BFA Rant Thread


It’s true. A lot of people quit during WoD, but those that stayed often kept themselves occupied with doing older content they had missed out on from Vanilla-MoP.
It’s not a substitute, but it is a buffer for nothing at all.

MMOs need end-game content so are usually/probably designed to have end-game content even at the start.

They are, but it’s historically not that uncommon for them to not have enough. Usually due to underestimating how fast players will complete things.

Well Blizzard hasn’t made an MMO in 16 years so we’d have to see how one would work out if they did pursue it.

I feel like expansion launches are a pretty good barometer though.

Though also keep in mind that MMOs are not nearly as popular as they once were. A WoW 2 would (in my opinion) be forfeiting all the advantages it currently has for new disadvantages.

Stronger, more defined design not constantly re-Frankensteined would be nice. As well as narrative distance from the current… whatever this all has been the last few expansions.

I get the appeal of this, but I don’t think a WoW 2 would actually escape that. I think, if anything, it would fully embrace it.

This is fair, although I wouldn’t expect it to be bug-free.

A 20 (or more) year timeskip would. See: Diablo 3 (unfortunately) and Diablo 4 (thankfully).

When are games?

Maybe. A time skip would be interesting, for sure. Though I just wish the expansions were real-time based.


they should release WoW 2 in a patch.
The big bad wins, and everything gets redone.



What could have been!!! :tired_face: :tired_face: :tired_face: :tired_face:

I am actually extremely worried about the premise of Shadowlands from an RP perspective. Don’t get me wrong; it looks great in terms of aesthetic. But having something to work with as a character is paramount to enjoying the RP. I know a lot of folks don’t feel the same, but for me, I like to have my main characters involved in the ongoing plot to some capacity.

That being saaaid… just as I mentioned recently about keeping to my principles, I didn’t stick to mine. They announced Pandaren DKs with preorders and I caved. Thus, I offer seppuku to atone.


You are forgiven.

you mean what Overwatch 2 should’ve been?


yes this is a goddam sentence YOU MADE THE MAW




I just remembered! I didn’t actually preorder! A friend did for me as they knew I wanted Pandaren DKs and got me it before I could!

What a great friend. :heart:

Also, they should be made to commit seppuku in my stead.

Edit: And be sent to the Maw. Them’s the rules, I didn’t write 'em!

I don’t know if this is really a complaint but 8.3 has been kind of surreal to me.

It reminds me A LOT of the Hearthstone expansion Whispers of the Old Gods, and not just in the obvious way of theme, but rather, aesthetic choices.

Like overly-cartoonish use of purple and orange, and excessive placement of eyeballs. These weren’t really a WoW old god aesthetic, but a Hearthstone one.
Just sometimes it feels really off to me having random eyeballs appearing in random places. Like, it kind of worked for Hearthstone because it was intentionally silly, but in WoW it feels… off.

To be fair, in previous WoW depictions of N’zoths corruption/span…there wasn’t a lot of eyes. It was always just massive long Maws lined with teeth and massive tentacles flailing around. BFA changed that to the eyeball N’zoth portrayal.

Twilight Highlands anyone? In fact, you could call the design curve a retcon if you wanted to because it is completely different than what we saw in Cata.


I think it’s also that a lot of the Old God stuff (tentacles, eyes) in invaded zones that are static things that aren’t a threat to you, or even necessarily have collision.

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