BFA is a Bad Expansion

BFA makes the player feel bad. It’s the genie in the bottle thing that does it. I dont remember wod making me feel this bad, but BFA makes me feel real bad. i unsubbed because of it. I’d say BFA is the worst expansion in wow cuz it makes the player feel bad.


Can you list reasons why other than a very vague answer, dude, or nah?


Just imagine how awful the expansion after SL will be.


BFA creates a “wanting” feeling cuz all the different builds that affect gamplay. That’s why it feels bad. Also, too many redundant systems. Corruption, essences, azerite, and gearing are all the same system.


They say this about every expansion yet people still comes back.

Personally I enjoyed BFA like I enjoyed legion. Only thing that I didn’t like was Azerite Armor, necklace, and islands. But those are minor grievances


No news here. Just farm gold mounts and achievers and forget BFA exists while waiting for Shadowlands


You’re a bad expansion.


well it would have to be the expac after SL if there is one for me to come back. I prepurchased SL like an idiot too.

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Having lots of different choices in game play for your character isn’t a bad thing. Yes, it might have gone to far, but fortunately we’ll be moving on pretty soon.


you hope so Koz. Are you lookling forawrd to BFA 2.0 aka SL?

how did it take you the entire expansion to decide how you feel about it?

youll be doing the same thing in SL Kem. Blizz is doubling down on the worst idea of BFA in SL.


Sub count is getting lower and lower so what are you talking about


The only patch I would say that was “bad” was 8.3 due to corruptions but BFA was a meh overall expansion for me at least not the worst by far not the best.


i had to rly chew on the GCD change to really understand BFA. I legitimately gave BFA a shot before calling it the worst expac in wow’s history. I know blizz probably sees mop as the worst expac cuz of sub loss. I understand now why those players quit. The mop talents were the worst thing to ever happen to wow.

The essence of what could have been is sad. But the gearing was terrible. I stopped doing end game because of it.

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I want to give Blizz some well-deserved credit for the beauty of this and every expansion. The environments and music have always been top-notch and BFA is no exception. As for the reward system, I never played for the rewards – I used to be pretty hardcore but now I just play to experience the story/content.


Want a list? I can give you a list. BFA is bad because of the following:

  • Bad scaling and 3rd party systems.
  • The earliest stages of Azerite were failed and the rest of the expansion was spent aiming to fix them.
  • PvP was abandoned for over a year without a single update.
  • The enchant Dreadflame is still not account wide even though every other PvP enchant which took more effort to get is account wide.
  • The final raid was disappointing with another situation where the final boss cinematic was not only outright lazy, but a direct copy / paste of LOTR’s ending scene.
  • The loss of tier sets.
  • The loss of class specific elite mogs.
  • The redesign of the arena reward system lead to instant gratification and resulted in less people queuing than ever for seasons 2 and 3.
  • Corruption.
  • The refusal to address certain game breaking bugs such as mind bomb from shadow priest not DR’ing with anything else in the game.
  • The sheer amount of gating for someone to even be viable in PvP.
  • Personal loot and the problems with it such as being incapable of helping guildies because of something so vague as a 5 item level upgrade.

The list goes on and on. You know what BFA was good at? Music and art. Encounter team did a good job too. The usual points of excellence. But the abandonment of PvP (something which has never been so bad as it is in BFA) really hit this expansion hard. The good points were good, but the bad points were exceptionally bad.


Just imagine if classes were complete at launch and how much time Blizz could’ve spent creating tier and pvp sets and perfecting BFA’s features like warfronts and expeditions rather than failing to balance all of their gearing systems.

I personally think BFA could’ve been an amazing xpac if the devs weren’t constantly distracted by their own gearing/progression systems to the point they couldn’t even overhaul classes that were in dire shape.


on lvl 48 toon lol, yea great expac sure.