BFA is a Bad Expansion

Just ignore those leaks, fake news, totally!

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Somewhat, but glyphs modified abilities, essences were abilities.

Which isn’t a good thing. A recycled glyph system that adds abilities is more borrowed power design and it needs to end. The artifact abilities filled in the gaps of pruned classes and the essence system is essentially that merged into a glyph system.

I agree OP it is the “build around system” since Legion, but Legion has good items to work for. BFA and Azerite was a failed 8.0 system jsut like WoD. They had to go back to drawing board. No pull apart the ripcord as they said they have a “failsafe” for Shadowlands. Im giving it one more try for “build around” its just the same except renamed.

Because while both were terrible wod had solid pvp and pve balance, classes were fun and you didn’t have this garbage carrot on a stick ap/ak/hoa/ess/cloak grind. I’d take WoD over BFA any day.


and PVP scaling needs to go for max level players versing max level players, don’t forget that system.

:yawning_face: heard this news a million times since the beginning of BFA. Got anything new to say?

Isn’t it a bit too late to reach this conclusion now?

Not sure who “they” are but I was left out of that clique it seems. The only 2 expacs I actively criticized have been MOP and WOD. Ironically enough, MOP grew on me quite a bit and is now in my personal top 3 expacs. WOD on the other hand is still the steaming dumpster fire it always was imo.

I wish I could say that I liked bfa but it’s really bad. From the start to now it has been a huge disappointment. It’s like blizzard doesn’t even care/test things properly before releasing.

It honestly wouldn’t be a huge surprise if SL has a rough start too.

For me it would be easier to list the positive things from BfA. For example the zones are very well made. They hold the blizzard design standard at least. It’s bad when I actually have to stop and think to come up with something else. It’s just a bunch of bad and mediocre things honestly.

I get it tho, blizzard feels forced to constantly one up themselves and throw “content” at the players to keep them engaged. It’s like the players are hyperactive and always need something to do, ie a leveling grind on top of another leveling grind. Just looking at various fps games these days that have level systems lol… It’s quite sad really.

My point is that it’s not longer about people playing to enjoy the game. It’s about creating a grind/chore to make sure people come back for other reasons than having fun.


And undead mages are the worst mages, just saying. I can be provocative as well.

I’ve been a player since 2005, To me this was the worst expansion I’ve been a part of. I hate that I missed all of legion because I didn’t have a PC. bought a new PC and came back for BFA launch, stopped playing in like October after launch. Just reactivated to try and catch up and be ready for shadowlands.

I’m definitely in the minority, I loved WOD.


They need to get back to world building and MMORPG design. Run and run fast away from the compartmentalized instanced design of e-sports. At the very least stop putting anti-MMORPG ideas into the MMORPG.

It genuinely annoys me that people think this expansion is even acceptable.

Maybe for an 100% brand new player, but for someone that was around for anything prior to WoD, it just doesn’t compute if they actually played the game outside of LFR.


? not sure if you actually played back when glyphs were a thing or if you are just misremembering. Essences gave you abilities, passive AND active that changed your class’ gameplay.
Glyphs changed abilities in some way, essences are abilities. Having the glyph system come back would be nice but they are not the same.

Teldarassil wouldn’t have happened under an experienced military commander. Lothar would have never let that happen. Anduin failed big time due to him being a little child with zero military experience. It’s a surprise that Night Elves are still even with us after that disaster.

I’d rather play WOD over again at least it had BRF/HFC, over just BFA having maybe BOD as a decent enough raid although I think they should’ve fixed the amount of mounts jaina drops at the start and added the skip at the start as well or not at all.

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I got a top 30 on vexiona and just laughed because it was entirely due to TD double proccing when the adds happened to be up honestly nothing to do with skill just luck. It just feels bad. Variance due to crits is w/e usually will be within a 5 to 10k range. Variance from TD proccing at the right time or not proccing can be 50k plus especially as kill times get faster and faster.

lol you havent even really played it. You have NOT experinced all of BFA, thus your opinion is bad. I dont mythic raid, thats it. You don’t even do all the dungeons. You have huge gaps of experience in BFA. The reason why im screeching so much is because i’ve played BFA. I ALSO played Legion and it was the best expansion ive ever played.