BFA was 1000x better than SL, you just didn't play it

bad and wrong

corruption was dumb and it was made even worse by rng then bandaided to be time gated

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It’s their business model.
Make something internally.
Remove features on the PTR.
Launch a broken version.
Promise QoL improvements for X.5 so you stay subscribed!

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Sadly yes BFA will be better than SL. At least BFA zones were good I liked learning about them specially Drustvar.

I really don’t care about the covenants at all.

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I hated Drustvar. I never heard a Kultiran captain say anything or any levels about Drustvar in the warcraft 2 campaign. It felt like it was shoehorned in to be like, “DEATH MAGIC AND EMERALD DREAM FORESHADOWING”


To be fair we knew basically nothing about kultiras very little was ever said about the place.

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Meanwhile, I hated Zuldazar because of “GIANT CLIFFS EVERYWHERE”, Nazmir was a hellhole full of aggressive mobs where you got attacked every 5 feet you travelled, much the same with Drustvar, but I will admit Drustvar’s story was okay the first time I did it. Vol’dun was probably my favorite out of the whole bunch, nice mostly flat zone, and for the most part, the mobs were spread out unless you went into the tightly packed places around the edges of the map.

To compare… I loved Ardenweald, still like the place visually, Revendreth is awesome now that we can fly (unless you die, then it’s hell trying to figure out how to get to your corpse), Bastion is ok with flying, though I still dislike Maldraxxus almost as much as I did before flying.

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True because I unsubbed for that expac due to how boring I awful I found it. I am having 1000x a better time in SL than I ever had in BFA.

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Just like WoD, for me.

I quit a couple months into WoD’s .0 patch because I got to max level with a few of my characters, and saw that everything was just FarmVille Garrison with little to nothing to do in the open world except for a % quest here and there for apexis shards which was about as boring as you could possibly get.

I didn’t come back until a couple weeks before Argus was due to release.

Never watched Bellular, but I disliked BfA. I also have far more experience with BfA content than you do lol. I’ve killed mythic raid bosses when they were actually current and I achieved KSM during BfA. Don’t even get me started on corruption, oh, I mean healer punishment. Do you know how many times people would take extra damage and even die in raids simply from having too much corruption? I can tell you who covered for that nonsense… your healers. Our DK dying practically every pull from waaaaay too much corruption is still a running joke in my healing team.

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I miss titanforging, i miss free legendaries, i miss having an heroic piece of loot for doing an easy warfront, i miss more loot dropping

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I played it. it was meh. about the same as SL. both had terrible systems and were dull after the first 2 months.

Everything blizzard does is out of touch with the playerbase and they make good changes WAY too late (i.e- corruption vendor).

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Last patch I remember being terrible and more grindy than a grind fest.

With currency to buy currency to buy currency.

And loot boxes.

shudders like Mr. Burns

The first two patches I liked.

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Bfa was okay. Season 3 with essences and beguiling was so bad I unsubbed for all of it. 8.3 was definitely a step in a good direction. Sad to see how we go from that patch where they started making the game better to this expansion that feels like complete crap from the ground up

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Played it. It sucked, champion.

/though most of the dungeons were better to be honest.

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I played both… I like Shadowlands quite a bit more, I’ll go into why…

Torghast/Maw>>> Islands/Warfronts
I hear hate on Torghast, but I personally like it. Is it amazing? no. But I find it a million times more entertaining than Islands were. Believe it or not, at the beginning I had fun in the maw… didnt last very long, but warmode in the maw was fun at the beginning. It eventually just became a daily chore hub like the many that existed in BFA. Warfonts in BFA was a fail, could have been so much better if it was pvp.

Shadowlands Dungeons>>> BFA Dungeons
Shadowlands Dungeons have been an improvement. They were built with mythic+ in mind and are balanced well with time and affixes in mind. BFA had dungeons that were absolutely toxic. Kings Rest… F that dungeon at the beginning of the Expac.

Raids are hard to compare as we have had only two in Shadowlands. I liked the aesthetic and story of Castle Nathria more than Uldir in BFA, but the fight mechanic in Uldir were better overall. I personally like the newest dungeon a lot, much better mechanics improvement, though the Jaina raid was more creative overall with the concept of the raid…
BFA> Shadowlands so far, but it’s pretty close

Shadowlands Zones/leveling>>> BFA Zones/leveling
The only zone I actually liked in BFA was Drustivar… the rest were bleh.
Ardenweiled, Bastion, and Revendreth all look stunning and original.

Campaign/Main story Quest so far
Shadowlands has had it’s moments depending on the covenant you chose, but it is certainly lacking some of the impact the BFA story had. Just a little too predictable and uninspiring… so far.

Character Chore Grind
Shadowlands>>> BFA
BFA daily grind was significantly worse… it’s not even close. Artifact power forced you to do hours and hours of dailies, islands, and whatever to keep up. Shadowlands has the grinds, but the bulk of things you get are weekly, not daily… and you are not penalized nearly as hard opting out of the daily grind stuff.

Shadowlands>>> BFA
No titanforging, valor exists, pvp became more relevant than ever. Legendaries are a million times better system than the stupid slot gear BFA had, which made it extremely difficult to swap specs. Corruption gear was absolutely DUMB, a fun gimmick for a little bit but it broke the game. Chest item per week was only ONE roll, absolutely terrible RNG. At least in shadowlands you can get up to 9.

PvE class balance
Shadowland>>>> BFA
I have been truly impressed with class balance this expansion. The gap between classes is only around 1-2k between the best and worst. It was much worse in BFA, depending on the patch.


8.3 was horrible, i played on 2 different guild raiding heroics both stopped raiding early 8.3 cuz people quit.


8.0 was bad, like really bad.

8.1 was okay. It’s hard to really judge it. It was better than 8.0 by a good bit but 8.0 was so bad.

8.2 was amazing. Definitely one of my favorite tiers.

8.3 was… well it was worse than 8.2. Corruption was a very problematic system and Horrific Visions became a chore fast. It had some stuff going for it though I guess.

9.0 was trash. Really the only thing they got right was Legendary acquisition but even then crafting them was a huge pain. Covenants are a horrible idea. Conduits are neat actually but very poorly balanced. The anima grind was horrid. The zones were trash, Ardenweald is okay but the Maw is easily the worst zone ever. Torghast was a chore almost instantly.

Then we got 9.1 with tiniest new zone I’ve ever seen. Nothing but a handful of dailies and a few rares to kill. Literally nothing interesting happening at all.

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Eh, to be honest, Korthia is about the same size as Timeless Isle, if you remove that upper part that only the raiders could really do much there, so it doesn’t seem that “tiny” to me, and since you can’t fly in there, I actually prefer the zone to be smaller and more condensed, so that it doesn’t take absolutely forever to get to your objectives.

That’s one thing I actually enjoy about Korthia; you go there, spend 30-45 minutes once a day and you’re done. It’s not this huge grindfest where you gotta spend 5 minutes travelling to get from point A to point B (especially since half of the focus is killing rares, and even despite Korthia’s smaller size, it’s still hard to get to a rare before it’s dead unless you were nearby when it popped).

I actually like Korthia in general, I’m pleasantly surprised that they were willing/able to actually give us a daily questing area that didn’t suck, because God knows the previous 2 in the previous expansion were not fun at all.

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Everyone with some common sense would know that BfA wasn’t good. Just look at the video where every daily quests is listened. The expansion was plagued by timegating like no other before. The scaling was off the charts. The exp-curve was broken after hitting LV111. The enemy leaf was increased by 100%. There were quests which showed the other faction doing things which is not canon. WM was a disaster and accelerated the faction imbalance.

You have really no idea what you are talking about here.


I enjoyed bfa much more than SL. Not near as many systems. I did however get a bit bored toward the end but other than that imo BFA > SL