BFA Rant Thread

itches eye

bfa rant thread… isnt that every other thread on this realm forum?

dont pre-order shadowlands. dont pre-order games. wait to see the quality of something before you buy it, or a company will never improve. you are not allowed to complain about shadowlands if you pre-ordered.

if shadowlands is good, then im happy for the people who still play. but if it isn’t good, well. people will pre-order the next one anyways, and the cycle will continue.

(sint note, i didnt read any of the other posts beyond the OP.)


Probably would have been a good idea of have the tentacles knock you off your flying mount or have you actively dodge flailings. Same with on the ground, have to avoid [x] area because a non-attackable tentacle is about to flail in that zone.

Though I don’t know if the community can handle that kind of annoyance.

I think it’s partly also that I’m reminded of Breath of the Wild. The Malice is the purple Ganon corruption stuff you have to avoid, but if you shoot the eyes, it goes away. In WoW you just kind of fly through/ignore all of it.

Pretty lame lol.

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an interactive world is illegal

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Give N’zoth a champion!

A Kul’Tiran beefy female!

She carries a sort of Urn, a token of her God’s Power!

She smashes it to the ground, and Tentacles spring forth near all her enemies and completely wreck it.

I shall name her…Ullaoi!

The only part of your post that I’m not completely sure I’m in agreement with is this.

While the War of Thorns and other assorted BfA offenses presented a more extreme source of aggravation, I think the player-on-player throat-tearing was in turn just a more extreme version of an already long-ingrained trend.

Basically, I don’t think previous player conflicts over factionalism were fundamentally different. Just less all-consuming.

I once hoped the faction conflict might start being written in a more dynamic and balanced manner, but now I hope it just never, ever comes up again.

It helps that they weren’t the plot of an expansion or occurred after we worked together to defeat the worse threat to Azeroth.

I don’t disagree, but when those topics came up, it was like two pugs yapping at each other, with WoT and BFA in general, it’s now two rabid pugs screaming at each other.

Same, and that’s disappointing.

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My Bfa rant:

Bfa rant threads are stupid

Your mom goes to college.


Your mom is a highly respected ceo


I don’t disagree, but when those topics came up, it was like two pugs yapping at each other, with WoT and BFA in general, it’s now two rabid pugs screaming at each other.

I can only speak from personal experience after switching servers (and regions) a while ago: while there has been a ton of RP-PvP events and roleplay on my old server, the faction divide and interfaction divide within the Horde has caused a tremendous amount of damage to the overall feeling of the community.

I was a part of that server since late BC. I’ve been a roleplayer since Star Wars: Galaxies in 2003. I think I can’t remember a period of time that was as toxic as it has been since the BfA pre-patch. Yes, that includes the Kor’Kron.

I’m not going to go into too much detail here, considering the length of it all. I think a good summary is that there used to be some form of cohesion and unity, albeit strained, but it’s gone. There’s clear divisions along certain lines, and some of them were created as a direct result of mistakes made during the entire Sylvanas/Saurfang arc as loyalists and rebellion. People finally saw that arc as a way to ICly get back at people, and what had been slowly simmering under the surface for a decade blew up to ridiculous proportions.

Don’t get me wrong: I think WRA is still doing good in that regard. At least from the little interactions I had in the past week. Most interactions here on the forum and in-game have been pretty civilized. But overall, I think I personally wish the BfA war campaign never happened.

I forgot about this thread!

Logged in to check out why the H*LL I have a 60GB “update” and was reminded about this seeing 51 replies! I appreciate all the commiseration here, and for the others… There will always be a reason to argue against someone, even be it for no reason at all! xD

Yes, I’m geared for the content. I’m only hanging on and having some semblance of fun because of some long-standing relationships I’ve built in the game. Good friends have a way of making even the worst games somewhat fun.

Boy, would it be great for this game to stand on it’s own legs again though.

Once upon a time, I could log in and play endlessly by myself and have a blast; but now it’s a drag when none of the friends are online and I end up logging out after sitting AFK in Boralus for an hour.

I pre-ordered SL too, yes. For the same reason I’m till drudging through this tedious, obnoxious content.

As it stands there still isn’t an MMORPG that has the WoW feel to it (as much as BFA hardly has a WoW feel to it anymore).

You guys put me at ease a little bit. It was great reading your takes on all this nonsense. Have to admit, I was pretty f***in’ heated logging in just to have to redownload the entire game.

Thanks, everyone.

-Kittenz, WRA’s Professional Pest

Why is faction rivalry a inherently bad thing? I for one like the faction divide.

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I can’t speak very objectively or factually about it or draw too many points up myself to support how I feel but, personally, after enough time spent in other MMOs that don’t have factions in the raw sense of a split playerbase. I don’t think it really offers anything mechanically unique anymore that isn’t already accomplished by the different races.

