BFA Rant Thread

Here’s to hoping Shadowlands doesn’t get updated every single week.

A well-thought-out expansion that doesn’t require lazy fixes every single week.

An expansion where they take proper time to test and tweak the game prior to release.

An expansion where they don’t feel the need to raise and/or lower rewards every week.

I’m hoping Shadowlands is really great.


Because BFA has been nothing but an annoying grind. An absolute nuisance.

There’s plenty of rant left, but I figured I’d leave plenty of material for the rest of the folk here.

Rant away. Cheers.

-Kittenz, WRA’s Professional Pest.

[Moderator Note: This post has been edited to remove inappropriate language. Please keep in mind our forum Code of Conduct when posting in the future to avoid losing the ability to do so.]


For all intents and purposes, hoping is tantamount to admitting that you don’t value your money. Blizzard will not react until it’s clear their margins are at risk, and even then, that doesn’t mean the reaction will be what our type of consumer wants. They could easily just triple down on finding ways to monetize.

Beyond that, with some spottiness on individual merits and subjectivity, we all felt the shot to the knees that BfA has been. I’m not wholly sure I should even bother posting here, but all the same.

The best some can do is provide feedback, on and on and on. From alpha, to beta, to ptr and live. When that doesn’t work… Well. Reconsider the value of your dollar.


Definitely agree with Suyo here. Speak with your money, not your words. It’s a bit empty to make a rant post while you’re covered in 8.3 gear…you can’t hate the game THAT much.

Also, it’s a mismanagement of time and energy to go around hating things, and encouraging others to do the same. WoW is what it is, and you are not required to play if you don’t like it.


I’m not expecting much from Shadowlands, so I probably won’t be disappointed.

That being said, I’m having a lovely time in SWTOR right now. I haven’t logged into WoW in ages (last year maybe? I honestly don’t remember). If SWTOR had decently active forums, I probably wouldn’t be visiting here, either.


I refuse to buy Shadowlands until i have a decent idea of wtf its about


Your lack of loyalty has been noted.

Is WoW good?
“WoW is VERY good. VERY, VERY, very very good.”

Is WoW bad?
“WoW is SO bad. It’s so extremely, very incredibly bad.”

Does WoW get better?
"Well… I mean… if it hasn’t gotten better, maybe it nev- it won’t at this point. BUT there’s always a chance that it could get worse.

So, umm… that’s- maybe that’s something to look forward to."

  • A Blizzard Employee, Probably, 2018

I sort of remember weekly or almost-weekly hotfixes being a thing years ago. Maybe a couple expansions ago. Anybody else or am I wrong?

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Blizzard won’t react even if their margins are at risk. Ian has taken the world’s most populated MMO and turned it into a shadow of its former self, reducing the playerbase to its current numbers. If he was working for any other company, he’d be fired by now, but the game has implemented so many microtransactions to raise revenue Activision doesn’t care.

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I just can’t wait for Shadowlands, the current end game bores me to tears.


I just need BFA to end so the community can begin to recover from faction aggravation and we can stop spitting venom at each other. It will always exist, but god damn did it escalate too far this expansion.


It’s a feature, not a bug.

:musical_note: :musical_note: :musical_note: Why can’t we be friends :musical_note: :musical_note: :musical_note:

To respond to this much more honestly and seriously than necessary, Blizzard has taken every possible opportunity to remind us that the faction divide will never not exist.

As long as it continues to exist, there will never not be right tools who use it as fuel for grotesque behaviour. This will only continue to be exacerbated by Blizzard’s choice to disregard narrative responsibility for dollars.

Don’t be fooled by the couple pittances of blue text and developer stands about how players shouldn’t be mean to each other, none of them care. Or, at the worst, some of them do care. They just have no power to do anything about it because the suits with the power just see all the buzz as free marketing and engagement, or whatever.

It’s not like there aren’t players doing their best to just get on and get along. There’s just no consequence for the others who are abusing every opportunity, and Blizzard keeps telling them ‘no don’t do that’ and then providing them ammunition and stoking the aggression anyways.

I hope for folks sake that Shadowlands turns out “ok” in as much as I choose not to wish ill on people but like… When you look at the big picture, it doesn’t take much to see just how deeply the cracks are set.


To be honest, I actually anticipate it will get worse, as the player base won’t be as exhausted from it.
Meaning that the people who like to bait these topics will be met with fewer people rolling their eyes and ignoring them.

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You’re right, but BFA has birthed one of the most venomous versions of the community. It has not been fun and there is nothing fun about people spitting pure hatred toward someone because of a color background. I hate this expansion for this core reason.

This expansion has made me never want any faction centric expansion again. I hate this expansion so much and I never imagined the community could have gotten any worse than the Kor’kron crap from MoP. There’s no point in playing if the community it just angry and unhappy all the time.

Bickering about Stormheim/Purge of Dalaran crap is fine. Literally going at each others throat because this story has been awful for both factions is not. Like, can we just have bickering and rivalry again?

Which truly sucks because this means the Story Forum is going to remain as garbage fighting instead of lore discussions. It got bad sometimes, but BFA has made it completely unreadable.

I’m personally exhausted. It’s just not fun anymore.

Feels good to rant tho.


Oof I have some bad news. (That’s mostly a joke.)

I’ll agree BfA is division at it’s worst, but I can’t call the longstanding division ‘bickering’. I also don’t believe we can ever just ‘go back’ either. The things that have been done have been done, and they will remain ingrained forever. Just like Garithos, just like Taurajo, etc.

But hey whatever, I guess that’s just me, turns out half a dozen years of experience can really jade you when it comes to idiots on the internet.

there’s a part of me that hopes the covenant stuff is going to be an attempted bridge at cross-faction stuff and then the next expansion (please god no, just make a sequel already make WoW 2 so we can have a better game and clean slate) blurs the lines without the need for organizations

also if Shadowlands doesn’t have Corruption that’s fine by me that makes it better than BFA by default


Can coming back from the Shadowlands have the aftereffect of global amnesia? pls?

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A WoW 2 would honestly fail so hard though, tbh.

Like, I could be wrong, but I think the legacy aspect of WoW is what keeps it strong. A brand new story would likely either encapsulate the new stuff people don’t like, or be perceived as that.

Plus, MMOs need end game content, and if there isn’t end game content, legacy content acts as a buffer for that. A WoW 2 wouldn’t have that.

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