Bfa is at 8.2. How do we feel about surv hunter

Were closing in on another expansion with melee hunter being extremely unpopular.

While i absolutely love it, I dont main hunter so my opinion means little.

How do you guys think it should be moving forward? Personally i want it to have more melee attacks and cc


It’s still melee, therefore it’s automatically a 0/10.


It was a terrible decision when they made a hunter spec melee. The game needs LESS melee not more.


Far better than the alternatives. That’s my only problem with it.

It’s fun and unique compared to other melee. The theme is a little more defined than it was in legion. Seems a little bit sluggish, but perhaps that will improve with haste inflation.

It’s great in PvP and ok in PvE. Overall I thinks it’s been improved this xpac.


I play it too and like it. Our opinions matter because we do play it.

More cc would be nice, more haste would be nice too. It’s fun.


It’s a weird spec that only clicks with a few people. But the old survival was weird too, it didn’t have a “independent value”. It was this weird mix of archer and pet and…healing when you kill an enemy? No identity. New one is better and lets people live the fantasy of a spear-melee hunter with pet.


Most people giving opinions about survival hunter have never played or have any clue what it is about. They just want to get on the outrage train. It is one of the better melee classes in the game.


that’s true but what does the op really expect when he didnt post in the hunter forums lol

Love it. Still my favorite spec in game. The damage, movement and rotation are all good and fun.


I hate meeting good survival hunters on opposing team during RBGs, I get diamond ice trapped, trapper net, harpoon rooted 24/7.

Theyre the extreme minority luckily, but when they’re 2400-3000 mmr, it gets real nasty


I dont find it much different than legion. Less spamming mongoose bite is the biggest difference. Like most specs they changed a few things but didnt overhaul it.

Blizzard, in their infinite wisdom, felt the game needed even more melee. But they should have added melee hunter as a 4th spec and kept ranged sv.


Survival hunter is better than it was in Legion, I can definitely say that much (although that’s just my opinion).

It could definitely use some work though. Although I understand people being frustrated it’s a melee spec now, I’d much rather we keep Survival as a melee spec and get a fourth spec that’s the way old ranged Survival was.


Hunters should be ranged, period. Melee Hunter was always a sign of a bad Hunter. I really enjoyed Survival when it had the old explosive shot and such.


I just want my spirit bond back :frowning:

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It is not “extremely unpopular” - it is actually liked by a lot of people. You can pretty much walk through Boralus/Dazar’alor and find one in seconds.

The reason you don’t see it in raids or on warcraftlogs is because they bring nothing utility wise to raids, Mythic+, etc.

They have nothing to offer to groups. Other Melee however, do.

Havoc Demon Hunter brings a Magical Damage Debuff, Darkness, Spectral Sight (for rare sights like Kil’Jaeden) and the very rare AoE Stun. Rogues bring Shroud. Warriors bring Battle Shout and Commanding Shout. Death Knights bring Battle Res and Death Grip. Windwalkers bring a melee damage debuff. Feral brings Battle Res and if specced into Resto affinity can pop emergency heals, Ret brings their seals, bubbles, and emergency heals. Enhancement brings heroism/bloodlust, utility totems, and they can battle res themselves without affecting the battle res count.

Whereas Survival… literally has nothing. We have a weaker form of Heroism. (Yes, it’s the same %, but it relies on our pet being alive. Which isn’t always the case, as despite having a lower AoE damage, bosses have a habit of ignoring that and one shotting our pets). And that’s it. None of our talents offer utility. We offer no utility in other areas. Nothing. Nada.

Every other class offers something significant to groups. We offer nothing that other melee don’t do better.

And for those who try to come in and say “AT LEAST YOU AREN’T A DEATH KNIGHT” - On top of the aforementioned Death Grip and Battle Res, you have a ranged interrupt, a ranged snare, anti-magic shell, a ranged stun that DOESN’T rely on the horrible AI/Pathing of a pet if you spec into it, and you vastly outdamage us as Frost.

So please, DO NOT try to play the Death Knight pity party with Survival Hunters. We are by far the bottom of the barrel when it comes to who has it worst as melee right now.


Smh when people say old Surv didn’t have a theme… because it did. It was the poisoned/utility arrows/trapping spec in contrast to MM’s more straightforward archery.

I’m still salty my spec is gone.


Hunter forums hate survival and its not an active forum at all


It didn’t.

It was literally marksman with Explosive Shot and Black Arrow instead of Aimed Shot and Chimaera Shot.

Your claim is false. All 3 specs used poisons. All 3 specs used traps.

The utility arrow was Black Arrow and Explosive Shot, which again, were the only 2 things that made it unique, and were simply used in place of Aimed Shot and Chimaera Shot. It was literally just Marksmanship with 2 different spells.


I absolutely love the spec even though I prefer the legion version. It’s an absolute beast of a spec while leveling through dungeons.