BFA tuning for level 70's farming old content?

Well I just went back to BFA to grab a mount and while there I was finding I was doing pathetic damage to level 60 mobs.

In comparison, in Shadowlands, I am having no problems dealing with any mobs or rares/bosses and ploughing through them with ease.

What is going on?

Why is BFA content effectively the same as level 60 in Dragonflight?

Actually no, it’s worse because I was doing about 15K damage to the trash mobs in Shadowmoon Valley and in DF I am doing 20k-40k on trash mobs in general fights.

So what the heck is going on?


BfA is a mess.

The scaling is off, obviously and you are far from the only one suffering OP.

Someone on the forums can/will explain what’s going on I’m sure, so give it a minute as I forget the details.


There is no legacy scaling for BFA. They did the weird thing where they took shadowlands completely out of the linear leveling process entirely to focus on having battle for Azeroth be the level one to 60 content and it is not any news that the scaling is weird

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What mount where you going for ?

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People say that. But all they’re seeing is the fact that there is no legacy buff in BfA content. Outside of the odd mob that apparently has too much hp, there’s nothing wrong with the scaling of that content.

Yes I know but even accounting for my lack of skills and everything, BFA zones are so out of tune that it is ridiculous.


BFA mobs do seem pretty tanky.

I don’t have any issue on my Hunter as they have great ST burst.

Level 60’s who want to queue for dungeons can’t queue for Shadowlands normal or heroic dungeons. Instead they must queue for BfA dungeons, where their presence triggers Legacy Loot for the entire group. So no levelers get usable loot in most BfA leveling dungeons.


blizzard doesn’t care. that’s what going on.


Clearly for reasons beyond our understanding there isn’t a Legacy Content Team @Blizzard, or they have been AFK for the past 6 years.

There is SO MUCH that needs to be fixed and addressed with Legacy Content, and although I may not have the statistics to prove it, I KNOW FOR A FACT that Legacy Content is one of the most engaged aspects of the game by players. So it is incomprehensible why they don’t put the effort in fixing it.


the team before bfa knew what tuning content to make it soloable took


As they clearly stated the goal is to remove all previous expac zones as there is no need to be there for current content. People who are cheating and going back to get old mounts and achieves are against blizz design and must be stopped. This is not what the devs intended or wanted.

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it’s old content, who cares? that’s waht the forums say. so they took our advise and stopped caring.

we did this. our fault.

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Don’t forget Ion lied about scaling not impacting what we could solo, then silence, and later stating ooooh by the end of the xpac you should be able to go back and solo legion mythics.

They stated 2 xpacs old was gonna be legacy then backtracked.

I left for a year over this lie. Next time it will be permanently.


Yeah, lets highlight the issue. Shadowlands mobs should be harder to kill than on BFA. Make Shadowlands harder.

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Nice community contract violation! And being the first post? Wow you just went full toxic without OP even speaking to you! That’s amazing! What a great person and valuable asset to the wow player base!

There, up on the fridge she goes, that’s a keeper!


Why should those zones go away when they’re not current content? They had a box cost when they were put in the game, and even if you skipped those expansions when they were current, they’re considered a perk of your purchase of the current one, like the old battle chest that came out with Wrath.


Think they’re trying to do a troll, mate.

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Ah, I see. Poe’s Law strikes again.

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Because it is pure cheating to go back at max level and farm old content and achieves. Anyone doing this should be permanently banned. Blizz works hard to put current content out not to be ignored.