BFA < WOD. Heres why

This has to be an April Fool’s Day joke. lol

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Legion was the epitome of pruning “play the spec not the class”


By “you” you mean “I” (as in you and not me). I don’t have enough time after work to do all the things I want to do.

Artifact Trees came into the game during Legion. WoD is also the expansion that had it’s first major patch centered around a toy.

I played WoD more.


100% agree with this.

True, that’s what XLawyerFace said, but it turned into a nightmare. The raids were fun. The PvE was fun while questing. Stories were pretty neat - all of them should’ve been available day 1 and stuff added later.

Island expeditions: boring monotonous AI grinds and the pvp ones are extremely imbalanced with no actual pvp element other than who caps first that nobody queus for them.

Warfronts: Do I really need to weigh in on these? Boring and monotonous AI runs with ridiculous mob hps on siege engines to gate your playtime and make sure you’re in there for a good, long while.

M+: Much worse than Legion, where the community was larger because you didn’t have to deal with 9 affixes for a 7+ key and the affixes were decently spread out where players of all difficulty levels could try em out. Also, far, far less trash.

Raids: Only good content. No argument.

Yeah, there’s more content. But the content is dumpsterfire. That doesn’t mean the expansion is better. If the sentiment that quantity > quality prevails, we are looking at devs continuing to be lazy, ignoring beta feedback, and churning out “content” that is vapid, and honestly insulting.

But with comp stomp brawl, we are going to be looking at more players vs AI stuff. Because, apparently, that is fun and good enough “content” for you lot.


These whine threads are just funny at this point.
Oh, you don’t like BfA? Tell me more Mr. IDon’tOwnA120. You’re gonna complain no matter how the game plays.
Keep wallowing with the hive mind while I enjoy the game with many others.

You, your gardener, Akston, Akston alt 1, your barista, Akston alt 2, and all the other Akston alts.

Lots of friends enjoying bfa with you I bet.


Could be wrong but I’m fairly certain the “you” there is subjective and not literal. Again, I could be wrong, I just never assume when someone uses “you” in this way it isn’t directed at me, unless otherwise stated.

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I hated play the spec not the class. It was so boring and was a prune fest

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I’m still running on WOD gold. Thanks to WOD I was able to get stuff in the game that I thought I’D never get.
Plus running old raids was fun for mounts and mogs which I got a lot out of.

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I totally get you. I’m just saying that WoD didn’t really have any content. Meanwhile BFA has content, even though it may not be good content.

Can I like this about 300 more times?


As a casual, and someone who is more interested in lore driven content and story being developed in game and through other media, BfA>>>WoD.

I enjoyed WoD leveling, the story was a little weird but I still dug it, even Garrisons were fun at first, but that was it. No significant story driven content after that, the selfie cam patch, repetitive and boring Apexis dailies where all were identical, only 8 dungeons for the entire expansion, cut content that I was really looking forward to (Farahlon, the Ogre homeland, etc.). Even part of the pathfinder to that expansion involved looking for useless “treasures”. The cool new feature of that expansion was not a new class or a new race, but instead was the mission table. Yes, sending other characters on missions to Farahlon and around the world where you would wanna go was the main feature of that expansion, and you even got two mission tables (woot!!!). Admittedly I did end up liking Ashran.

BfA has a great leveling experience, and on top of that you continue with the story even at max level (War Campaign), getting more lore-driven quests with each patch. You have multiple story threads (the faction war, Azshara and N’zoth’s arrival, the mechagnomes, the Horde civil war, etc.) each with their own quest chains and cinematics, and more keeps being added. In BfA we started with 10 dungeons and the Mechagon one is on the way, Warfronts and Island expeditions might not be the greatest content but since I don’t really grind they’re usually fun to do (I love seeing the new themes of the Islands). Also, in WoD I found myself leveling alts because there was nothing to do, but in BfA I’m leveling alts for the content that is being introduced (leveled my Tauren for his heritage armor, and I’m leveling my Hunter for the Hati quest). On top of all that I haven’t even touched allied races, and 8.2 (an actual worthy patch) is on the way.

I understand that in order for the game to be in a healthy state for everyone the issues the hardcore players have must be fixed, so I hope they resolve that for you guys, but I’m not an RNG, progression, scaling, etc. player. I myself am really enjoying this expansion much more than I ever did WoD past the leveling phase…

Nice way to put it.

The classes, heck, the specs* felt good to play. The content was just not there.

In BfA it feels like the content would feel WAY better if the classes felt better.

*sorry Demolocks.


ahaha i get it happy april fools my friend

I’m convinced anyone that says WoD was a good expansion falls into two categories:

1.) They’re raiders. That was the only thing to do in that xpac.
2.) They quit at launch or didn’t participate in the launch and they came back with the Tanaan Jungle patch, which also brought flying.

I would take BfA over WoD every day of the week and twice on Sunday.