BFA was 1000x better than SL, you just didn't play it

BFA was one of the worst expansions to date (IMO). With the GCD changes and lack of compelling system to replace artifacts, ALL the classes felt terrible to me. I ended up quitting by the time the Azshara patch hit.

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This too, Mechagon rep was disgusting.

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It’s the difference between a turd and a turd covered in flies + urine, really.

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BfA was bad in 8.0 and 8.1. Irrefutably bad. 8.2 is one of the best patches Blizzard has ever put out. 8.3 was okay, should have had a corruption vendor since the patch launched and it should not have been on a cycle.

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8.2 was a great patch built on a horrific foundation. Thunder Isle and Siege were god tier patches built on a great foundation.

SL abandoned the foundation and just took a dump in a swamp.

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8.2 was the only good patch of BFA.

8.0 was horrible with the azerite gear and RNG
8.1 was slightly better as it offered an azerite vendor
8.2 was pretty good with essences (imo only good system in BFA)
8.3 started off horrible with corruptions and RNG but stabalized towards the end when they added the corruption vendor.

Overall, BFA wasn’t that great. Islands, Warfronts and Faction Assualts were all dull and pointless after a few weeks. Azerite and Corruption systems were terrible and to top it all off they added a legendary cloak with timegating in 8.3 so it could only be upgraded a certain amount a week, which really stuck it to those people trying to gear up alts. The catch up mecahnics weren’t even added until late in the expac. You could even argue that timegating was in BFA all along with the way the Heart of Azeroth worked.

I’m not sure if I would call it better or worse than Shadowlands so far. A fair comparison would be to compare BFA patches 8.0 and 8.1 to Shadowlands 9.0 and 9.1. I’m not sure if BFA wins. The only thing it has going for it is that the patches weren’t as delayed as 9.1 seemed to be.

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BFA and SL both are the fastest I have ever quit WoW before. You couldn’t pay me to quit in MoP.

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Besides being boring bfa had probly the worst pvp in the games history

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How would you know? You came into these forums telling anyone who would listen how you just ignored corruption and blanket cleansed every piece you came across. Pretty ironic coming into a thread and giving your opinion on how bad it was yet never trying it, when the thread itself is about people saying BfA was bad without playing it. I’ll restate the OP for you…

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Nah, BFA was worse, and I played all of the patches in it. It had a pretty steady path until 8.1, and became an absolute dumpster fire with 8.2, and 8.3 only applied lighter fluid to it.

They just made every effort in BFA to ensure that it got progressively worse for the player. People act like Shadowlands is the worst set of borrowed power systems we’ve ever experienced when BFA was literally the previous expansion.

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Yes I tried corruption and hated it , thought it was the stupidest systems Blizzard ever came up with . Which is why I cleanse every piece I got and did not use it. I played BFA up to the end and it was by far the worse expac I have played in 15+ years. And yes Shadowlands is giving BFA a run for it money with the multiple bad systems and the Maw.


Oddly if you were Horde it was incredibly easy to get to. We basically had a port in our capitol city that took us straight there.

The mobs in Nazjatar were over tuned. You aren’t wrong about that.

Idk I’m pretty sure I had flying by the second week. Can’t recall exactly but I know I got it pretty fast. I thought the whole thing was trivial. At the same time I will admit I liked those zones so I didn’t mind being in them. I ended up getting both Mecha-done and Undersea Usurper.

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That’s not saying much.

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I wouldn’t say it was 1000x better but it was indeed better than SL. 8.0 was kinda meh, 8.1 pretty decent raid tier and the invasions were okay for a bit, 8.2… mechagon was good but nazjatar was just an awful zone and the raid was alright aside from the last 2 fights which were really good. 8.3 while it was annoying to gear properly and some corruptions would just blow others out of the water it was at least nonsensical fun at times.

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The class design was worse to the point it made everything incredibly tedious and boring to play. I don’t feel that way about shadowlands. BFA had good dungeons but that’s about all I can say good about it from a gameplay standpoint.

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Alliance had it way harder. Unless you camped out in Mechagon (which I did for awhile, but it caused me to not use my main for anything else), it was a good 5 minute flight from Boralus all the way up through Stormsong and then all the way over to Mechagon.

I feel that several classes are fun to play in Shadowlands, but only after you get decent armor where you’re not struggling for survival on every pull.

Getting some more haste has done wonders for my O.Rogue, my S.Priest straight up murders crap now before they can do more than 10-20% of her health (except for stronger mobs). She can hold her own against some of the bigger stuff like the Mawsworn big hulky armor guys (not the elites, I mean the suits of armor that have like 40k health), and heck I even killed one of those stupid overpowered mutts of theirs.

Also, my Monk feels like she kicks butt now after getting some more stuff, and my hunter now that he has a Korthia weapon, feels like he’s doing quite well.

These classes are fun to play, but only with good gear. When they’re like 120-140avg, there’s not enough Haste and you spend too much time waiting for resources, esp. on hunters, and anything that uses energy.

Also, Ret Paladins with low Haste are also boring… but once you get upwards of 15% or more haste… then they rock hard.

EDIT: And that’s one thing that really ‘gets’ me about WoW players complaining about XIV’s GCD. If you’re a rogue or a feral druid, or a hunter with low haste, you spend more time waiting on energy/focus than you do actually using abilities. They say XIV’s GCD is slow… yeah sure, WoW’s GCD is fast… the first 2 maybe 3 abilities you use, then you’re out of energy/focus and you’re waiting sometimes upwards of 3 seconds before you can hit another ability.

Is there really a difference between a 2.5s GCD and a 3sec energy wait? lol

Bfa was 10x. Better than this dog. Although the only thing you can compare bfa too is shadowlands because nothing was even remotely close to bfa


I prefer shadowlands.
AP grind for the azeroth’s neck was painful. Having to get exalted with all alts to get the essences was painful. The story was a big MEH, it started about Horde vs Alliance and after 8.2 it was all about going against the nagas and N’zoth.
N’zoth being one of the biggest villains Azeroth has ever known was killed in a random patch.
This expansion started the “no sense Sylvanas” story.
Corruption gear was wrong in so many ways. Not only was very RNG which corruptions you get but Literally you couldn’t just take logs seriously since someone with Rank 3 corruption could just do insane amount of dps, literally your corruption effect carried you.
The big sword in Silithus remember? well it just got forgotten during the expansion.
Horrific visions were ok at the start but very repetitive at the end, and the N’zoth assaults in uldum and pandaria were pretty boring.

Shadowlands isn’t perfect . In fact, shadowlands started VERY good, like at the start of the expansion everyone had good reviews about shadowlands. Castle Nathria was amazing way better than Uldir or Black Empire raid. What really destroyed Shadowlands was the lack of content, we nearly had to wait a full year to get a new patch, that killed many people’s thought about the expansion. The systems aren’t perfect but are way more interesting than Essences or Azerite armor traits. The story though is kinda lame.

Yes Shards of domination are really bad, but not as bad as corruption gear. We’ll see what they do for 9.2

So far Shadowlands for me is better than BFA but both expansions are waaaaay worse than Legion, which in my opinion was a big success of an expansion. Those 2 aren’t even close to Legion.


Thank you all for sharing your views.

With a 5ish second pan out of a tower crumbling.

That’s a death befitting the strongest entity in the mortal realm, suuuure.

And in jumps Sylvanas for some more sweet sweet camera time.