BFA Season 2 Ending Soon

way too slow

they do this every patch, always have “pvp season is ending soon” followed by “here is the release date of the patch”

well this would be a super ultra short warning then,. most are 2 weeks.

seasons arel iterally just names for something they did in the past, but have streamlined to be easier.

That would be a week from today. And nothing announced about the 8.2 release, nothing on their main websites about it. 7 days prior to release? Riiiiight.

How about we just announce the actual date? Thanks.


So with S2 ending soon, am I right in thinking that if you are only earning 400ilvl rewards from capping conquest each week, and are already fully geared in 400ilvl gear, there’s really no reason to keep capping conquest?

With S3 start, we’ll all be reset to week 1 when it starts correct? We won’t have to “finish” S2 weeks even after S3 has started?

When is soon? More importantly, why? Why is there a 2 week period of nothing new but you can’t get rewards for doing the same content? It’s the azerite neck all over again. I’ve been receiving nothing in return for my azerite since they put a cap on it for over a month now.

I think I would rather stick with Blizzard’s announcement that there will soon be an announcement on 8.2.

too late blizzard i’ll be playing new ffxiv xpac.


You are wrong! They have never referred to new PVE content as a season. This lingo is used in AARPGs which the current WoW shares a lot of similarities now that the D3 team has been working on it.

They never increased item levels in the past for old content either. The scaling of the rewards and calling them seasons bothers me.

I’m allowed to voice my frustrations over this too. I pay my monthly sub just like you and as long as I stay with in the guidelines of the of the CoC I can whine all I want. I’m so tired of frequent posters like you always playing the role of forum police.



You’re still splitting hairs. They’ve been essentially doing PVE seasons with every major patch, they’re just calling it by a different name now.

They’ve been scaling older rewards since Legion.

I’m not saying you can’t, but you’re choosing the piddliest thing to be angry about compared to all the much bigger problems with the expansion.

Whatever dude. There is no arguing with a shill.

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How could I possibly be a shill when I spend a great deal of my time disagreeing with Blizzard? Especially with their mishandling of flight? But I guess you just need to label me something so you can ignore what I said. That’s much easier than admitting you were wrong.

really annoying when pp lsay this because OMFG blizz has been posting 8.2 content info on the launcher and site for weeks and 1-2 weeks ago they straight up said the pvp season was ending, this is the SECOND time they mentioned it like jesus and for anyone who actually watches the dev Q&A vids, the most recent ones say tht patch 8.2 and future patches won’t determine the new pvp seasons. Also just cuz the neck piece gets extra abilities doesn’t mean blizz cant disable the traits and abilities from being used in rated pvp until s3 starts 2-4 weeks after the 8.2 launch. Pvpers are just wanting the patch to take longer for more time to attempt to get the pvp achieves and PvErs want the patch sooner to start grinding the stuff from the 2 new zones either way the new dungeon and raid aren’t out till 2-4 weeks later but theres a lot to do in 8.2 even without the new pvp dungeon and raid, theres the whole mechadon island farm stuff all the secrets n such and rep farms on nazjatar too. No reason at all the patch cant be sooner without effecting the pvpers since they spend al ltheir time in bgs and arenas so having late release dates is only tiring out the players who can care less for pvp and want new zones and quests!

Uh… I guarantee you no PvPer wants this season to last any longer than it has to. Not sure why you’d think otherwise.

o.0 scroll up, them guys be saying “cant possible be before 25 weeks that’s too short for pvp” also july 2 is bs btw why do ppl assume WoW has to make patches on release of the lame Final fantasy games? And WoW never releases patches so close to holidays and july 4th is a major holiday in the USA and which blizzards main headquarters is in California usa so yeah…

They aren’t saying it’s too short for PvPers. They’re saying that it’s too short for the schedule that Blizzard released at the start of this season to be completed. I don’t think anybody is actually advocating continuing this god awful season, especially considering they can easily (and likely will) allow the schedule to complete in the off-season.

I have a question concerning the transition between PvP seasons.

What happens to Quartermaster’s Coin and the associated quest, Quartermaster’s Bounty, next season?

Concerning the coins; is it use them or lose them?

Assuming the quest still exists next season and is not using a different currency; can we stock Quartermaster’s Coins now to turn in at the start of Season 3 for updated rewards (Much like Titan Residuum for M+) ?

That is YOUR opinion. A tasteless and wrong opinion at that. And the reason why is because it is their direct competitor. If you can’t understand that I feel sorry for you. FFXIV is at an all time subscriber high while BFA is utter crap. Do you need it explained more? BFA is going to lose players to Shadowbringers, BFA is going to lose players to classic. How out of touch can you be.