BFA is a Bad Expansion

To be fair to those people it’s not like BFA exists in a vacuum.

Expansions have been getting worse over the years in regards to limiting gameplay options. Like said in my post above.

From the time they decided to take rep tabards away, to the time they overhauled the rep gains, to the time they took away open world farming spots, added pathfinder, pushed everyone into world questing, gutted experience and gold in dungeons, made the GCD change, etc, etc.

Every expansion they manage to anger a percentage of the community and it’s like death from a 1000 cuts. Eventually those changes pile up to be something like BFA. The ultimate achievement in how to lose customers.


It’s because otherwise too many more people would stop sending them money.

How do you mean? If I didn’t have to grind world quests I’d be working on crafting or running dungeons or doing PvP.

I have a lot of things I like doing in the game and a lot of things I don’t like doing. Nothing pushes me away faster than having to do the things I don’t want to do.

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If the game was as bad as many of these people claim they would have already left. We’re this far into an expansion and they are still spending their time, energy, and money here. I don’t like golf so why would I hang out at the golf course?

Many players just want something to rage and bash Blizzard and WoW about.


Any activity like this is added because of metrics. They must have metrics showing that when a player reaches a point where he cannot advance, there’s a good chance he will unsub. You may not, but then the world doesn’t revolve around you personally.

If golf leagues suddenly changed their rules of engagement such that the game was entirely different from what you loved, you’d be on those golf forums crying the blues. Along with a lot of other offended fans.

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Day after day, month after month, year after year? I don’t believe that. They’d find something they do enjoy to fill their time with.

It’s not bad, its terrible


Metrics are a failure. Case in point is their scumbag maneuver to make the Brontosaur a time limited token grab.

This wouldn’t have happened if BFA was a great expansion. Clearly participation numbers must be great for Classic.

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Oh god…

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Why are you still spending your time, energy, and money here then?

I haven’t played live in months, and I have no active subscription. They still pay you for being a blizzard Shill?


Oh it depends now on how much you love golf. I personally love boxing. If pro boxing changed where everyone had to wear 20 ounce gloves (like the ams) I’d be super angry. Or something like making the ring by default twice the standard size.

These things change the game in ways nobody really puts enough time into. So it alters the end user experience and of course those involved with it professionally.

As far as I’m concerned it needs to roll back. From where Wrath left off and much deeper. Core gameplay features with core gameplay rewards. Then have core gameplay features offer specific gameplay rewards for that content.

Anything less than that is a failure.

This isn’t true. Not even a little. lol

They haven’t started.

Lmao there’s next to nothing anything on there. I might get on for like 2 seconds because of my sister and that’s it. I have free game time from RAF, so either way they aren’t getting a dime from me. And as you can see my whole August is empty, why do you think that is ? Your obsession with suckin blizz meat is pathetic and they aren’t even paying ? :0


Next to nothing is a whole lot different than claiming you haven’t played in months and don’t have an active sub. Anyways, have a good day.


I don’t have an active sub, I’ve already explained this. And my bad let me reword it for you since you’re so pressed for some odd reason. I’ve played maybe 5 times for not even an hour these past some months, not because I enjoy the game but because my younger sister is fresh to the game and sometimes needs help. You’re pressed for nothing and honestly pathetic, you gotta be getting paid at this point. All you do is white knight for blizz And try to argue with anyone that has a bad opinion on anything They do. Weirdo

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Funnily enough the only thing I really truly hated about BFA was corruption. To the point where IO do not CARE about collecting them or using them or waiting on some rotatation and to the point where I watch arena compilations and get secondhandedly angry whenever I see eyes spawn for the players involved.

The rest of it? It was okay to me, islands were neat in small doses, Stromgarde Warfront was a beautifully crafted visual update, Enchantment under the sea dance was eh, okay, but a little annoying to navigate before flying.

It takes a lot for me to hate something outright, my biggest feedback wo9uld be to make catch ups upfront, get rid of a rotation and just let things be on the vendor all the time,more skips for alts for questlines, solo queue for islands, etc.

It wasn’t perfect but to me, like most things, it wasn’t unforgivable either.

But that’s just me so eh.

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I quit in 8.0 and came back for 8.3

My questions upon return was

WTF is corruption?
WTF is essences?

Why these things exist?

And what happened to Warfronts?
And what happened to Islands?

Those were the prime content advertised for the expansion ? But where did they go?

And why this quest for ilvl 370 reward keeps popping up?

Wtf happening here ?


Yeah guys, there’s totally 12 million players still in wow! They are just really sneaky! Like… blizzard stopped reporting sub numbers because… the number just got so huge they couldn’t count it anymore! EVERYTHING IS FINE OK??? NOBODY CAN LEAVE… nobody ever leaves

rocks in a corner to keep the truth from getting in