BfA raids soloable when?

it’s interesting because they nerfed a lot of Legion stuff which made raids un-soloable a while back, including the Aggramar knockback… yet they ignored the KJ knockback?

They don’t hate them, they just want activity in the legacy raid tab. It is not that complicated a thought process.

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  1. Mid platform (entrance) then upper (near tree).

  2. After kill the big guy on the upper jump down to the path between the lower door/platform and the tree to kill the dogs. When Eonar blows up the mobs, head for the ship:

  • Use “Surge of Life” (extra action on the ship) while on the ship when you click the crystals (kill the guy in middle of ship, then start south and do a criss-cross pattern).
  1. After ship is done (countdown for Final Doom now stops when you activate the last crystal), guard tree and kill big guys that come out (honestly don’t recall the order of platforms at this point).

  2. When ship becomes available second time, clear out the nearby bad guys or call Eonar to blow them up by killing a cluster of mobs, then go for the ship. Rinse and repeat.

  3. When ship is done for the second time, leave the ship, kill the adds that are coming from the lower path toward the tree (felguards mostly), and then run for the tree to kill the birds. Before you need to do too much with the flying adds, Eonar finishes the fight.

Easy. I’ve done Mythic Eonar on every class solo with a modest ilvl of 370ish (also easy with the Forbidden Reach gear farm).

When Blizzard get in trouble again and need a distraction :dracthyr_a1:

the level frame used to be 11 levels below max but this was before our big squish. plus lately even if you get the 11 levels, the scaling is seriously messed up and hasn’t been fixed since scaling was added.

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The sooner the better because we got mogs to get :slight_smile:


This tbh - I have things to farm

every boss on legion can be solo or at least ret pala , havok dh, and monk can i just did finish famring all those x mogs on mytic with no issues (yea i fell on m kj but that was more on me not paying atention)

yeah it was interesting that they reduced the knockback in the Aggramar encounter but not the KJ one? but yeah all the Legion raids are easy to solo right now, with maybe the exception of Eonar if you’re a slow class

Remember in Legion when you could solo Mythic Hellfire Citadel? I do too. The example is ridiculous, because of the insane power scaling we got with legendaries, artifact weapons and just raw stats.

But this new trend of not making anything “legacy” loot until 2 expacs ago is bonkers. There was a time when I felt great soloing old things based on the amount of patience I had to live through an enrage to kill it (Looking at you Heroic LK during MoP pre-patch with Shield barrier and the tank Vengeance mechanic).

But ever since Legion came in with the transmog collection element, soloing old raids became more of an appearance hunt than the activity to fill your time, imo. Do I think it’s a little ridiculous to expect similar stuff to the aforementioned Legion power of soloing? Sure.

But, in no way is it exciting IN ANY stretch to go into a raid 3-4+ years old and just go… “Hm, how long is it gonna take just to solo this FIRST boss.” I don’t want to walk in and one shot them. But, I would like enough power (especially in BFA content now) to a least be able to reasonably kill a boss in 20-40 seconds on normal/heroic. Perhaps a minute or so on mythic, depending on mechanics that “need” to be obeyed.

It’s silly that we even have to bargain for that, for content that has been done and kept only relevant due to Legion transmog collection ANYWAYS. And for any of Blizzard’s lack of desire to throw a damn legacy buff along with the loot rules. If it’s old enough to get Legacy loot, it’s old enough to get slapped like last expansion’s 5 man dungeon content.

I am surprised I read this whole thread but honestly I was fascinated by it lol. I’ve been kicking myself for not getting into the raids in BFA (I was all over WoD and Legion but BFA and SL I just got lazy), and was hoping maybe by end of DF I could try Ny’alotha or the Battle for Dazar’Alor. Especially the latter because my frost mage dearly wants Jaina’s mount.

However, I am rather disillusioned now reading this… especially as I have noticed the BFA content scaled up AGAIN with the release of DF. Here I was thinking I could finally get into Nazjatar and hunt that damned Bloodseeker without getting swarmed by chitterspine skitterlings at level 60…only to discover those freaking crabs had been scaled to 60 as well. And so, now I am worried that BFA will forever be 10 levels below me at best…and I will never be able to solo those raids.

