BFA Season 2 Ending Soon

I guess we’ll find out. Like I said, we should start a pool. Shop mount or something to the one who gets the release date correct.

Even if the patch released on the 16th which would open Mythic on August 6th, the world first race would be over before Classic released three weeks later.

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When? For pvp yeah, not for PVE though and introducing new patches. Keep shilling!!!

I’m sorry? Shilling? I wish I was getting paid to post, especially since most of what I post is against them.

Also, the end of the PVP season virtually always coincides with a new patch. Especially since they already confirmed that the launch of the patch would coincide with the end of BfA Season 2:

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There are no ducks in WoW, silly.

so release date? We waited long enough and you lost lot of players. If u want some of them back, at lease give us gosh darn release date.

This is one of the longer patch sessions (or dry seasons) I can remember. Remember back in 2007 when TBC launched with attunements, flying, Kara, GL, ML, SSC, TK, and Hyjal all at release? Then in 2008 WotLK released. about a year and a half total time between the two best xpacs. I remember, because I was standing in line at GameStop! Now the WoW team is bigger than ever, and were waiting 6 months or more for a mid xpac patch.


Is the WoW team bigger though? Blizzard has grown over those years for sure, but back then didn’t have as many IPs as they do now; didn’t have ports to consoles or mobile titles in the works, etc.


Thanks for telling us the date. Oh wait… I mean really?1


Post 8.2 release date already, yikes.

Well sadly this will be another BFA season that i will be unable to get the season mount. Sitting at 33% on the magic rewards bar and barely over the magic 1400 mark for rbgs ( 40 wins with 41 loss) my guild decides to wait until next season to run rbgs again and pugging lowbie rbgs is a rough experience .

Nothing in the last 10 years of changes has really bothered me until this expac with the change to being able to acquire the Vicious Saddle mounts.

Before BFA we just needed to win 40 RBGS ( or 100 arenas , but not 2 man arenas ) Now you have to win games at or above 1400 rank to make the magic bar fill up

Even pugging RBGs I knew that at some point I would get the 40 wins in the old system to get my mount and that gave me incentive to keep working on that goal I was making some progress . Its not much fun now playing 5 or 6 games in one night to make 0 progress on mount if you get knocked back down under 1400 during the games. If you are lucky enough to get into a regular group. As melee dps its hard to get picked sometimes

I have played hundreds of RBGs over the last 3 expacs  and knew my place is the low ranked rated's  most seasons breaking even on wins and loss's . And i am cool with that but i enjoyed those games and the work to get the mount reward . This expac making it harder to get this reward makes little sense to me and sadly gives me less incentive to do rated's pvp any more 

Please bring back the old system to acquire Vicious War Saddles where we just needed 40 wins in a season. I dont care that i have to wait a year or more for the season mounts to go up on the pvp vendor guy at least i know its something i could work for

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Funny, that off-season started for a lot of people a long time ago.


They never advertised the launch of a new PVE patch as a Season.

They won’t, because they don’t know what you’re talking about.

“Yes, there is PvP gear” is probably the best answer they can give you. Rofl.

They already said in the other post that the other rewards will be available in the off-season, which would, shockingly, end on the 25th week when season 3 starts on July 9th, if the patch drops the 25th.

You can’t get Ranked Rewards, or Achievements/Title, but you can get your weekly Conquest Reward, which is what the weekly reward is.

You’re just splitting hairs now. They’ve been using the term ‘season’ for years before D3 went live. You’re just bent out of shape because you want to be angry at Blizz over something and somehow can’t come up with anything legitimate.


probably the worst season ever, even worse than Legion’s seasons, maybe even worse than classics seasons.


A week prior to Shadowbringers release.

It’s too late. No PvP vendors, ML not being reconsidered and Blizzard’s smug attitude haven’t changed.


The GM of Limit claimed on his Twitch stream that 8.2 will be out on June 18th and he guarantees it. Claims to have a source.

So it lines up with FFXIV release? Anyone surprised?

I mean its par for the course at this point.