BFA was 1000x better than SL, you just didn't play it

BFA Was bad But shadowland is terrible

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Honestly, BfA did feel better than SL, but it was still a bad expansion.

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BFA had Vulpera
SL had the mass exodus of players and streamers

We can see who wins here


I honestly really enjoyed the BFA storyline as someone who started in BFA. Questing through Kul Tiras was easily one of my favorite zones ever, and Zandalar was amazing as well. (isn’t that what it’s called? I haven’t visited in a while)

I have quested through most of the older zones and they haven’t really captured me as much as Kul Tiras did.

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BfA is the expansion that ACTUALLY got out of hand with “systems”.

Mostly Passive bonuses from systems contributed roughly 60% of your total DPS if you had a good build. That’s absolutely insane. Less than half of your DPS would come from your actual input. Because they layered systems on top of systems on top of systems and each one had massive impact.

That, and it’s the expansion in which M+ totally eclipsed everything else to an insane degree. I quit raiding over it, because I could get better-than-Heroic gear from a weekend of no-lifeing dungeons instead.

Story was pretty bad too, but WoW almost never has a good story so I don’t hold that against it.

Anyway, point being, it bugs me that people call SL “Systemlands” when it was far, far, FAR more detrimental to the game in BfA. People are referring to “gem sockets” as a “system” in SL, because they want to have an excuse to keep crapping on it. Gem sockets. Come on.

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I know people would have just flipped out, but I would rather still just be grinding my HoA and have some new essences opposed to whatever you want to call this mess in SL


It would have been much better if the vendor just had all the corruptions and not have been on a cycle.

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I regret playing all of BFA.
I should have quit in the first patch.

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The vendor is what made things get out of hand the most, tbh. I’m glad I finished all of my progression before it was added. Corruption was never designed around being able to freely pick and choose what you wanted. The insane RNG is what kept it even somewhat “reasonable”. Things broke down once they added the vendor. Being brokenly OP and balance going out the window isn’t a “good” thing.

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I wouldn’t say “1000x better”, it has some really rough patches and you would have to completely ignore the “corruption” system. But it had it’s moments and I did enjoy parts of it more than I have SL.

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Well raiding dominated gear for how long sometimes things get old and need knocked out for awhile. They keep losing people mythic raiding be 10 man. Honestly they need to find that good balance between both they just junked keys now so I do nothing.


Raid or Die was unhealthy. So is Dungeon or Die. The solution to “raiding was too good for a long time” isn’t “make it trash, dungeons can be best now”. It’s the same mindset as those who thing mages should get an expansion as absolute last DPS because they’re historically strong. No. That’s not how balance works.

FWIW I still think Mythic being 20-man only is stupid. The amount of players that benefit from the tighter tuning and more class-targeted mechanics that can afford isn’t big enough to justify it. Let it scale like literally everything else. And get rid of the leaderboard requirements for xrealm Mythic, and get rid of the archaic lockout rules that tie you to the instance ID instead of your own personal lockout. Nothing else works that way. Cut it out. Make it make sense.

The issue is that Mythic+ doesn’t have a lockout. Until they suck it up and add one, like, for example, 3 charges on a Keystone and charges are consumed to open the EoD chest for a guaranteed piece of loot, it will be impossible to balance. They haven’t gotten it right even once since they introduced M+.

It’s a totally necessary system to keep dungeons relevant – having them be nothing but currency farms but otherwise being irrelevant after like 2 weeks of an expansion launching was a hilariously huge waste of development time.

But they need to sort it out. If that means normalizing things a little by introducing a lockout mechanic that works for M+, so be it.

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people need to stop looking at the past through rose tinted glasses… wait for the next expansion then everyone will be saying how great shadowlands was


I agree with this statement. However, to me BfA felt like a job until AFTER we could fly - prior to flying it was a boring frustrating slog.


I quit a month in. Came back in 8.3 and getting a new character up to snuff was still a gigantic pain in the butt. Idk what you’re talking about.

The time you had to put into a character to get it ready was the main issue. Same thing in SL.

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No, it felt like a job:

  • Before we could buy azerite armor
  • Before the rep req for essences was lowered to honored for alts
  • Before a vendor was added for essences we already unlocked on our mains
  • Before a vendor was added for corruption
  • Before azerite power largely stopped mattering

And also before flying.

The game is built so that every new feature is terrible so they can add “quality of life” improvements as “content updates” to advertise the X.5 patches.

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I did play BFA.

But if you compare BFA 8.0 to Shadowlands 9.0, Shadowlands is better. You dont compare your experience on BFA 8.3 and 8.4 to Shadowlands 9.0 or Shadowlands 9.1.

To me in my opinion, Shadowlands 9.1 is better than BFA 8.1 and BFA 8.2. I am hopeful that Shadowlands 9.2 is as good or better than BFA 8.3/8.4.

I did have a blast on BFA 8.3 and 8.4 when they made my Class/specs a meta… flavor of the month. I dont expect this to happen to my Class/specs regularly. But I surely appreciate when one time in WoW, it happened. I did enjoy the feel of being on Meta… I enjoyed it while it lasted.

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Mostly what I remember about early bfa was the void elf shadow priest I had ground so hard for couldn’t even comfortably handle an add. In dungeon blues. I’m not saying I loved 8.3 but I did run a record number of alts through it.

That spriest was supposed to be my main named after one of my favorite characters from my own work but I never really could enjoy the class again even though it has been massively buffed recently.

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I’m just going to say it.

I loved BFA.

Worst expansion still remains WoD for me personally (Save PvP).


Honestly… BfA was bad… and Shadowlands was bad… so comparing bad with bad doesn’t really make a good argument.