I hope I’m wrong.

About a month ish ago Ion said by 10,95 we would see them be easier along with SL raids etc.But he did not say they were being nerfed just that with US getting better gear it would become easier.I don’t know why they don’t make raids with a backup detuned version (Legacy settings) which they can load quite literally when the next expansion starts,

I see no reason why the last boss of the Prior expansion Cant be 1 shotted by a newly capped quest geared character in there current expansion. And I mean this for all difficulty;.We don’t run old content or outdated content for challenge.And if people do Blizzard should add an NPC like they did in the earlier MoP raids.Add them give them a few options 1 to turn on all nerfs to mechanics and give character a insane damage buff and damage reduction. other option could be for smaller groups which does not nerf mechanics so they can get the achievements done but they do get a somewhat slight damage reduction and damage boost nothing too crazy enough to get it done without dying ,

Options like this which honestly don’t get utilized or even thought concieved enough over @ the blizzard HQ boggles the mind. Again I have stated this before No reason anyone here or @ blizzard can quite literally scream in my ear on repeat can convince me these ideas are bad for the game in any fashion.While I am here might as well add this little tid bit. Since they have an NPC for to Initiate the Spine of Deathwing encounter (Which quite literally was designed for 10 or 25 people not 1 )WHY have they not spent 5-10 minutes putting in some very basic code to teleport you to Madness of Deathwing. Mount collectors need 2 Mounts off that final boss 1 for a Meta to get the Emerald Drake (I got a carry one day the non life binder one dropped and I got my Emerald but I want skip for other reasons).And the biggest reason I and a good amount of other people have petitioned for quite literally years to get this in the game but blizzard has ignore it,Why might you ask who knows They add a pointless skip to Garrosh for a raid which on average is under 30 minutes if you don’t go like a tortoise which is comparable to Black Temple and Mount Hyjal almost in time and distance running to complete.Do these and Other Large raids Like Throne of Thunder Battle for Dazar’alor etc have a pity skip (And yes I am putting the word Pity here because it quite frankly is)No they don’t because they Don’t need one nor Did SoO. Spine of Deathwing is the only hard fight the game has which makes people who have medical problems,people who get disoriented etc unable to complete the fight.I have sene plenty of comments and posts from people with these kinds of issues. Lastly there is no skill issues with the fight its a group based fight not fixed tuned what have you for solo combat.I and many other will HOUND blizzard until they put 1 more dialouge option on the NPC to skip directly to Madness.

Think of it as Remembering Deathwing. Since that same crap was used on the Remembering Garrosh skip which was only fixed a bit over a week ago prior to it now working it would always disconnect you.

Sp if somehow Blizzard sees this Go and search all your suggestion box history for Dragon soul related posts and All Spine of Deathwing related posts on there and the Forums then compare that to the quite miniscual Garrosh skips then I will shut my trap.


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I’m just glad I could finally solo the mythic legion raids :slight_smile:

I assume next expansion it should be easy to solo the BFA raids

Probably because that would heavily devalue current content

They would need a lot of mechanical changes to bosses in uldir, bfd and nyalotha

It is atrocious that many BfA raid bosses cannot be solod even on LFR to this day.

Whenever Ion and Co decide that their precious raiders feelings won’t be hurt if they see a filthy casual in a Mythic raid set from BfA.

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They just need to get rid of the mechanics. Turn it into a 1 shot. It’s next to no work and how much damage does that really do?

Thats gonna be an unsub from me dawg. I was shocked that I still couldnt do BofA raids tonight. But hey, at least they added a repeat of the same 12 dailies that we’ve gotten for 6 years now passed off as “new content” in a patch!!!

its funny cause in the QnA today they said how a next squish will affect legacy content and now their squish technology is so good that “we can focus on bettering how legacy content is affected by squishes” yet they still havent touched BFA to this day