BFA was 1000x better than SL, you just didn't play it

BFA was really bad. I suppose it shows just how bad SL is then.

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And here we go. In WoW players perennial complaining about [INSERT CURRENT EXPANSION], they think the former expansion was always better.

Shadowlands is a big step up. Probably my only complaint compared to BFA is the gearing can be painfully slow, but thankfully Korthia helps tremendously with getting alts catched up

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Not that you’d know about the beauty of Zandalar while it was relevant: it was anything but while you were stuck on the ground and having to navigate the maze of stairs (and cliffs outside the city) over and over and over again and/or having to use addons to know which paku shrines go to where (assuming you chose that loa and not the other one).

By the time Pathfinder Pt.2 finally came to be, I wound up being so sick of the place that I didn’t care what it looked like from the air, I found myself not wanting much of anything to do with BfA.

But, I suppose going back to it after a lot of the bad memories died down some, yeah, sure, Zuldazar is a great looking zone, if you can fly.


If the WoW community really prefers BFA to this, then I am glad my sub is cancelled.
Shadowlands is marginally better, but still not great.
But BFA was a dumpster fire.
Actually, that’s unfair to dumpster fires.
BFA was a violation of the Geneva convention.

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I dont understand the BfA hate. I genuinely enjoyed BfA. (other than azerite gear, that was garbage).
No stupid ratings for PvP, there was gear all over the place. Everything you did improved your toon a little bit. You were rewarded for your time played.
I liked the HoA, war fronts, islands, and yes, i even enjoyed corruption, once it was added to the vendor.
Not a huge fan of SL. if the raids have not been as good as they have been (and so far the raids have been very good), i’d have quit by now. But im a sucker for raiding.


So basically…

BfA = Raid or Die
SL = Raid or Die… or Korthia.

If you’re not a raider, SL will be better.

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I disagree. I spent a ton of time in the world in BfA. Undersea Usurper was a great grind, fun achievement with an awesome reward, And i did hundreds of Bgs.
Now I mostly raid log.

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if they cut a raid tier like wod, then ofc

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I agree that 8.0 and 8.1were crap, but only because of the Pathfinder spitegate. I was able to progess my toon at a reasonable pace and nearly every activity was worth my time due to WF/TF and the scaling open world rewards. True, I still didn’t level any alts but that was Pathfinder, not BfA systems/mechanics. Once 8.2 dropped and I had flight, I was able to progress my alts and really enjoyed 8.2 and even 8.3.
Compared to 9.1 where even with flight I probably CBA to level any alts because of the horrific timegating to get them to any reasonable progress level. The cloak grind in BfA was awful but NOTHING compared to the renown and soul ash grind in SL. Hopefully 9.1.5 or 9.2 are better. :speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil::see_no_evil:


Coming back in the last patch of any expansion is going to feel like that. You always have a whole xpac’s worth of systems thrown at you and you feel woefully behind.

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It was like this in BFA:

  • Flying → Get revered with 6-8 factions.
  • Amulet → Get revered with other factions.
  • Cloak → Farm N’zoth daily and grind Heroic Visions.

That was BEFORE the gear grind.

This expansion the only thing you need to grind for is Renown which can be done with any activity you do so I can just focus on gearing my alts. Flying doesn’t require getting revered.

The only “bad grind” in my opinion is the legendary/conduit part. Korthia is the perfect zone for gear/alt catch-up.

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opinions everyone has one, BFA was trash I did like leveling in Voldun though and the feeling of trespassing doing quests in Kul tiras.

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1000 times 0 is still 0

Getting revered with all those factions for flying was trivial though. You had plenty of WQs and the story line quests to get you there. Even Mechagon and Nazjatar were easy enough. Pretty sure I had flying within the first week of it being implemented in BFA.

I’ll agree with you on the other 2 though. The Essence grind was atrocious and corruption resistance was also a pretty trash grind. At least it had a catch up though. Archivist’s Codex has nothing.

Honestly though you’re just reinforcing the point. Blizz created a bunch of horrid grinds in BFA, then showed us they had not learned anything from it by creating more in Shadow Lands. The Codex rep grind is terrible. The Maw grind from 9.0 was terrible. Even the anima grind was absolute horse shot on launch. It didn’t directly affect player power but you were still incentivized to rank things up. The mission table had a lot of useful rewards including stygia and augment runes, the transportation network was a huge QoL upgrade and even the anima conductor was tied to the legendary catch up.

