence and only had 2 tiers before the next xpac was supposed to come out. The content was so thin that everyone just quit and bliz gave up on yearly xpacs.

WoD was definitely better designed than BfA

While I think both are on the absolute bottom, alongside Cata, as bad as it was I actually had fun playing WoD. The only reason I’m playing BFA is because friends are.


BFA is way worse than WoD. WoD had really good class design, and that’s the most important part of WoW. BFA doesn’t.


WoD and BFA both have little in the ways unique feeling world content. Classes in WoD were better, and mission tables had a lot more reward to them.

I personally enjoyed WoD a lot more because when capping a character I could farm ashran boxes for honor to get a pvp set which was a set of half decent-ish gear and not have to rely on RNG to give me the correct gear slot for every piece of gear. Then classes were better, instead of most of them being classes that were gutted to make room for artifact weapons, then left same while artifact weapons were removed.

P.S. Not actually saying WoD was good, but it was better.


[No hostility intended]
There’s more content, but it hasn’t been good content. Or even memorable, except for the wrong reasons.


Personally I disagree. I dislike WoD much more than BfA. Granted, I’m not a giant fan of BfA either, but eh. It’s more fun in my personal opinion.

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God I love it when someone says this. I used my amazing class design to huh… lets see what did I do in WoD? Huh I… oh yeah! Worked on my gold missions!

PVP’d all day dude. It’s the funnest aspect of WoW.


No it’s fine. I agree completely with that.


(preface) i know about the rose colored thing, and this is not it…

i thought legion was just ok. it wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t wrath. then came BfA and it has sucked so hard in virtually every aspect. it’s like the devs thought, "let’s take legion and redo it, only this time let’s make absolutely everything as mundane, tedious, unrewarding and un-fun as humanly possible.

WoD was bad, but it didn’t have a chance to be good. BfA on the other hand, is deliberately bad, and that’s the greater sin.


I can’t wait for the next xpac when BfA is praised.


Well, MY opinion is that some expansions were better than other expansions, and this is the only acceptable opinion.


If you get exalted reps yet still do the WQ’s and missions, you get gold too.

A couple weeks ago I spent 100kg on my DK, she’s now almost at 40k gold just from those.

Couldn’t agree more

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How is it people are justifying BfA being better than WoD simply because of quantity of content, rather than the quality? Yes, BfA has a lot more content, but how much of it is actually fun?

As far as I am concerned, I have to agree with the OP, this expansion feels less enjoyable than WoD did. Then again, this expansion didn’t really bring anything new to the game, just reused a lot of what Legion had.

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Yeah, well that expansion will be garbage too, until the expansion after that!

But none will be as bad as Cataclysm.

WoD also had challenge modes. Which for me was more hours of content than all of BFA combined.

Hours of content that was done in hours, unless you were selling runs. Unlike MoP, you had no reason to do CMs a second time

WoD, while it had no content, had way better class design. BFA has M+ which is nice but class design is terrible and azerite is even worse.

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Gold is worthless if I’m bored.

I refused to do Garrison’s in WOD full aware of knowing how much gold I could make.

BFA is better than WOD for many reasons, but people have already made up their minds. No need to justify our own personal problems.