In the pet journal, the battle pet Albatross Hatchling says it comes from Proudmoore Admiralty Suppiles (should be *supplies).
In Nazmir, in the quest text of “Reuniting the Company,” Chadwick Paxton says “I’ll be put in a good word with Lady Sylvanas…” It should read “I’ll put” or “I’ll be putting.”
Why don’t they thank us when we report mistakes they missed?
Our “thank you” is the bug being fixed. Acknowledgement for every single reporter of an issue is not only wildly unfeasible, but admits fault in the development process, whereas a simple hotfix sweeps it under the rug to never be seen or mentioned again.
While doing a skinning quest, I ran across a small error.
NPC: Camilla Darksky in Boralus
Quest: Turtle Soup
On quest completion, she says “From they way they were described…”
Pretty sure it’s supposed to be “THE way they were described”
www . wowhead . com/quest=52226/turtle-soup
img . photobucket . com/albums/v209/Descentia/WoWScrnShot_021619_130011_zpsquhkn6vj.jpg
When clicking on the move [Bulwark] it says “by80%” instead of “by 80%”. Just a heads up!
Mark of the Wild tooltip has a superfluous word: “causing.” Otherwise, “to be” should be inserted before “reduced.”
In the description/flavour text for the upcoming Kil Tiran Charger mount, “cavalary” should be “cavalry”.
Quest “Hidden Dealings” in Drustvar…2nd paragraph reads: “A symbol marks a what looks like the entrance to a cellar beneath one of the buildings.” the ‘a’ after marks is the error.
Alliance campaign quest
One Option: Fire
Burn Bwonsadmi Offerings.
Oh no, the Alliance is making Bwonsamdi bwon sad mi
Quest: Therazane’s Choice
Typo: First line from Therazane after selecting Ormhum reads “I had a feeling their may be a shred of virtue in you, surface dweller.”
Should be there.
Quest: The Aeonian Artisan
Issue: In both the Objectives and Description, night elf is capitalized as “Night Elf”. This is incorrect.
Quest: The Tauren Tanner
Issue: In both the Objectives and Description, tauren is capitalized as “Tauren”. This is incorrect.
Koja says: Save what you cam before this is all destroyed.
Item Runic Core:
“There appear to be glints of a purplish gem embedded in the stone. You may be albe to prospect it out.”
Forbidden Sea Shanty of the Black Sphere
Typo: missing the “n” in the word “known”.
“Runic Core” has a typo. “Albe” should be “Able”, I believe. Thanks!
I believe I found two dialogue errors. There is a Zeth’jir emissary near 35/39 in Stormsong Valley, by Fort Daelin. Skoloth will occasionally run to this emissary and some flavor dialogue will be said. One of the dialogue lines says ‘You shall be rewarded for service.’ but this seems a little off, I believe it is supposed to say ‘You shall be rewarded for your service.’. The NPC also has a line ‘The wall must break, the sea will retuirn.’. Extra ‘i’ in Return.
Blacksmith Tools of the Trade Quest line
Quest: Deep In the Core
Start from: Grix “Ironfists” Barlow - Blacksmithing trainer
“…I don’t too much about that place, but maybe you can ask the locals or something where he lives. Now if you don’t mind, I have more recipes to sell.”
I believe someone forgot to add the word ‘know’ in between ‘don’t’ and ‘too’ like so.
“…I don’t know too much about that place, …”
Not sure if this is a typo or not… =\
NPC: Leo Shealds in Deadwash, Stormsong Valley
Quest: Two Faced Pirate Scum
On quest completion, is he supposed to say “You want TO join us and find the treasure…” (instead of just “You want join us and find the treasure before the Irontide?”)
www . wowhead . com/quest=50674/two-faced-pirate-scum
img . photobucket . com/albums/v209/Descentia/WoWScrnShot_032019_223240_zps9rdyed9h.jpg