BfA raids soloable when?

Honestly it will probably be at the end of this expansion or start of next that the mythic version will be able to be solo’d. As you will explode everything to fast for mechanics to matter.

Why not? This game is based on gear.

Between new tier bonuses and the fact that ilvl power scales exponentially, you’ll probably be about twice as strong as now by the end of next tier. For the priests, just kill them so they don’t heal the boss :stuck_out_tongue:

Why should gear not matter, in a game that’s based around getting gear?

I’ve been playing since Vanilla and being able to go back and solo older content is something I love to do. Seeing the character progression of “let’s see what I can kill with this new gear that I couldn’t before” is why I love vertical progression game so much. Adding some arbitrary buff just cause something is old, kills that sense of progression.

I’m all for modifying raid bosses to remove MCs and or +99% DRs that make soloing them impossible, but anything that’s a pure dps thing I’d like if they kept as it is.

Because it’s old content. There’s no reason we shouldn’t be able to absolutely smash old content.

You don’t seem like it.

You have that progression in current content. You seem like you just want to keep people from easily soloing content from two expansions ago.


If it was up to me, I’d of never done stat squishes. I don’t like having to rely on a buff to kill old content. I like when my hard work at getting gear or coming up with a strategy is what allows me to kill a boss that used to require 10-20 people. It really makes me feel like “oh yeah my character is definitely stronger than it was back then”.

Then numbers get out of hand. Super high numbers just lose their meaning very quick.

We sure don’t feel that. We’ve not felt that in a long time. It will never come back. They should just go ahead and give us the legacy buff as soon as it reaches two expansions ago.

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I felt it as recently as when I solo’d normal Nyalotha and normal Castle Nathria. The feeling is still out there to get, if you look for it :slight_smile:

That feeling isn’t there. It would be there if I could smash through mythic BFA raids. But we can’t.


You do realize that the bosses have an obscene amount of health right? M Nya bosses have more health than +17 Fortified bosses in Dragonflight dungeons (Wrathion has over 17 million health).

Yeah he took about 9 and a half minutes to kill solo, but should be about half that with another tier of gear.

We shouldn’t need to gear up to beat raids from two expansions ago.

We should be able to steamroll everything in a few hits at 70 in quest greens. That’s how it used to be, with WotLK raids in MOP, with Cata raids in WOD, with MOP raids in Legion.

It used to be on the magnitude of 100x, the tweaks that they did for Legion raids during SL only bumped it up to about 3x to 4x. Then they kicked the can down the road and said, oh, by the END of an expansion you’ll be able to solo Mythic raids from two expansions ago, not the beginning.

Then they settled back to wait to see if people would kick up enough fuss about it. When they didn’t, they knew they didn’t need to follow up on the promises to actually fix anything at the end of the expansion either, and now here we are.

He’s been on this “there hasn’t been a stat squish so there’s no legacy buff needed, just gear up and git gud” trip for years now. I almost feel like we found Ion’s alt account.


There was no stat squish in MoP so being able to solo Wrath then was, drum roll please…because of gear scaling.
The scaling during Slands was also very low for an expansion (only about 3-4x power increase over the course of the whole expansion as opposed to usually around 10x before then) causing the issue that this thread is about. If you want to go back to having expansions soloable by the 2nd expansion after it, campaign for higher ilvl climb and more borrowed power during every expansion.

That one lady you must protect in the Argus raid cannot be soloed on Mythic unless you’re super super fast and lucky as she dies almost instantly in Mythic.

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Watch a video. Literally every class in the game can solo it without issues as the main source of mobility is the extra action button given to you and the enemies get one tapped by any ability.

There is also absolutely 0 luck or RNG involved as it is a literal scripted encounter without “random” breakpoints (phasing a boss at a specific time causing bad overlaps like M Za’qul/Azshara back in the day).


The fight ends in less than 2-3 minutes. That’s a tight window and those that did it solo didn’t have an easy time. Every video she was seconds from dying even as they were running as fast they could to kill the artillery spawns and getting out of the ship to kill the last artillery spawns before they can even fire as it takes them seconds to kill her in the last phase.

timewalking doesnt fix anything for people who don’t have the latest expansion. plus its ONLY ONE WEEK EVERY COUPLE MONTHS. not always available whenever.

Bfa raid bosses weren’t designed with soloing in mind to begin with also. Bfa was full of resets or combination play things like ghuun p1 as well as hard cc random player that only goes away when another player helps the initial player type things. It is something blizzard should look at since 2 expansions is generally the rule for soloing raids.

raid bosses in general weren’t designed with solo play in mind. dreamwalker dragon boss in icc comes to mind. yogg saron 0 keepers. teron gorefiend in black temple. horridon in throne of thunder. the cannon boss in hellfire citadel. c’thun in ahn qiraj. ice dragon in naxxrammas. all have mechanics designed around multiple players. malygos in eoe.blizzard went back and made them solo friendly.

Yeah but bfa in particular has a lot of rp phases that prevent damage that is only removed by splitting the raid stuff. Just off the top of my head, treasure boss in bod, jaina, rastakhan, ghuun, n’zoth(both of them) , naga council fight, nzoth council fight.

And that is before going into the bosses with permanent cc that requires other player interaction type stuff that is on a similar number of bosses. Many bfa bosses have to be redesigned to be effectively soloable without “clever use of game mechanics” type stuff.

Coz blizzard knows soloing old raids is fun and people can’t have fun in WOW.

Just be happy they didn’t take legacy buff away from raids that have them now.

It would be so funny of they disable legacy raid buff for all raids.

the main reason they wont bother is because its recoding old content. theres a few fights that are really just you cant do them solo like ghuun, mythrax. So youl need to grab a buddy. The bosses themselves die easy, its just some of the mechanics