In the “Ideas can come from Anywhere” quest in Mechagon, the description of “Brainstorm New Inventions” says:
“Brainstorm new inventions with Pascal, allowing you to see all possible blueprints in Pascal-K1N6’s databse”
In the quest “An Exceptional Platinum Shard”, Myra Cabot says
“you managed to hit the ore in line with it’s strata”
It should be “its strata”, without the ’
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Quest text for Remaining Threats in Darkshore, given by Lorna Crowley.
“We have managed to route the Horde presence, etc.”
Should be “rout.”
Lingering Seed of Renewal
Rank 3
“…yet only a few still retain the titan?s power within them.”
Pretty obvious typo. Someone accidentally mashed ? instead of ’ - should obviously be titan’s.
The error is still there as of 8/24/19. Please fix it.
In one of the quests for Stormsong Valley, Moxie Lockspinner says “Lets go” instead of “Let’s go” when she appears.
Stolen Royal Vendorbot in Rustbolt sells a “Blueprint: Extraodinary Adventurer Augment”. Should probably be “Extraordinary”.
Nedly Grinner says: Tripple share to the one that finds the treasure!
Moxie Lockspinner says: You’re like my comic relief sidekick [name].
Missing comma between sidekick and [name]. Should read:
Moxie Lockspinner says: You’re like my comic relief sidekick, [name].
On the Adventurer’s Taskboard the quest Hero’s Call: Shadowmoon Valley: “…to Wildhammer Stronghold, endagering our people…” Alliance side if that matters.
I was on my 120 Hpal in the Chamber of Heart. I clicked the heart forge which opened up my available essences. When I hovered over the conflict and strife I noticed that the tool tip for level two strife says, “…being the vicitim of a loss of control or…” Thanks!
“Filled with Power” debuff description has the word “again” spelled wrong. The description says “You must rest before using the font of Power agian”.
Battle pet: Gillvanas
Raise Dead ability tooltip: “Bring other friendly pets back to life, resturning to 5% health.”
Same typo exists for Finduin’s version, too.
Azerite Trait: Thunderaan’s Fury
Tooltip: Stormstrike deals 1104 additional damage, and has a 8% chance to summon Thunderaan’s Fury Totem, doubling the chance to activate Windfury Weapon for 6 sec.
Typo: “a 8% chance” should be “an 8% chance”
The Dark Iron Dwarf description in the character creation screen after clicking the “more info” button.
Typo: “Queen-Regeant” should be “Queen-Regent”
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The Achievement “Fun Run” has a typo, it says “on Normal difficulty on higher” (on twice, in stead of or)
On the quest “That New Mount Smell” in Mechagon, you accidentally wrote “Make’s any mount smell like it’s brand new!”
That first apostrophe doesn’t belong.
Are you guys still caring about old content?
I’m farming reputation in Tanaan Jungle, and when right clicking the Gnomish Flying Machine in Lion’s Watch the text says…
<The machine looks like it’s best days are long gone…>
That apostrophe doesn’t belong there.
On the Horde War Campaign quest “Old Allies” it refers to “Cleft of Shadows” (plural) multiple times, including in the objective. It’s “Cleft of Shadow” (singular).
NPC: Alran Heartshade
Location: Blackrock Depths (Pet Dungeon)
Gossip quote:
Hurry up, I just get this over with.
It should read, “Hurry up, I just want to get this over with.”
Quest: Return to Mistfall
Quest Start Zone: Kun-Lai Summit
Objective turn-in: Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Quest Giver: Chen Stormstout
Turn-in NPC: Stormspeaker Qian
Objective in the Tracking log reads as
Return to Stormspeaker Tian in the Silent Sanctuary in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
Should be Stormspeaker Qian. Objective reads normally in block quest log text.