BFA Rant Thread

I still maintain that tradition is a poor reason to keep a game mechanic, which is a line of thinking they’re more than comfortable operating under in basically any other context.

BfA was their opportunity to say “don’t miss the conclusion of a plotline we’ve had going on for twenty real-life years, since the beginning of the franchise.” But they bowed to tradition so they could sell more Sylvanas body pillows, and in so doing made BfA’s entire story literally pointless.


Wows narrative has been “the factions must work together to defeat a common foe” for like two decades now

Just absolve the factions and angle any polictical tensions via the various races and not the factions themselves

It will be more interesting i promise


I’ll take the unpopular opinion here, I don’t agree with that. I mean, they are, but in the same way as “azerite was a core narrative feature” of BfA. Which is to say, when Blizzard says so, and only when they say so, regardless of actual narrative sense and consistency.

I mean yea, but to be fair imo not much of WoWs narrative makes any sort of sense or has a shred of consistency anymore

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See, the complete dropping of azerite as a story thread is why im worried about shadowlands

Sure were starting in the wow afterlife but how do i know by the end of the expansion we wont be exploring the microverse with antman and the wasp

Or settling mars

Oh I have no faith in Shadowlands narrative. Solely because Sylvanas (and thereby Nathanos) are major characters.

Any story thread involving them that also does not involve Tyrande violently murdering them is already a bad story.

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People would be more inclined to respond to your posts in full if they weren’t so long winded.

You could have easily said “I don’t like the faction conflict because it’s a retread” and everyone would have got what you’re saying.

Furthermore, I’m not interested in breaking down your opinion piece bit by bit because why would I be? It’s your opinion. I was just asking why you feel it must be inherently bad because I honestly don’t feel the same.

It’s a forum for an RP community and your response is seriously “too long didnt read”?

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I did read all of it, I don’t see why that means I need to engage in paragraph long debates about opinions when I just have a question?

What if slime queen killed nathanos

If we get to watch him slowly dissolve inside her then I get to give a thumbs up and a cheesy one liner I’m good.

Bonus points if I get to curb stomp his wet gushy remains endlessly afterwards

that’s so gross

Your decision to acknowledge only the least comprehensive and most reduced parts of my opinion is not my problem. I don’t have to give you partial marks.

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You have no idea how much I hate Nathanos.

Not in the “wow great villain” but in the “I’d like Danuser to step on all the legos because Nathanos is one of the most insufferable characters I’ve ever had the displeasure of interacting with”

Hey, that’s okay. :man_shrugging:

I don’t think they have to be especially when nations and races have always had independent operations with some more recent demonstrations as well or people splitting off to do their own thing for a while.

Not that I think they are anyways. Again -

It would - in theory - be more interesting if there’s one major thing happening that Blizzard focuses on (rather than splitting us between Azeroth’s healthcare plan, Old Gods invading, and Sylvanas starting a war) with tensions/alliances being building blocks rather than a focus. They could try and have some more consistency as well as the potential to write fuller, intimate, and more satisfying stories rather than rehashing old elements, ruining characters (pushing them into the spotlight the wrong way, abandoning them, and general mishandling), and trying to walk on eggshells about not wanting to have one half of the playerbase “lose” because their faction is the aggressor.

It hinders more than helps. Faction conflict took a backseat the moment the scale of the setting increased and the IP changed genres from RTS to MMO. Hell, faction conflict took a backseat in Warcraft 3. Every time faction conflict comes up it’s someone not following orders or the “fun” trope of ‘went bonkers’. The resolution is tepid hot dog water. Nobody is satisfied. The universe has to have you suspend your disbelief a little bit more because there’s not really a threat (despite even bigger, even badder antagonists around every corner) and all these big tragedies don’t mean anything because it’s not reflected in the world or even really acknowledged.

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Bumping this for the rants!

Silver Hand banner is in Org.

Teldrassil is being swept under the rug.

Forsaken fight for the living.

Darkspear shove aside their savage ways.

On that note,

whoever came up with the idea for the Scorched Feet debuff in Horrific Visions should be exiled from modern society


I mean, The Forsaken one is a F in chat moment for them.

Darkspear is just sort of… ok? I mean, they haven’t really been all that savage in a while. At least their method is more “Lets not be the other lesser trolls who got roflstomped.”


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I just wanna do good damage single target.

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