BFA Typo & Grammatical Error Megathread

The Sea Runs Red world quest has spelt incorrect spelling of “received”:

“Recieved orders from Paratrooper Jacobs”

Maybe they play hockey?! :slight_smile:

Quest #47741 To Sacrifice a Loa
In the objectives, it says “Loa Sacrifice Ritual Distrupted”. There is only one T in “Disrupted”.

I’m not sure if this has been reported/posted yet or not, but I found a grammatical mistake in an achievement description. The achievement is “Better, Stronger, Faster” in the category of Exploration, subcategory of Battle for Azeroth. The description says simultaneously have have all four Witch’s Boon effects on you, as well as Witch’s Curse: Newt, in Drustvar.

In the quest text for “Time for Heroics” on Mechagon, Sir Finley says that the “junior members maybe in trouble.” Unless I’m mistaken, it should be “may be in trouble.”

Also, in the quest turn-in text for “On Ghostly Wings” in Zin-Azshari, it reads “we have some the peace of mind that was lost long ago.” It should read “we have some of the peace of mind…”

In the cave in Val’sharah where you attune yourself to the 3rd orb in the Kosumoth the Hungering secret chain, the Arcane Servitor says “The mistress’ belongs will not be disturbed.” It should be “belongings”.

EDIT: oops, this would be a Legion typo. my bad!

I don’t know if this can be considered a typo or a consistency error in Legion.

In the Druid Order Hall, there’s a quest called “Idol of the Wilds”, the questgiver (Keeper Remulos) asks if you got the “Idol of the Wilds”… but the actual item is called “Idol of the Wild” (without an S at the end)

In the world quest “Not Too Sober Citizens Brigade” in Tiragarde Sound, Leeroy Jenkins says upon recruitment, “I … maybe … shlightly impaired.”

“maybe” should be “may be”

The Heart of Azeroth power “Worldvein Resonance (Rank 1)” has a typo. It currently reads “…and incease the primary stat…”. “Incease” should be “Increase”.

In “No Problem Too Small,” from the Vulpera recruitment quest line, it reads “These problems might seem small, but they will eat away at the Horde overtime if they remain unaddressed.”

“Overtime” should be “over time.”

The flavor text of [Black Serpent of N’Zoth] misspells “servants” as “servents”:

“The black serpents of N’Zoth are the harbingers of his ultimate vision becoming reality. Only those servents or enemies that can tread this space have any chance of wrangling them.”

Typo in the flavour text for the upcoming Enchanted Shadeleaf Runestag mount (mount ID 1357):
“An shadeleaf runestag is capable…”
“An” should be “A”

Typo in the flavour text of the upcoming Mawsworn Soulhunter mount (mount ID 1304): “the maw” should be capitalized, as it refers to the zone.

Other typos and grammar issues in the flavour text of upocoming mounts:

  • Predatory Plagueroc (mount ID 1411) has two typos: “amonst” should be “among” or “amongst”. And “Geiger’s” should be “Gieger’s” (the NPC that drops this mount).

  • Silvertip Dredwing (mount ID 1376) grammar issue: either remove the “to” from “to interact with them”, since you don’t “let to interact” with something, or (perhaps better) change “let” to “allow”.

  • Swift Gloomhoof mount (mount ID 1306) grammar issue: “birth of gloomrunner” should be “birth of a gloomrunner”.

  • Darkwarren Hardshell (mount ID 1305) typo: “conviently” should be “conveniently”.

  • Wakener’s Runestag (ID 1355): "The Wakener’s believe…’ is just an odd fragment. Since “Wakener’s” refers to the species of runestag, it’s being used as a singular adjective in a sentence where it should be a plural, but you can’t pluralize it because “Wakener’ses” would be weird. Maybe avoid the whole awkwardness by changing the start of the sentence to “Wakener’s Runestags believe…”

  • Wildseed Cradle (ID 1397): more of a suggestion than a real problem, but I think “hover above the ground” would work better than “hover over the ground”. The former evokes height, while the latter suggests location (like, where else would it be found? Over water? :slight_smile: )

In the quest “Mech versus Airship”, after wrecking “Mekko’s” airship and talking to the G.M.O.D, the dialog says:

That "the, " shouldn’t go unless Gallywix is really excited to the point of stuttering…

The fury warrior pvp talent Bloodrage tooltip currently shows:

You gain 400 Rage over 4 sec, and all snares and roots are cleared from you, but at a cost of 5% of your health.

The rage gained is only 40. There is an extra zero tacked on to the amount of rage gained.

Quest “Damned Intruders” ends at Lieutenant Vernon. His text reads:

“Before you depart… we are in desperate need of reinforcements. These reports much reach Commander Gregor.”

Much needs to be must.

Need a typo megathread for Shadowlands.

Quest: “I Made You!”

Description, third paragraph:

It will try to fight you, through whatever means it posseses.

It should be “possesses”.

I’ve already created a thread for Shadowlands the other day. You can find it by Clicking Here!