BfA is really going to be know as worse than WoD

Oh god no, these people are the last people I’d ever take seriously. This forum is literally one of the worst I’ve ever seen on the internet. Hyperbole for days.

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BFA isnt perfect but it’s probably my favorite expansion.

If that’s the core of your post, my response would be:

We have no idea. The only people that do are those at Blizzard with access to that information.

I know I’m playing it. I know some of my friends are. I know all those people I see wandering around the game at various locations are playing. Beyond that, I don’t know.

This confused me. Can you clarify that? What do you mean that because you cancelled your subscription, the developers took out content. I’m not being sarcastic, I just don’t understand what you are trying to say.

In general though, if you are unhappy with the game, then finding something to play that you will enjoy is a good idea. After all, it’s a game, and we play games for fun. When it stops being fun for you by whatever criteria you use for fun, is a good time to look elsewhere.

And good luck :upside_down_face:

Maybe it’s best if you leave then! It seems to be seriously stressing you out.

If you don’t enjoy the forums, don’t post on them. Stop trying to drag everyone down with you. If you can’t find ways to enjoy the forum that’s on you. Some negativity never ruined by enjoyment of the forums.

Or stay because it’s fun to watch everyone disagree with you lmao


That would be taking his own advice though, it would make too much sense :thinking:


I don’t miss WoD as a whole, don’t get me wrong- but there are positive aspects of it that I do miss, and I think as a whole I enjoyed it much more than I have BFA.

I think people tend to see someone speak positively about a part of WoD and think, “well, they must have enjoyed the whole thing.” If given the option, I would choose just about any other expansion over WoD- Except of course BFA.

Especially in a thread comparing the two, it’s important to highlight the aspects of each that you enjoy and dislike.

BFA has beautiful art, replayable dungeons and apparently plenty of raid content, but the gearing system is far too… random for my tastes. WoW is an RPG at its heart and a thing that always appealed to me in RPGs was finding the best equipment I could, and aspiring for it. With personal loot and the way M+ works (as well as PVP gearing), it feels next to impossible to go for a piece of gear I might actually want, and I feel like I have to completely luck out to get an upgrade for any particular slot. On top of that, I dislike the current design of Priest, Paladin, and Warrior. I’ve had some fun on my DK but not enough to make up for my negative feelings towards character progression. I don’t really want to go into detail with why I dislike the azerite neck system, but I hope it’s suffice to say that I really despise it.

WoD only had three raids, dungeons that became obsolete very quickly and a horrible system in apexis dailies. However, alts were incredibly easy to play and I loved the way that Paladin/Priest played as my mains. I also enjoyed rogue (sub/mut), monk (MW), druid (feral/resto), warlock (all 3), and warrior (fury, though it’s worth noting that I had an extreme hatred of arms). On top of that, I was one of the seemingly few people that enjoyed ashran up until 6.2. World pvp also felt more enjoyable than it had in… gosh maybe half a decade.

I still think WoD was a bad expac. I just think that WoD had more good going for it, by far, than BFA. Between the two, I choose WoD.


It’s funny seeing how bad people say things are, then when they explain what they’re complaining about, you’re like, really? THAT’S what’s making you hate the game?

The forums is for people who play the game, not for people who hate it. You people have had since Cata to get the clue and realize what kind of game this is, some of us realized the game isn’t going to be like it was in BC or Wrath and have accepted it. You don’t have a right to keep the forums locked down with your crap under the guise of “criticism”.



Boi, you made yourself look like a huge “fool” to put it politely.

Your reply’s are pretty comical. Get some fresh air.


Lmao, at least I don’t do that 24/7 like the people here.

People’s memory’s suck about as bad as WOD because dude WOD sucked. I’m not saying BFA is awesome or that I even like it but it would have to really get bad to be worse than WOD. At least I don’t have a garrison I have to live in now.

Come on, now you’re just projecting, making up these people in your head to be your enemies and ruling off anyone critisizing the game as those enemies.

You’re still riding this ‘‘negativity’’ topic to the ground without sharing your piece of the pie and telling us why were wrong about any of what we critisize.


I am not playing 8.3 and just waiting for sub to expire.

meanwhile in WoD i was doing tanaan pvp and even arenas on multiple characters for the fun of it after i spend some time farming fragments in ashram


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Without Classic, I’d probably let my sub lapse too. How unfortunate.


No. If you don’t like a game, tell the devs why, which is what people are doing. If people just quit and don’t give any feedback, it will definitely never improve.


Well… Blizzard has to listen to the feedback too. And not fire the only person actually listening to players and doing things to try and fix the problems (Ythisens).


Your attitude is wrong. Of course something “isn’t fun” when your attitude going into it is so obviously ready to criticize it.

Is that what you think this is? Did you even read the OP?

Irrelevant. Your statement was a general one.

No matter how open minded someone is, if there are glaring problems and issues that have been present in the game for years without being addressed, and the content itself isn’t fun, why wouldn’t they share the fact they’re unhappy with Blizzard?


There’s a difference between voicing your opinion and spamming your opinion.