BFA Rant Thread

They can have my savage ways when they pry them from my cold, dead fingers!

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I think that’s the plan, yeah. Darkspear seem to be 100% on board with that. Get modernized or get ganked.

Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!


Don’t worry. BFA is almost over.

Soon Shadowlands will be here and everyone will be happy to know that Customization Options will happen, New and Fresh Original Tier Sets Armors will happen, and much, much, more.

Garbage mogs for garbage Covenants that will probably be as much fun to deal with as the damn Heart of Azeroth. Can’t wait to see what they roll out in 9.2 to fix what was broken in 9.0 with this stuff.

I swear to God if the emissary crap continues to spit out a firehose of useless RNG crap then I’m done. I’m so sick of getting excited to see a chance to upgrade something on an alt only for it to be something they already have or can’t use because it’s another off-hand and they don’t have a main hand yet. Why the hell can we not target gear beyond “oh hey this boss from this dungeon drops X, let’s spam that dungeon 'til my eyes bleed” in the hopes of it dropping?

And before you say “well cap Conquest, duhr” NO. I despise PvP. Why the hell is that the only means of a guaranteed reward in this damn expansion?

bfa ended without a draenei heritage armor :cry: