BfA is really going to be know as worse than WoD

Forums have always been pretty negative but with 8.3, the amount of topics and negativity has increased tenfold .

WoD population was incredibly low and that is a main reason that they stopped publishing the population numbers*(And also because their profit mainly comes from mtx and whales now instead of subs)*

The question is how many people are left even playing BfA?

Many people stopped bothering with BfA at the start of the expac
Some came back only to leave again in 8.2
and now many have come back for 8.3 expecting it to be the savior of BfA yet it has been a disaster.

So how many people will be even left playing the game by next month once their monthly sub expires? Hell I love WoW, love Pandaren and Tauren and the universe in general but 8.3 is just more timegating and grindy trash with more than 50% of your character’s dps coming from grinds, timegates and now RNG since good luck getting your bis corrupted effect that increases your DPS by 30% while the terrible guldie gets it from the start and from the bottom of performance goes to top : )

I loved WoW but i am done, and the fact that blizzard will remove questlines, content and mogs at the end of BfA because I dared to unsub during their trash last patch as a form of punishment only solidifies my view that WoW has just become a cash grab that desperately tries to keep players through means of fear of missing out and timegates and grind plus the ones that are far too invested to ever leave since their self worth comes from their removed items from WoW.

And exactly because of that fact, because they punish people for unsubbing by taking away content that I think that maybe coming back to WoW just isnt worth it in general because they never learn.


It really does come across as a ‘‘don’t really care’’ attitude, not much love poured into the content we have to grind daily, Its unfortunate.

When I saw the N’zoth death cutscene I literally stopped speaking for a good 3 hours because of how disappointed I was, they did both Azshara and N’zoth dirty and killed them off like side characters, when they’ve been hinted at and built up to be literally world changing forces.

10 years of buildup to a lazer to the face ending.


I just don’t know what happened between Legion and BfA. Legion felt like a love letter of an expansion and this is at the complete opposite end of the spectrum. Like it’s an entirely different group of people who made it. Could not be more different. Wtf happened?


If you don’t like a game, don’t play it. Stop trying to drag everyone down with you. If you can’t find ways to enjoy the game that’s on you. Some gearing system has never ruined my enjoyment of WoW.


Oh boy, no.

Just, no.


WOD has pretty solidly locked last place down.
Anyone saying BfA is worse right now is just reacting in the heat of the moment.

Legion set the bar up pretty high after being so low, and BfA just couldn’t live up to it.


BFA is Legion’s hangover.


Nah Wod is worse.


Activision needed a new toilet paper row. BFA just happened to be the next victim.

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It has been downhill since patch 7.3.5 for many players. But the downhill decline of game design really started in WoD beta.

But yeah for most players that do not participate in beta testing patch 7.3.5 hitting retail was the first sign of neglect. What has followed since then has been continued neglect for the product that is WoW.


Your armory is severely lacking to be lecturing like you are.

I give the edge to WoD , just because I like pvping more than any other thing the game has.


Don’t worry boo, we’re not saying you can’t enjoy the game, criticism of a system doesn’t mean ‘‘If you like it you should feel bad’’, I don’t know why you feel the need to reply that.


Well one time you tried to kill me in world PVP and you failed miserably while I was questing in Boring Shore.

Broken Rogue legendaries for the win! :sweat_smile:


You are funny with your post.

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BFA has just been disappointment after disappointment with bad gameplay

WoD lacked content and it sucked we all know that but the gameplay part was way better and the last patch was also better



I was enjoying Tanaan pvp back in WoD, even with the start of pruning classes where still fun and enjoyful, making pvp highly replayable and fun.

And with legion, classes got utterly gutted resulting in pvp not being fun or repeatable


What I want to know is, to people who disagree with the OP - Why is WoD still worse than BFA to you?

Personally I far preferred WoD to BFA. WoD was incredibly lacking in content but it had some of my favorite specs (WoD Ret off of the top of my head) to the point where I was willing to do older content because I liked what I was playing. BFA has plenty to do, but its largely boring. The world quest system took away that feeling of completing a dozen dailies and turning them in all at once, all 4 of the classes I’ve mained over the years feel incredibly boring to play even with decent gear, and the complete lack of planning my gear path has killed character progression. At least back in WoD, I could still find pieces of gear in raids/PVP to look forward to achieving, to try and maximize my output. Now in BFA, Who knows when I’ll get a piece of gear that’s an upgrade, and who knows which slot that’ll even be. It’s demoralizing.

Just because there’s more to do doesn’t mean that it’s enjoyable.


I so agree with this, i prefer dailies over WQs any day


WoD wasn’t that bad. It was just missing a raid tier, and the dailies kind of sucked.