Narratively it’s also… difficult to trust Blizzard to do something compelling or commit very hard in a certain direction that favours one side too much. Nobody wants to lose when they’re playing a game or have the game tell you that you did a poor job. The constant war stuff also means that characters are getting beat down more than built up and that’s also kind of miserable.

Suspension of disbelief also wavers because you’d think that between the longer lived races and recent events (considering every expansion takes place in a single year) would lend people (major characters and entire nations/tribes/clans/kingdoms) the idea of pattern recognition and that there’s usually something even worse than your neighbour waiting around the corner.

Well I’d agree on a narrative standpoint but I don’t think that means the factions should not exist. They are core to WoWs structure at this point.

I’m also not sure how I feel about previous posts insinuating that the faction conflict should not exist because it makes man babies in the community get riled up.

They don’t have to be, is the thing. In the universe it doesn’t seem intelligent, wise, or logical for a lot of characters and folks on each side of it to be constantly ribbing, battling, or skirmishing with each other. Population and resources haven’t really been addressed when it comes to “how much does everyone have left” that much but at some point I’d hope part of my personal fanfiction ending of “everyone is tired, all the big bads (for now) are dealt with, let’s just go back home and have good lives for 20-30 years until the sequel”.

Mechanically, I don’t know what they even offer anymore. PvP can easily be explained away with mercenaries or overzealous passion projects or wargames or smaller scale, legitimate feuds like the Classic era battlegrounds. Having a more focused narrative with less squabbling (or even integrating that squabbling between nations into the mainline plot, rather than having too many major ones and an expansion as a whole suffering for it) could have things feeling less hurried.

EDIT because I was making a late night sandwich and am thinking more about it.

Having even grown up on Warcraft, I can safely say that my personal feelings on it are very distinct from the MMO. The intent in both the game design (the genre hop, for one) and core of what people liked World of Warcraft is the bolded word. It came back in Cataclysm with the world revamp, it came back in Legion with order halls and the scale of our antagonizing force, and bless them there’s efforts in Battle For Azeroth.

Remember when we were adventurers, champions, and participants in causes other than “kill/subdue/incapacitate/destroy the other team”? Not explicitly soldiers or marshals or warlords or renowned weapons of/for your team? Everyone can take their own personal canon away from all that (what with us being on an RP server and all to boot) but the developers keep trying to steer us towards that as our gameplay experience.

I can’t speak for everyone but in the sudden introspection and formulation of my thoughts, it’s starting to add up for me why I’ve been leveling as many alts as I have been for my playtime rather than raiding or PvPing or what have you.

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Eh. I’ve been playing since the Vanilla days, and a lot of things that were core to WoW’s structure have either fallen by the wayside or been outright destroyed.

Dungeons used to be core to the game. Then from Wrath to WoD’s final patch, they weren’t. Then in Legion, they were a core, but hardly the only one.

Raids used to be the only path to the best gear, and a core to being competative. I don’t even remember when that died, but it sure did.

Remember when professions were super-important? That died when BC died. Now at best, they are of niche importance.

How about guilds? Those used to be the core of the game. Progress was impossible without guilds. Now you can find groups for all but mythic raiding in a handy little interface.

Ok, but servers! Servers are core. You have a community on a server, right? Well, other than outliers like us RP realms, they aren’t. Again, that interface above? You can queue up to join a group from any server around.

I could go on. Factions aren’t as core to the game as we think. It’s a legacy more than anything else, and a legacy Blizzard could choose to do away with.

I honestly believe the main reasons why they don’t are 1) Faction transfers bring in cash, and 2) the effort to recode faction-specific quests and items would be more of a headache than they can be bothered with.

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I don’t really need to devote my time nor effort to a throwaway query of an entire post I had. Kudos to those who did.

If you can’t take a step back and pick apart the pieces that make up the sum of Blizzard Entertainment and the products they produce, that’s chill I suppose, it would be unfair of me to expect people to be critical (and as some might say of my incessant whinging, excessively so) of every individual product or piece of media they consume.

But like, you can’t expect people to do your homework for you. The arguments are out there, I lazily scanned my post you replied to and there was at minimum an explanation for the basis of my thoughts.

But if you want me to summarize in the most efficient way possible, I’ll just suffice it as such; It’s regressive. It shows a complete lack of innovation. It’s a hinderance to the game’s longevity (like many other features). And that’s before getting into the “riled up manbabies”.

The Factions, as in the Alliance and the Horde are core pieces of the narrative.

The physical, do not cross, no you can’t even talk, barrier is not. It’s an archaic decade old piece of MMO design that should have died years ago.

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