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At this point, I definitely had way more fun in BFA and I cannot believe I’m writing that rn. Also, I miss Boralus.

New city is lame as hell. Actually, I think hell would be cooler tbh.


I agree with this tbh, i played from Day one of BFA to the final day, and i enjoyed it miles more than i do SL, and i’ve also played SL from day one, but ive played it ALOT less than i played BFA… it’s a sad expansion to be honest, i like the lore and find it interesting, but i’m personally tired of Sylvanas, her story’s getting old and repetitive and frankly obnoxious to see her at every corner of the lore. I Loved M+ in BFA and did it constantly, it’s what basically kept me playing the game, i enjoyed the raids more than SL’s raids so far, granted i haven’t really touched Sanctum but i did CN and i couldn’t stand it, i stopped raiding after that, i barely do M+ anymore because once i got KSM it just becomes boring, alot of my friends have quit to play other games because of how Bad Shadowlands is, and with the current state blizzard is in, it’s not going to change any time soon. So, yes. If you didn’t play BFA to a decent extent, you can’t particularly say anything on it if you didn’t play it besides sitting in Elwynn and complaining about the corruption system. It was slow and grindy but it was alot more fun once you got the corruption compared to the covenant system right now. The Hate for BFA is unprecedented and completely unnecessary, but people will hate on just about anything these days so it comes to no surprise, so many people said SL will save wow, look at it. it’s already worst than bfa in many ways, the aoe cap nerfs basically ruined so much of SL as it was, the pvp is awful because of the one shot meta, and the raid is just boring, but thats just my thoughts.

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Nope, sorry, BfA was just as trash because of the moronic Faction War nonsense. The idiotic Azerite Armor grind. The Azerite Power grind to even be able to use that armor efficiently. Corruptions being RNG and busted as hell for some and not for others. Yeah…

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8.2 > 8.1 > 8.0 > 8.3 > 9.1 > 9.0

8.2 had a ton of content with two new zones and added essences which, while another system, made azerite gear less important/annoying. still had it’s problems tho

8.1 has arguably one of the best raids they’ve ever made

8.0 had a ton of problems with azerite gear (always did throughout the expansion)

9.0 had less to do in my opinion than 8.0. Only 4.5 zones (Maw restrictions and nothing to do in the maw) compared to BfA which had 6 zones on top of Warfronts and Island Expeditions (which while they weren’t received well they were still content). 9.0 had a campaign, choose a covenant, do it’s campaign (equivalent to the war campaign in BfA), and craft legendary/collect conduits.

9.1 and 8.1 i feel are about equal in terms of content, but I just personally hate the maw/korthia and all you do is raid, M+, and do korthia dailies (for no good reason mind you, the rewards are pitiful).

Now… 8.3… that can go back to the hole it came from. Corruptions were horribly designed. Yes, they gave a ton of power, but at the end everyone just stacked versatility. Not really ground breaking gameplay, just a % damage increase. Visions were ok-ish, but I had no desire to do them because they offered very little outside of power. I got my mount/pets and that was all I wanted to do. I ended up doing the 5 mask near the end just for the achievement and to unlock the backpack transmog. I had no desire to do it anymore than I do Torghast. They don’t choose the right incentives. It wasn’t even that challenging. People complained at first because they were undergeared for the number of masks they had. Once you had the appropriate gear, it was only a slight challenge. Mechanics wise it wasn’t any harder than a dungeon boss on heroic difficulty, they just hit like a truck until you had the gear/knowledge.

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BFA was fine … The expeditions, the warfronts , raids , mythic +… I can’t compare PvP because I don’t like to be involved … my neighbors are much happier since I am not into Pvp .
Allied Races were great… There was a Grind … but after unlocking the race - Relief… and Joy.
The Story and lore - scrapped … Characters changed drastically.
Shadowlands- I enjoyed only the leveling… too many systems and didn’t liked Torghast at all. The story fav Sylvanas … only.

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I disagree.

The Nazjatar and especially Mechagon Reps were terrible.

Mechagon was way out in the middle of flippin’ nowhere and took a long taxi flight to get to, and the tasks they asked you to do weren’t particularly fun (doing it when it was current content, good luck finding 6 boxes, sometimes took over an hour to do).

Nazjatar was just a hellhole as Nazjatar always was, overtuned mobs everywhere, can’t stick a pin in-between them, the world quests were all spread out and some of them were frankly very annoying, especially the fetchquests.

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