BFA Season 2 Ending Soon

Earlier you made note of the 25 weeks of PVP rewards. Season 2 began when BoD released, Jan 22. So 25 weeks forward from 1/22 is 7/9, which is the last week of S2 – ends 7/16 before the realm reset, which should be the downtime that launches the content update that Tuesday.

June 25th patch day would mean S2 only lasted 22 weeks.

*.2 release is not the end of the season. The end of the season is 2 weeks after June 25th which they said is when the raid releases. The time between june 25th and july 9th is the 2 week intermission

Who knows. anything can happen.

Not to mention the warning they gave us last week would imply they’re releasing it next week, and that lines up with nothing. So uh… clearly can’t go off that.

I read this as saying launch day ends S2, and then 2 week period kicks off until S3 begins. Maybe I’m misreading it?

We should start a pool!

I didnt see this post. Makes sense. Too long :frowning:

Except that there wasn’t 2 weeks off between seasons in S1 - it jumped straight from S1 ending on Jan 22, to S2 beginning Jan 23, in order to not have the azerite gear changes affect the pvp season. Week 23 would be June 25th, and with the two week break included, it would total 25 weeks between seasons. The patch will most likely be on June 25th, two weeks from now, with S3 starting July 9th with the opening of Palace.

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The cost is multiplied by 26 and the rate earned is roughly 10 times the current numbers.

Wasn’t that said last week as well? Why not give us a date?

I’m gettin around 700 each week for 1 M10. So yeah it stacks. I could try RNG for some Azerite armor, but hey, we’ll probably have new traits in 8.2 which will be (ofcause) 10xbetter than current traits and it’s worthless.

I cannot see 8.2 being released in mid july makes no sense.

I’d put it at 8.2 25th June 2019
Azhara opens the 9th to try and bring back the final fantasy players.

A mid july release makes no sense.


S2 ends in 25 weeks, July 16th matches that.

Earlier dates only match the conspiracy theories that Blizzard will launch early to compete with Shadowbringers.


To be fair, we could all be completely wrong. Since they’re not willing to actually communicate with us, we just have a handful of things to go on.

We also got that patch December 11th and none of the meat of the content until January 22nd. So that wouldn’t bode well either if we want to go off what they did the first time around.

However, the thread that has been linked previously (where we got the first warning bell) very specifically states that Season 2 ends with the launch of the patch and a two week off season will follow. Following everyone’s favorite two week trend, we’d get it next week, but that’s just unlikely. At this point, they’re just being asinine with their sharing of information.

I have this sinking feeling that PvPers are going to be grinding for 400 gear for weeks after people are pulling 445 gear from their weekly M+ chests.

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Please just give us a release date already.


One single time if you people could seriously not speak in code would be great. Why is it always “a secret” or left up to interpretation. EXTREMELY annoying.


I’d better finish catching all the season 2 fish.

(yes, yes, I know my attempts at wit might sometimes be a little hard to follow … it’s just that since I don’t participate in WoW’s competitive side, when we get to all the end-of-season excitement, sometimes I get thinking about other things that could be made seasonal, wander off into my imagination and get lost)


Umm great to hear. Just give us the two week day period?? We already know this. Give your community a bone. Its bad enough we had to endure a 7 hr maintenance window today 6-11-2019 5AM PST - 2pm PST. w/out knowing if its back end related or 8.2 stuff. come on Blizz. AGAIN WHEN IS 8.2 ???


It should be July 2nd for reasons, because there is a tradition to release stuff at the same time as other MMO and because it’s the beginning of their financial Q3, so make numbers better for Q3… but this almost sounds like they want to do it one week early on June 25th.

People thinking later are obviously forgetting Classic is at the end of August… they won’t release that in the middle of a world first race.

Really? blizz tell us when the S2 will be close… why two week day period? the two week period will be in 8.2 or 8.1.5?

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July 16 is when Eternal Palace will open.

If you were right, the world first race would clash with the launch of WOW Classic… that would be a problem.

Not counting the amount of players that would be playing Shadowbringers and enjoying it because there was no 8.2 and they decided to give it a try.