BFA was 1000x better than SL, you just didn't play it

Honestly, the problem with BFA was the terrible story, and the fact that both Azerite and Corruption systems launched absolutely busted.

It took Blizzard like a year to fix Azerite, and around 3 months (?) to fix corruptions. Even then, the corruptions fix was kinda lame, with the rotating vendors.

Other than that, the actual content of BFA was great.

Shadowlands suffers from a similar problem, except it’s worse because 9.1 took forever to ship, and it’s likely that 9.2 will as well. Also the terrible systems.

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HoA was a good idea but horrible at the same time. If it was shared across all alts, it would have been much better. Some of us casuals nearly felt punished for wanting to play an alt. While there were “catch up” mechanics, they didn’t add up enough in the long run.

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I had a hell of a lot of fun with 8.3 corruptions. Play till your glowing red…it was amazing.

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Not to mention the ridiculous 30-60 minute long mandatory story bits that could not be skipped such as that stupid battle in Highmountain to upgrade your HoA with the ability to use that fireball attack. Without it, you felt powerless because new enemies introduced in that patch were balanced around you having it and of course jumping your HoA up several levels also helped.

For some reason Blizz seems to be hesitant to give us the “I already heard this tale before” button on some of this stuff. They think we want to do the same story scenarios over and over and over and over and over again.


Almost correct :smiley:. BfA succed until 8.2, as all expacs do until the Pathfinder spitegate is over. 8.2 was my second favorite time in WoW, second only to MoP, and 8.3 wasn’t too bad. 100% agree with the drop going into SL. Even flight hasn’t made me fully get into it. :speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil::see_no_evil:

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Two shades of Turd.

BFA wasn’t that much better.

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The art and music team peaked with their creation of Boralus and you can’t change my mind. Most awesome home city ever.

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Honestly, it’s just two bad back-to-back expansions full of tedious grinds and incomplete classes that still feel gutted after losing Legion’s artifact weapons.


Sadly, 90% of that awesome city doesn’t have much of anything of value in it. Streets upon streets of emptiness, just some NPCs and hostile mobs wandering around with the occasional world quest that takes place there.

All of the shops, trainers, etc are all bunched up in this tiny area in the very northern tip of it.

But then Dazar’alor didn’t fare any better; it was even worse. This HUGE GIGANTIC FRICKEN PYRAMID and all you cared about was one set of rooms near the top, and one section at its base. The rest of it was only there to make it take forever to travel between the relevant sections.

And for whatever reason, Blizz thought it was an awesome idea to put the Cooking Trainer at the very top of the Pyramid… and the vendor that sells stuff that’s required for nearly every single recipe at the very bottom of the pyramid, because… I dunno, because they wanted to make professions as annoying as possible.

And while we’re on the topic of professions?

I’ve never seen more terrible-to-level professions in any expansion before, or since BfA. Everything takes way too many materials, the only recipes to level on post 120-ish require Expulsom or Anchorweed, with some recipes wanting 10+ expulsom for a single level (it’s almost like they forgot that multiple levels per recipe was possible), and Inscription is just a nightmare, with the only recipes that give skill being Contracts that want 30+ inks at 2 seconds per ink, it takes a minimum of 62 seconds per level of just watching your character crafting.

Thankfully, someone whacked the Profession designer guy upside the head and he did it better in Shadowlands, even though they decided to remove weapons from the equation for… whatever reason.

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Everything was okay until they dropped corrupted gear.

Benthic pearl was tolerable, but the cloak and corruption mechanic was too much.

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I only came back in 8.3, but in my opinion BFA was super unfriendly to returning and even new players. Just the sheer amount of grinding I had to do in the first 2-3 weeks after max level was insane.

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Yeah, Legion felt way better about that. They increased how fast your weapon levelled up for the new players who’d come later, and I found that I was able to jump in relatively quickly.

And in SL, I find my craft alts get geared rather quickly through Korthia and/or BoE stuff, I can go from fresh 60 to surviving in Korthia within a week.

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I did horde and alliance war campaigns. And you’re right it is better than SL, but that doesn’t say much.


8.3 was the last patch. I don’t think you played it with this 8.4 silliness.

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Battlegrounds were better in BFA

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Personally I hate how capped this rep grind is. I’d rather finish it and be done with it but it’s so capped you have to keep showing up each day. I’m barely into rank 5 and I have so much to go and it’s been well over a month already.

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BFA was hard chores IMO, but the WPVP weekly quests was the absolute most fun I’ve had in WoW. Stormsong valley is still soaked in blood from massive raid parties clashing, And it gave you decent rewards too. I still have ppl on my friends list I met when we would go “hunting”. Good times. And I honestly liked farming islands toward the end of xpac No lies.

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At 8.1 I was about the same place, so 9.2 will be the make or break. That’s right around when bfa started getting interesting.

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I enjoyed BFA, and enjoying Shadowlands. So no idea what you mean.

It all comes down to what you want to do, which pieces of the game you enjoy.

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Ooooophf, hit Shadowlands right where it hurts :laughing:

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