BfA raids soloable when?

Can anyone explain to me how we do other difficulties?

On my level 60 Paladin, I soloed the Argus raid. It took a little while, probably at least in part because my gear is not good. I haven’t gone to the dragon isle yet. It was fun though.

What do you mean?

To literally set a raid to a different difficulty, you right-click on your character portrait and go to the raid difficulty option. For LFR, there are NPCs in those expansion’s capitals (or your garrison for WoD) to queue for the different wings.

If your question was about something else, you’ll have to rephrase it.


That’s exactly what I needed. Thank you.


Think with the level squish they’re still level 60. If so then numerically they might as well be the last expansion in which case it’s not until we get X.1-3 gear.

So then they need to replicate some scaling for us in BFA.

You could still solo some of those raids with absolutely zero gear though.

Since BfA or Legion. But during that time and before, you could solo ALL mythic raids from 2 expansions ago and further. I remember this quite well because one of the things I do a lot and love doing is solo old raids for mount farming on the ones I lost rolls on when it was current.

Nope. False. You keep quoting me but you seem to not actually be reading my replies. Please don’t reply to my posts if you aren’t reading them. I said MAGE have issues soloing mythic raids. I am a mage. I said other classes likely were able to.

So nope. Not a me issue at all. A mage issue and no mage was soloing most of the mythic Legion bosses at the end of Castle Nathria.

I know reading is hard.


they could just make old content irrelevant like completely irrelevant like most people want but nah we just want you to play more. i do know when i farmed the old raids i wanted they all seemed to be easier like next expansion . i didn’t raid in bfa cause boring i’m glad they made mog look so bad in bfa i have no need to waste my time.

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It was.

And there was one Matrix movie.


I literally solo’ed M Ant in worse than or maybe equal to N Sanctum gear at start of SL on this character and I was never at risk of dying and could face tank things like Gorothi’s multimissle or both Fel Hounds stacked on top of each other.

If you try to walk down the middle on M Opulence (since you can’t do the side hallways) you are simply going to die because there is NO modifier in place at all right now.

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BFA was still current when the last stat squish happened, thus no legacy buff is applied.

Because the multiplier is like x1,000,000 to replicate how much stronger you’d be now if they never did a stat squish.

Legion was like x15 damage and health from start to finish, that’s why. To put that in perspective, SL was only about 3-4x start to finish.

Some classes are better at soloing content than others, that’s just how the game has always been.

True, because we don’t have the gear to outscale it yet. We will prolly have gear to outscale it by the end of the expansion.

There’s literally no reason there shouldn’t be a legacy buff. Literally no reason.

So then gear doesn’t matter for those.

You are actually just ignoring what is being said for the sake of arguing. I killed Felhounds WHILE STACKED during lust on what would probably be a 400 IL character right now if we used current patch numbers and it wasn’t even close. My 410 SPriest can’t even kill M Champions of Light in BoD because the boss full heals (let me somehow get multiple kicks) and I don’t even come close to bursting it fast enough through drums.

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That guy is just roleplaying as a debate pervert.

Hopefully they adjust BFA raids soon.


I’m just happy I already have gmod

The issue isn’t even a modifier unless they make it an absurd number they haven’t done before. There are too many bosses in BFA that will just not function while solo.

Mythrax resets if you don’t kill it in like 20 seconds because you get mind controlled. Ghuun just simply isn’t possible mechanics wise with the orbs (especially on mythic where you are rooted and have to dunk both). Opulence needs a modifier so high you’d one shot the other bosses with an instant because he gets like 10x stronger if you ignore the sides.

The point is it would take more effort than “here’s 3x damage” they usually do which is a lot to ask considering it took a decently long time for them to remove the damage reduction on Coven when people could do non M Ant in late BFA and they made it legacy loot early.

There is a reason: no stat squish has been done since BFA was current content, therefore no buff is needed until another squish is done, likely at the end of DF.

Yeah gear doesn’t matter for something you’re one million times stronger than, but it does for something you’re only 20-30 times stronger.

Sounds you’ll have to wait until we get higher ilvl gear then, or play a class that’s better at soloing content.

Gear. Should. Not. Matter.

Also unless my damage miraculously over triples in the 20 IL jump next patch (again ALREADY requiring higher IL than Legion did) the boss is still impossible because there are 2 mandatory kicks (there are 2 priests) that heal the boss for its literal entire health bar. No spec in the game besides exactly Prot Paladin is kicking both at the same time.


Not a good reason.

It shouldn’t.


Me thinks this guy might just be trolling.


Yeah I know. I’ve fought some of them. Even two-personed them.

He’s my main issue.

They’ll probably do like they did with Legion stuff. Do a patch where they remove some mechanics (they should just remove Eonar entirely), and then go through and give the legacy buffs.