We need range Survival Hunters back

Is it fun because it’s melee or in spite of it?

For a significant amount of people playing the class, being melee rules it out as a playstyle option. That’s why it should never have gone melee in the first place. That, and the fact that it took away a ranged weapon option which was already something that was scarce in this game.


Well, until Azshara’s Eternal Palace is released and we know more about the bosses, range is more desired right now.

So, right now Hunters are down to only having two specs as option for raiding. If your a melee hunter your not going to get a spot, unless it lfr or your running with your guild.

My point is we need to have SV range again by having it as a fourth spec, or brought back through talent choices.

Melee can stay for those who like the spec, but for the many others Blizzard needs to give hunters three range options again.


Lol this thread. A fourth spec, for a DPS class…and people think that’s a realistic option.
MSV is where it’s at. Sad so many people are hung up on an extinct spec, when MSV is the best, and most distinct the spec has ever been.

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Thanks once again for the bump kid, can always count on you:wink:

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Sure thing champ. Lol a fourth spec…hahahaha

Not my thread just adding it cause of other non-hunter opinions.

This is the.kind of thing people who don’t main hunters, or are newer to the game come up with.

Eye roll

It has basically delegated me into playing either BM or MM. The class has turned into a clown car.

If I want to play melee: I’ll roll a damn melee class.


SV Melee is a stillborn. They should have aborted it when the community said “no”.


Melee Hunter best Hunter.


This. Like many have said before, it should’ve been the 4th spec option from the beginning.


Oh yes please! We want that playstyle back. And the best way to do so that does not affect/hurt the existing specs(and the players that like those), is to add in a 4th spec.

I get your point. Although there has been requests for a Melee hunter spec for years in the past. It certainly has it’s place. Some will love it.

The only problem really, is that it took something away from us that we(many of us) wanted to keep playing with.

I want to once again refer to the point that thematically/in terms of design, we don’t have to make it a case of - either-or -.
We can have both as a new ranged DoT-spec with the philosophy of today in terms of design, would have an identity of it’s own.
Hint…We need range Survival Hunters back - #457 by Ghorak-laughing-skull

If the only real issue with bringing that in as a 4th spec, is like Kindwolf says, that they don’t want to add a 4th spec to a pure damage class then I would urge them to change their(the devs) minds.

Now, I would want to go off-topic for a bit and provide a link to a late post of my in regards to Beast Mastery, and how I think that the spec still lacks in depth.
Link Beast Mastery[Aspects!]

Currently it feels like BM lacks that core theme. It’s a spec that should have a focus on the pet.
But, beyond some passive talents, you don’t really have much that actually embrace the fantasy. Any active talents you can pick are all stand-alone abilities with no real ties to any core mechanics of the spec.

My idea on the Aspect system is to bring that past fantasy back of you as the hunter becoming one with the wild.

The Aspects of old was a system I thought had much potential, but what we have today are some basic utility focused stuff(for the most part). BM has Aspect of the Wild, and thats good. It is also the reason why I think BM should have even more focus on the Aspects you use offensively.

Anyway, I also included the petition for giving us A Murder of Crows baseline along with a passive effect tying it to Kill Command.

In order to keep this thread on topic, I would love it if any feedback regarding BM is posted in the linked topic.
Thanks in advance!

There has and I’ll respond with a better answer in a bit but I’ve not felt the need to play as a melee hunter in over a decade. I don’t see that changing in my perception of it.

I remember the conversations on MMO champion years ago, but it just never did it for me personally.

A fourth spec…after DH’s…which they gave two specs… While stating it was easier and better to have two specs for classes…

Super unlikely to have a fourth spec, again especially for Hunter.

You’re loss, it’s a fantastic spec.

We’re really the only class that uses ranged weapons at all. Long gone are the days of stat sticks(but wait, there’s Classic). I did do the Xylem challenge as SV and got that special Talonclaw appearance. But I’m not going to justify melee Survival on that. It might as well have been some other 2H weapon melee spec, and we all know there’s already a crap-ton of those.

But Survival isn’t even a GOOD melee spec anyway. It’s one thing to make it melee as unwarranted, and it’s the next thing to make it, practically, the worst melee spec of them all. I don’t think sub rogues have it that bad since they got good stuff already as rogues, and likewise for hance shammies(now there’s a thought: where are they?). I’m the new breed and I gave MSV a chance both expansions, but I can’t count on it for good damage throughput whilst staying alive.


If you think surv is a bad melee it’s because you don’t know how to play it.


They decided on two specs(1dmg 1tank) for DHs because they had no clear vision for what a third option should’ve been like.

Is it easier to create and maintain 2 specs for a class rather than 3? Than 4? Heck yeah it is.

We’re not saying that every class in the game should get a 4th spec option.
Much like with Druid, it should be done where it makes sense. Where there is some part of the class that’s still missing.

As far as introducing a new spec into the game, it will always require a lot of time and work to implement. Now, why not do that with a spec that has it’s set of players that want to play with it, already cut out?

As far as bringing in a theme/playstyle into the game, the old ranged Survival, with the DoTs(venoms, poisons and explosive shot), is already sought after by many.

Glad that you think so. Others like you, feel the same.

Having said that, what you’re doing, is voicing your opinion. Don’t dismiss other players preferences and opinions just because they might differ from that of your own.

A 4th spec option for the ranged Survival(DoT-spec) wouldn’t hurt your current melee spec. So why be against it?


You’re right it’s fantastic, and one of the best 1v1 specs right now…

Sure it would, it splits the class Dev team even more and becomes harder to balance.
It’s also highly unlikely! Pigs will fly when we see anything other than druids with four specs.

Dwelling on an extinct spec, and suggesting a highly unlikely solution, is unproductive and unhealthy.

There’s not much point refuting this if you and I aren’t even in the same business.

I tell you what: MSV is so good, I’m actually DISCONTINUING my mothballing for it. The only spec I gear up for anymore is MM, because I have certain principles against BM. Any good piece of SV gear is vendor trash. You can give me a leggo polearm and if it can be vendored, it shall be vendored, and this is someone who actually got the Xylem mage tower appearance for Talonclaw, when SV was worse than it is today.

And since hunters are counters to hunters, MSVs aren’t going to like me very much. They shall yet hate my guts and trash-talk me for playing the easy spec.


Just remember your first impression when seeing Talonclaw for the first time, and realizing it meant RSV was being change to MSV.

As these types of implementations always do. So why not do it with a spec that, like I said above, has players interested in it already? Even before it’s actually here…

Really? AWESOME! As we already have flying pigs in WoW, it’s just a matter of time then!

This is your point of view, Sure.

Besides, isn’t that really what part of the whole forum thing is meant to be about? For us to provide feedback as to what we like to see in the future for…anything regarding WoW?

The whole idea behind constructive feedback, is for players to voice their preferences on what changes they would like to see. Why they want them to happen. Why they think there is a reason that they should happen. As well as in what form they would like to see those changes in the game.

Simply saying that: I hate this! or… This is garbage!
Saying things like that, is of no help to a developer. Based on that type of feedback, they can only guess what you actually want/why you want something to be removed.