oh i know. we’re just talking about what if they had a separate experimental server of vanilla, that was like a wow2. its vanilla, but different.
I wouldn’t want another MMO as the game continuing Warcraft’s story. I’d rather have Warcraft 4, or a Warcraft RPG in the Skyrim style.
Blizzard’s not going to do either of those. Well, they might do Warcraft 4… but they don’t care enough about actual RPGs to do a Warcraft RPG that isn’t an MMO or a Diablo clone.
i like that idea. was trying to think of ways to roll later races in to vanilla. like the goblin faery druid form needs a worgen equivalent in one of the classes - cause worgens and goblins were introduced at the same time. so if every class had a 4th spec, use that to include later races. was trying to think how to roll belfs and draenei in. havent thought of anything yet.
have draenei be a 4th spec for horde shaman, based on ether or lightning. they already have water, earth, air, fire, so ether/lightning. and high elf being a 4th spec for alliance mages, called wizard. and belf for horde mages, called sorcerer with distinctly different color palletes from each other. wild red hair for the belf sorcerer, looks sorta like the san’layn but with crazy red hair, and wild nearly white hair for the helf wizard.
the lock 4th spec is necromancer who’s pets are undead types instead of demon types, but cant think of a race for them. any ideas? a lich form maybe? something akin to kel’thuzad or a banshee but less dramatic.
paladin 4th spec? no idea. something dk related, perhaps. like a dark paladin. but race? notta clue. call it vengeance?
a 4th rogue spec. ethereals maybe. something to do with how they appear and vanish alot. call it like chaos spec. super hard to hit. low hp. low armor. good luck hitting them. hehe
priests are another tough one. already have holy and shadow. maybe some kind of bard related thing (siren) using decursed naga concept. you heal with music.
warrior is easy. 4th spec: horde ogre. alliance vrykul. call it like brutal spec, and you have low armor by a large margin (maybe cant wear plate) but do a boat load of damage and have high hp and ridiculously high strength
Wait… what do you mean by 4th spec; like a talent tree?
Or are you talking a different race option at the selection screen?
I would not consider this a “continuation” of the story line, but a different time line all together.
a 4th spec of talent tree that includes a physical appearance change and some changes to stats based on the spec. the appearance is static so you couldnt change it by wearing different armor. that way they dont have to mess with trying to get armor to fit ogres or ethereals or naga or floating gnomes or goblins.
So like moonkin form only permanent?
yeah as long as you’re in that spec.
That would be very very unique and different for sure… So how does a player see what kind of gear / progression you have externally? That’s kinda important to the whole “Vanilla” theme of the game.
hmm good question and that kinda pokes a hole in it. how did they tell what bear form was wearing or moonkin or feral?
That’s the thing, you did not exactly know until you forced them to shift; then you knew.
You could also kinda guess based on the mana pool…
The addons people had back then to show Health pool was close-ish, but it was not exact and some times flat wrong because that bit of data was not displayed.
Also impossible to see what magic buffs are on a vanilla player with out a mage around to debuff them with detect magic debuff.
could make it a proc? like if you start casting spells or doing talents from that talent tree spec, it procs, lasts for 10 minutes then fades? think of that fish?? you could eat and become a human rogue or a pirate. same idea. that kinda ruins the idea of the spec effecting stats tho.
or the orb of deception / orb of the sindorei.
IMO just by default have the races you want in game per side; rather than locking them down behind some sort of play / pay wall.
This way players can select from just about anything they like; options are always good right?
What if we went all “Vanilla” with it…
It’s easy to worry about ways to get players to play your game if you’re not making things fun and or develop the game around min-maxing, or develop the game for solo play… Let us not make the Blizzard mistake, and remember the Vanilla and what makes it fun, and that’s the variety and spice of life.
Keeping things interesting and providing many different and interesting yet not always equal ways of doing things is what Vanilla did, and it did that well. Do this while making sure that things are still challenging and that there is a bit of a grind involved in almost everything in game… Even better when you really don’t know where things are, when you have to explore where quests and chains quests, and all that stuff COULD be… That’s why Vanilla is so damn good…
What if each race has some sort of special spell or ability unique to it… Think of the priest stuff from Vanilla, I thought that was freaking awesome.
Making each and everyone of those unique abilities interesting and semi useful while not making them broken or OP would be a good thing. (like fear ward)…
not sure i know what you mean as far as the 4th spec idea goes. i was trying to think of things they didnt do before, and use those as examples of what they could do now, and not really have to create anything new model wiise other than female versions of ogres and ethereals. and maybe the frost wolf spec for horde hunters. i’m not married to the idea. just dreaming up ideas for an experimental wow classic server.
like i think it would be a nice gesture if they gave high elves to the alliance and ogres to the horde, this time around. high elves shoulda been in the alliance to begin with. only the elves that followed kael’thas to outlands, were out of the alliance in the lore till blizzard decided to change it so the horde would have some beauty with their beast.
I meant “continue” as in “continue from Warcraft 3”
Curious question… Why does there need to be Female Ogres?
What if they used the Overwatch game engine instead of the WoW game engine? It’s newer, better, more refined, more efficient, it was designed intentionally for an MMORPG and only used in an FPS because “Titan” was canceled…
Additionally check out the linked Video, what if they added a lot more character customization.
Skip to 6 min… It’s discussing character modification in WoW, and where Blizzard is really dropping the ball on that.
oh you’re singing to the choir on that but that would require a new game engine. they’ve been tweaking and retweaking wow’s game engine to keep it playable on as many types of computers as possible. apparently they added one too many skeletal animations during wod, causing a draenei pony tail animation to repeatedly crash the servers. they had to revert the pony tail to its prior more simple animation.
this also explains why they offered allied races instead of introducing alot of unique new races as they can reuse the skeletal animations. the engine can only do so many animations before it starts to melt down. they’d have to convince activision and their investors that it was worth the investment and the time making all new everything essentially.
Yeah that’s why I was thinking the Overwatch Engine was a good easy choice simply because it’s designed specifically to be running an MMORPG,…
Knowing that I am shocked that Blizzard has not moved modern WoW over to the Overwatch engine… It’s my opinion that they’re idiots for not using it for their modern WoW client.
It’s not like they need to replace the damn server, just the client… /sigh…
there must be some reason. i mean if you look at the overwatch chars, they only have so many pieces of armor, not thousands of possible combinations that all have to move properly with the character. wow has alot of clipping issues but thats to keep the animations that arent as important at a workable level.
some guy did a video on wow animations vs other games and showed how well the characters themselves are animated. so what they do have, they’ve done a good job on with provisos where not as important. they’re on an animation budget apparently
No idea why they don’t start from the ground up on a new client; that’s what is holding them back so badly regarding graphics.
The WoW client has been updated a zillion times but there is only so much they do with it, because it’s a less efficient design VS the overwatch client.
A guildy just linked me this on discord.
I watched this all the way though, and hot damn… This mirrors my experience in BFA almost down to the letter…
Let us not make these mistakes again!