BfA is really going to be know as worse than WoD

I’m sorry you want your “criticism” to go unchallenged. Is that because you know how hollow it is?

Meh I like it.

BfA is like WoD + feminism. It is definedly worst.


Except you didn’t challenge it, please do challenge it.


You just know this person has nothing of value to say when they try to whine about feminism because a female character has a big role xD


There’s nothing to challenge. You don’t have arguments you just say “this sucks, I know because the LFR hero next to me agrees.”
It all boils down to some sense of entitlement.

“Take your negative words somewhere else” isn’t a challenge, its telling someone who (honestly) had calm and collected feedback to “stf*” because they don’t agree with you. Dwarfy-boy wasn’t raging or calling people names, all he said was he was disappointed with the way things have turned out. You can still love something you’re disappointed in.

If you don’t want to see criticism of this game, well written or otherwise, the forums likely aren’t the place for you, friend.


Lmao what?


What are you even talking about

Sorry, I love the game too much not to give feedback and constructive criticism.

People who criticize the game like this are often the people who love it most and want to see it get better.

It’s like when your pet is sick. People who really love their pets don’t take them out back, shoot them and walk away. They do all they can to make them well again.


LMK when that starts.

Cause right now, most of what I see is multiple people with very little done in the game, complaining about things they’ve had less than a few hours experience with.

You really seem salty about this. People are going to criticize the game when it’s in the state it’s in. There’s literally nothing you can do to stop that.

I don’t know why you’re saying I have less than a few hours put into BfA. I’ve played every single patch up until 8.3. I was there at launch day, just like I was there at launch for Legion.

You’re just going to have to learn to cope somehow. Sorry you’re mad!


I stopped caring with this comparison stuff. BFA is kind of a write off for me. I liked aspects of it but majority felt like I could take it or leave it.

Legion also had a lot of issues.

I just tend to see a pattern in ‘‘Man this suxx’’… 3 years later ‘‘man I miss that expansion’’.

There’s a difference between criticizing and spamming negativity. What did OP even say in this thread? He basically made some conspiracies about sub numbers and mixed in some doomsaying.

Hey man, you seem pretty tense and I’m sorry if there’s anything negative that’s happened recently, but we’re just trying to talk about a game that we all seem to love to our hearts, just like you. I’ve put far too much into this to not be vocal when something’s turned out disappointing. It’s clear you appreciate the game as well, but your potential talent at the game (which is uncertain, because even though you’re armorying others you have yours hidden?) doesn’t invalidate the opinions of others. I’m sorry.


I don’t think this forum can speak for the majority. It’s just one small media outlet among hundreds of thousands of personal opinions. For all we know the expansion was a great success financialy and the majority of people loved it. Social media isn’t always correct. That’s an illusion.

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The dailies are boring and uninspired

The lore is rushed and failed to bring a satisfying conclusion

The day to day grind isn’t as fun as it could be

Allied races time gating is not great

Alting is literally impossible to anyone with a full time job

The raid is meh for a last patch of expansion

Just to name a few.

Feel free to disagree, but people who aren’t happy with the state of this expansion aren’t just ‘‘being negative to be negative because some LFR hero agreed with me’’, keep enjoying the game that you love no one’s stopping you, but stop pretending like anyone criticising this game has no mind of his own.


I have written multiple in depth posts about why BfA feels worse than Legion. Multiple people have. We’re venting now, and you can’t stop us. Deal, basically lmao.

Larisa nailed it really. You can’t stop players who love the game from lamenting about something they feel like they’ve lost. Sorry you seem to be going through something right now and you’re triggered over people saying the game is in a bad state but maybe that’s your queue to take a step away from the forums.


Same to you. Deal with the blowback from your nonsense.

Alright! I’ll manage somehow.

Looks like you’re getting a lot of feedback in this thread. I hope you listen.