BFA is a Bad Expansion

Ok? Well, it’ll be done and over with in a month, so…

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There were a few good sets.

The one person using the ring for everyone was kinda dumb.

Also having Thrall kill Garosh and us having no involvement in it was terrible. They should have put him at the end of Iron docks

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Legit, when you need to know the OP’s opinion is trash.

MoP was probably the highlight of this game. In terms of progression, itemization, narrative it blows every other expansion out of the water. The only reason why it isn’t regarded as the best is because people are prejudiced against the pan-Asian motifs


Everything having to do with Garrosh is bad. He was such an awesome character and they made him a such a ridiculous villain


Reasons BfA is bad:

  • Affliction Warlock was the best Warlock spec for the first two raid tiers
  • Gear treadmill
  • Kul Tiras is lame and generic
  • Zandalar is lame and just copies Wakanda
  • Allied races were totally disappointing
  • No tier sets
  • Gearing sucks
  • You have to play M+ to remain competitive in all content
  • Massive timegating everywhere
  • Story was weird and bad, didn’t evoke Warcraft II like we were promised

I’m not a naysayer and sorta-kinda enjoyed BfA, but it is also bad.


These three points i agree with…actually 4… The no tier sucked… And making affic a st spec… Yuk

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“The final raid was disappointing with another situation where the final boss cinematic was not only outright lazy, but a direct copy / paste of LOTR’s ending scene–”

Yea, have to admit I spit out my coffee when i saw that lol. Just, so pathetic, stealing a movie ending, really? jeez.

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omg its the rp server like squad again. what a strange individual. negative topics with your own support!

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I would bother to counter this put most of it just subjective or just flat out attributing aspects of the game to BfA that were already there before it.

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Sure, sure. You make vapid points and have nothing to back them up with. Its really not worth arguing with.

Less people are coming back I am playing classic so am I back?

Encounter design?

Not even that look at Uu’nat (as an extreme) and compare all the other fights that had required utilization of caster heavy raid rosters. Meanwhile you have a trending toward heavy melee for m+.

Ideally should balance both types of dps rolls for both forms of content.

This change is I find more confusing the more old content I try. WHy old content is growing on me.

Even if I don’t get what item wise I get rep. Reps in older in raids even. The oddity of later works. Why is the “premier” end game content rep free? Raiders work hard to beat a raid down. Give them 10 rep a kill for their troubles really.

Since in the end ALL items become mogs rep is good when somewhere there is a faction vendor who needs it.

Sorry but wow is bad in general. It’s not just an expansion issue. The dev team is just not good at all at their jobs.


Doesn’t make me feel bad. I haven’t unsubbed in bfa. WoD though, had nothing for me to do, so it’s still worst in my book. That said, covenants might top that, so shadowlands may soon be my worst.


There’s praises I could give BfA that I could not give to WoD in any capacity.

  • Patch 8.2 was wonderful, Mechagon (zone AND dungeon) was brilliant, Nazjatar wasn’t anything special, but it was a beautiful zone

  • The Essence system was amazing, wish it was being expanded upon in Shadowlands

  • Dazar’alor was an incredibly innovate and interesting raid

  • While many points didn’t hit the mark, Blizzard tried a bunch of new things which they have never done before (azerite armor, corruptions)

  • Visions are a good piece of content, only thing is that they were not cut out to be primary content for 8 months.

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thats exactly how i feel everytime the weekly chest trolls me! i get over it everytime though.

Previously known as glyphs.